Misc > Random Randomness
On lockdown.
XK|X Litwick:
So, what to do you guys have done with the lockdown due to the virus?
I've been doing quite a few things.
Playing RuneScape, Minecraft, Unreal Tournament and The Sims 3 on my pc
Playing a few games on my phone
Making Minecraft pixel art with Paint.net
Practicing my Makaton signs while listening and singing to songs on my Echo Dot
I also practice Makaton while watching YouTube videos of someone else doing it
I can't wait to get back to my art group again so I can practice my Makaton with my friend
XK|X Litwick:
--- Quote from: Petzbreeder on June 02, 2020, 00:40 ---I've been doing quite a few things.
Playing RuneScape, Minecraft, Unreal Tournament and The Sims 3 on my pc
Playing a few games on my phone
Making Minecraft pixel art with Paint.net
Practicing my Makaton signs while listening and singing to songs on my Echo Dot
I also practice Makaton while watching YouTube videos of someone else doing it
I can't wait to get back to my art group again so I can practice my Makaton with my friend
--- End quote ---
What is Makaton? Is it a new type of artstyle?
Makaton is a sign language. I use it to communicate with a friend as she is deaf.
I learn from watching videos like this.
I've actually started relying on her a lot less than I used to. I try to do the different signs purely from memory and use them with songs that she hasn't done yet.
XK|X Litwick:
I see. Interesting and impressive, I must say. How did you learn it?
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