Misc => Random Randomness => Topic started by: Kpyna on March 19, 2016, 19:16

Title: Jobs/Careers
Post by: Kpyna on March 19, 2016, 19:16
what are you doing for yourself right now to eat and/or get drunk at night?

right now i'm doing an internet satirist job, i write political articles that get attention and get paid for the ad revenue. i'm also in the works of writing for a travel blog where i'll get paid $40 an article which isn't money to live on per se but still some nice beer money to have

i don't have any jobs back at home waiting for me when i return... so i'm trying to get my stuff together and have some money flow when i get home until i can hopefully get a job selling things to people in person or over the phone.
Title: Re: Jobs/Careers
Post by: Petzbreeder on March 19, 2016, 19:38
I live on disability benefits, I really wish I could get a job though.
I'm only allowed to have a certain amount of money or the government will take it away from me for having too much.
Title: Re: Jobs/Careers
Post by: Clairefable on March 19, 2016, 21:25
At the moment I'm an assistant dog groomer... it's full time and it pays enough that I can pay my bills and live reasonably comfortably. And once I qualify as a stylist I'll get an extra £1 an hour which is pretty neato... and most of the time is spent dealing with four legged customers which is generally much more preferable than their two legged owners. Though the inch long scratch down my face that I got from a yorkie today makes me question that sometimes.
Title: Re: Jobs/Careers
Post by: That Girl in the 'Roo Suit on March 19, 2016, 21:53
I'm a barista and trainee shift supervisor. I used to be a head chef and bar staff.

It's not glamorous,  and it's definitely not what I want to be doing 5 years down the line, but it pays the bills and keeps me busy. I only plan on being in wales until hopefully the new year, so after then I should be in a better position to move wherever. Ideally, I'm going into museums, but it's finding the opportunity to apply when you're snowed under with work.
Title: Re: Jobs/Careers
Post by: sylar on March 19, 2016, 21:55
i dunno. i want something in animation but i guess unless i can get to calarts thatll be super tough. art doesnt pay. nothing else i wanna do apart from that lol.
Title: Re: Jobs/Careers
Post by: Inferna on March 19, 2016, 23:35
Currently work in a supermarket on the deli. Not the best job as today proved lmao but I'm getting a pay rise next month so like near £10 an hour for doing what I do isn't bad at all!

In the future I probably want a design based job. Illustration or something along those lines would nice. I have 0 experience though or even a placement under my belt so who knows I'll probably end up on the dole :')  If not I'll probably consider a masters or a teaching qualification or something.
Title: Re: Jobs/Careers
Post by: Shaymin on March 20, 2016, 00:38
i've never had a job so no one wants to hire me :( i can't afford to volunteer anywhere either bc i need money rip

as for what i wanna do, i just wanna be in the games industry
Title: Re: Jobs/Careers
Post by: Kerou 犠牲 on March 20, 2016, 12:37
I'm still currently working as a Retail Supervisor, if I stay where I am in 6 months time I'll be put onto a training course to become a Retail Manager within the company but in the long term I literally do not have a clue what I want to do or what I will do

Unfortunately I can't become an astronaut or anything cool like that =[
Title: Re: Jobs/Careers
Post by: Milsap on March 24, 2016, 09:29
I work in vehicle supply. The leasing companies call me up and say something along the lines of "I've got a customer looking for a Ford Mondeo with X, Y and Z on it and in black with this engine." I then phone round my network of dealers to see who's got one then do a quote using the 'terms' we have which means we get a discount off the basic list price.

I buy off the dealers at full discount, and then sell back to the leasing companies at about one or two percent and take the one or two percent as commission with half going into the business funds and half going to me.
Title: Re: Jobs/Careers
Post by: SirBlaziken on March 24, 2016, 15:15
and most of the time is spent dealing with four legged customers which is generally much more preferable than their two legged owners.


I'm trying to get a part time job in town so I can get a better laptop, pay for more bowling, etc. So I haven't had a job yet but i'm working to find one (thank god i'm only 16, I have time to get myself together)

As for what I want to do, I want to be a diagnostician or at least something within the medical field.
Title: Re: Jobs/Careers
Post by: kindtocrows on March 24, 2016, 16:16
I don't currently have a job, mostly because I seriously can't handle retail and that's pretty much the only job I could get. I plan on doing commissions soon and selling things I make (chainmail stuff, plushies if I ever learn to make patterns, basically anything I can do).

As for a career, I still want to get into game design. Still planning to go the collage for that.
Title: Re: Jobs/Careers
Post by: Pam-the-Lamb on March 26, 2016, 18:07
 Just figured that I would ask you guys with jobs here,

 Regarding interviews, do you always have to "dress up" (shirt and tie etc) regardless of the job?

 It's probably a stupid question since you want to make a great impression and make them like you so you're more likely to get the job but I figured it would be worth asking you guys because has a good variety of well-rounded people.

Title: Re: Jobs/Careers
Post by: Inferna on March 27, 2016, 04:40
Just figured that I would ask you guys with jobs here,

 Regarding interviews, do you always have to "dress up" (shirt and tie etc) regardless of the job?

 It's probably a stupid question since you want to make a great impression and make them like you so you're more likely to get the job but I figured it would be worth asking you guys because has a good variety of well-rounded people.

It honestly depends on the job. As you're a guy a baseline would probably be at least smart/black trousers and a white shirt. If were applying for like idk a banking job then a suit would prob be better but if you were applying to Tesco then a suit would be a bit too much. Obviously regardless of the job don't turn up in like proper casual clothes and make sure you look somewhat presentable!
I usually wore a blouse/black trousers/black shoes for most of my interviews. Try to wear stuff you're somewhat comfortable in. Interviews can be long depending on the company you'll prob be in a tiny stuffy room for the majority of it.
Title: Re: Jobs/Careers
Post by: Kerou 犠牲 on March 27, 2016, 18:00
Just figured that I would ask you guys with jobs here,

 Regarding interviews, do you always have to "dress up" (shirt and tie etc) regardless of the job?

 It's probably a stupid question since you want to make a great impression and make them like you so you're more likely to get the job but I figured it would be worth asking you guys because has a good variety of well-rounded people.

It completely depends on the nature of the role. You should at the very least dress up smart casual (so jeans and a shirt and smart looking shoes) if it's a part time job in a minimum wage environment. It also comes down to you as an individual and what impression you want to give off. If it's something you see as a potential career, or something you really care about, then absolutely look as smart and respectable as possible. Your choice of outfit should match your mindset and approach for the interview.
Title: Re: Jobs/Careers
Post by: lets all go out for some frosty chocolate milkshakes on March 27, 2016, 19:37
Just figured that I would ask you guys with jobs here,

 Regarding interviews, do you always have to "dress up" (shirt and tie etc) regardless of the job?

 It's probably a stupid question since you want to make a great impression and make them like you so you're more likely to get the job but I figured it would be worth asking you guys because has a good variety of well-rounded people.

i emphatically believe in Suit Wearing for an interview. find a suit that fits you in the shoulders (charity shop, tk maxx, etc., it shouldn't be too tight in the back. ask a staff person and if you're lucky you'll get someone who Knows Clothes) and get it taken in. Shoulders are the thing that absolutely has to fit (v. v. v. hard to alter) but if its too long/sleeves too long/a bit fat in the body those can all be catered for @ ur local tailor (you ought to have at least one around the place). even if its like a wedding dress i.e. you wear it once and then it gets moth-eaten until you die it is Very Much Worth It.
a badly fitting suit or smart casual/no suit for the most part screams "i dont Get the interview process and dont respect it either and also my mum dressed and still dresses me" and unless you're interviewing for some crapshoot of a techbro job in silicon valley or your interview technique blows everything else away, you will want a Good Fitting Suit get up even if the job is loose casual clothes.

absolutely no-one looks bad in a suit thats been Tailored for them (unless you're like, 650lbs or something) and theres some adage or other about a Tailored £50 suit looks infinitely better than a badly fitting £5000 suit. interviews are part "can the person Scrub Up and Look Good and Behave when needed" cos that speaks volumes about how you'll conduct yourself professionally
Title: Re: Jobs/Careers
Post by: Kpyna on March 27, 2016, 23:14
dress for the job you want. meaning if you can see what the employees there wear, wear something as close to what they wear as possible -- couldn't hurt to go a little more formal, like wearing a button up shirt to a job that wears polos for example, but wearing a suit to a retail interview will have them be like "ummm we aren't hiring managers sir"
Title: Re: Jobs/Careers
Post by: Pam-the-Lamb on March 29, 2016, 03:46
 Thanks for the advice guys! I've been meaning to get around to replying!

It honestly depends on the job. As you're a guy a baseline would probably be at least smart/black trousers and a white shirt.

It completely depends on the nature of the role.

dress for the job you want.

 I feel really bad for quote snipping, sorry :( So definitely dress depending on the job? I couldn't decide on the colour of the trousers, so thanks Inferna for vouching for mentioning black since it worked for you! :D I think I have a pair of black trousers somewhere so I'll just need to get a fitting shirt!

 How did you guys find the interview process? Were you all sat in a corridor with everyone else and called in individually or was it like a group session and the alpha of the group was victorious? Like, the interview itself should be okay since it's easy to psych yourself up in order to be really enthusiastic and excited whilst having a level of maturity and professionalism but is it like an interrogation process or are they chill?

i emphatically believe in Suit Wearing for an interview. find a suit that fits you in the shoulders (charity shop, tk maxx, etc., it shouldn't be too tight in the back. ask a staff person and if you're lucky you'll get someone who Knows Clothes) and get it taken in. Shoulders are the thing that absolutely has to fit (v. v. v. hard to alter) but if its too long/sleeves too long/a bit fat in the body those can all be catered for @ ur local tailor (you ought to have at least one around the place). even if its like a wedding dress i.e. you wear it once and then it gets moth-eaten until you die it is Very Much Worth It.
a badly fitting suit or smart casual/no suit for the most part screams "i dont Get the interview process and dont respect it either and also my mum dressed and still dresses me" and unless you're interviewing for some crapshoot of a techbro job in silicon valley or your interview technique blows everything else away, you will want a Good Fitting Suit get up even if the job is loose casual clothes.

 Still feel bad for quote snipping, sorry again! I'll definitely get a suit for a mock interview that's coming up since it's likely to be prep for a post-grad occupation relating to the degree :( I'll probably go through the charity shops since it's often like £4 for a suit jacket (I tag them lol) and the trousers aren't much different. We've actually got a tailors in one of the side-streets! Meant to apply for a job there a year or two ago but I forgot and then they move locations :(

 A trip into the city is in order at this point. Maybe Primark?

 I'm feeling a little weird at the moment so apologies if this post also seems weird or if I've blatantly ignored something. This'll receive an edit in the morning if that's the case.
Title: Re: Jobs/Careers
Post by: Kpyna on March 29, 2016, 10:59
The only interview I've ever been on was a scheduled time where we meet at either the place of employment or some cafe. However, I had a friend where he's done nothing but group interviews and always comes out totally slaughtering his competition, because he immediately comes across as bright and very confident, and he always says he never rides off of what other people say, it's clearly an original thought. Group interviews are a little hard because I feel like you have to have a dominant and likeable personality... but again i've never done one, this is just what my friend has told me. Interviewing is interviewing, but expect a one on one ten to fifteen minute long interview. oh, and phone interviews exist too. i applied for a snow shoveling job and an oil change job and they interviewed me on the phone and that just sucked because i hate talking on the phone. when they called me like, "can we interview you right now over the phone" i was kind of like "... seriously?". oh, don't even meet me or anything. screw phone interviews.

 If you're bring hired for a position that belongs to a big business, check and see what they ask on interviews. usually you can have time to prepare an awesome well articulated answer for at least half of them. anyways, in an interview, i never act controlling or anything, just confident. i said it before -- confident people are a minority in this world so if you can ACT like it for just a couple minutes, do it because either your employer is confident and will see themselves in you, or not confident and will look up to you. just know the differences between confidence, arrogance, and cockiness. Usually i start the interview not rigid but straight in my chair, and when they start asking questions i lean in a little. usually its pretty chill, i've never been drilled and i think if i was, i wouldn't want to work for them.
Title: Re: Jobs/Careers
Post by: Inferna on March 29, 2016, 12:04
It took me a good 2 years to find a job after I left school! My first interview was for a local oil company doing admin work but I had very little interview experience at that point and was grilled by two people lmao. Most of the others were for big UK companies. A lot of mine were a mixture of one to ones and groups in the same session. It can get quite tiring being 'on' for so long during the group sessions, and then a one to one afterwards. Had a few telephone ones as well. They're not actually as bad as they seem as you can write potential answers down. My first stage at Debenhams was a phone interview which I passed and then the group crap.
Personally I've done the best at one to ones. I would have got a job at new look if it wasn't for the fact I had no retail experience, just because my interview was so good.
Just make sure you have experiences to draw on for the usual teamwork/customer service/etc questions. Practical wise, always make sure you take a few pens, a copy of your CV and any other stuff they ask for.