Pokémon Games => Games General => Topic started by: Zell on May 24, 2013, 19:41

Title: The future of Pokemon
Post by: Zell on May 24, 2013, 19:41
I've been thinking after X and Y we don't need a new region or Pokemon but instead a Pokemon game that includes all regions and their individual E4's and Pokemon with more of an open environment instead of linear routes. Now this might be too much for the 3ds to handle but the Wii U should be able to give us game, it would be a change of pace for the normally sub par non-handheld console games. Now as far as graphics go I'm not too fussed it's more about an isolid game-play that is long lasting, dynamic and mind blowingly huge
Title: Re: The future of Pokemon
Post by: MonsterMon64 on May 24, 2013, 21:04
I'm not going to say it's a bad idea, but I doubt Game Freak will do that. Not unless it's their "Farewell to Pokemon" to end the series, anyway, because that would definitely be a good way to go out with a bang. Problem is, if they included all the regions, they'd either have to raise the level cap higher than 100 or make you start over with new Pokemon for each region or something. At least, that's the only way I can see them making six regions/games in a row work in a single game.

Also, I'm certain you're not alone on the "no new Pokemon" end of things, but Pokemon themselves are the series' life's blood. If they did make the game you're proposing, I'd rather them sprinkle the older regions with new Pokemon, too, just to keep it interesting.
Title: Re: The future of Pokemon
Post by: Turner on May 24, 2013, 22:39
Well it might relieve you guys to know a few things. First of all, every time a generation starts there are normally 1000 Pokemon created and the process is that they get narrowed down to about a hundred or so, I don't think they're going to run out of ideas any time soon.

Also Masuda said that he thinks the entire world of Pokemon is only compatible with handhelds. He said that if the Wii U was to expand in a way that it could be taken anywhere similar to the DS (Which I don't think Nintendo will do, as it will make handheld consoles irrelevant) then he'd be interested in the idea, but he thinks that the main series should be handheld only.

I think what will happen is that the next handheld will provide some kind of 'cloud' type gaming, and in the context of Pokemon what this will mean is that there will be online servers you connect to and those will serve as the old regions. A little bit like visiting a friend's town in Animal Crossing, except the 'town' (Region) will be on Nintendo's servers, meaning you can revisit old regions without having to worry about the limitations of the console itself (Which will no doubt hold a huge region anyway).

This'd be good because they could effectively set up events, different Pokemon appearances and so on on these 'cloud' servers, replacing the dreamworld. I'm not sure if the regions would play like an MMORPG or just be like single player regions but I certainly see this as the direction they'd go in next. The 3DS is really great for staying online and the whole online process feels really fluid so I can see this being possible in the next handheld.
Title: Re: The future of Pokemon
Post by: Joe_Pokemon2015- MEGA RAYQUAZA! on May 25, 2013, 14:38
Now where would I begin to discuss the future of Pokemon? Well...

New Pokemon will always have to be there. No matter how many times the Pokemon fans complain about 386, 493, 649 or even over 9000 Pokemon, you got to do it. It's the main lifeblood and you can't stop it.

An MMORPG of Pokemon might sound like a good idea, but what is much beter is a non-linear, wide-open sandbox, adventure genre game for Pokemon. You can explore regions, catch Pokemon, battle them, and even talk to others. I mean why not have a game that is workable both online and offline? Because you got to remember that MMORPGs are online games- not everyone has internet or wishes to use it for connecting a console.

I think what will happen is that the next handheld will provide some kind of 'cloud' type gaming, and in the context of Pokemon what this will mean is that there will be online servers you connect to and those will serve as the old regions. A little bit like visiting a friend's town in Animal Crossing, except the 'town' (Region) will be on Nintendo's servers, meaning you can revisit old regions without having to worry about the limitations of the console itself (Which will no doubt hold a huge region anyway).

This'd be good because they could effectively set up events, different Pokemon appearances and so on on these 'cloud' servers, replacing the dreamworld. I'm not sure if the regions would play like an MMORPG or just be like single player regions but I certainly see this as the direction they'd go in next. The 3DS is really great for staying online and the whole online process feels really fluid so I can see this being possible in the next handheld.

To be honest I never used the Dream World because it's a stupid idea. What they should have done is do the whole cloud server thing you described that acts like the Dream World, but better, and can be accessed via the 3DS, not computer. Think of it as Pokemon meets Dragon Quest X meets World of Warcraft.
Title: Re: The future of Pokemon
Post by: Lord Raven on June 14, 2013, 01:20
i think the next pokemon game will have Zell's Limit Break, Duel