Misc => Random Randomness => Topic started by: The name master on April 03, 2016, 14:38

Title: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: The name master on April 03, 2016, 14:38
Is there something you hate more than anything else in the entire world?

Here's my list:

BROCCOLI!! No comments on my YouTube videos! Painfully slow computers/WiFi
Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: sylar on April 03, 2016, 17:05
the existential crises and feelings of dread that plague me every waking moment
Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: lets all go out for some frosty chocolate milkshakes on April 03, 2016, 17:13

omg no way send me ur broccili instead ill have it. i luv broccili
Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: The name master on April 03, 2016, 17:54
Spinach! Cauliflower! Sprouts! Yuck!  :o
Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: Sizacu on April 03, 2016, 19:05
lol, I really like sprouts myself.

I hate it when people press the bell on the bus after someone's already pressed it. Look - there are displays up there that light up when the bell's pressed. It only takes a second to look. Also, when people press the bell two or more times at once? Why do you do that? The driver and everyone else can hear it :v
Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: Petzbreeder on April 03, 2016, 19:35
I hate it when people press the bell on the bus after someone's already pressed it.

I've seen this happen plenty of times, it does get a little annoying.

One thing I really hate right now is my epilepsy, I'm getting to the point where I'm starting to become afraid to leave my own house!
My seizures only occur while travelling in a car or something.
Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: SirBlaziken on April 03, 2016, 23:31
^That honestly sucks. I feel bad for you.

I hate it when my family believes pretty much anything my dad says (which happens all the time).
Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: sans the skeleton on April 04, 2016, 00:38
when my heart is beating
Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: Captain Jigglypuff on April 04, 2016, 10:42
Natalie Portman, James Franco, Courtney Cox, a trio of "popular" "rappers" that aren't even talented who shall remain nameless, an annoying ugly comedian who is popular who shall remain nameless, Gwenyth Paltrow, Trix cereal and their advertising campaign, Geico and their awful ads, a certain animated sitcom which I even refuse to acknowledge is still running new episodes, the Baha Men, Justin Bieber and his smug face, Lou Bega, SpongeBob (seriously, every time I see his ugly annoying face I want to smash it to pieces and destroy it completely. It takes great restrain to hold myself back!), Duck Hunt, Avatar The Last Airbender (the whole franchise), Star Wars, Peter Pan and any variation of his story minus Hook, Digimon, watermelon (even the air freshener, if that awful stuff touches even the tiniest bit of my food, I will refuse to eat it), lights on during the day in my apartment and homes of other people I feel comfortable around, being stuck in the middle of two different family feuds for the past five years now, plaid on most things like pants or jackets, groundhogs, Lickilicky (aka Ickyicky!), and Quadlin's facial Sprite.
Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: The Shrub Dragon on April 04, 2016, 11:05
jesus wept

probably when u gotta pretend to like someone who's turned on u because u were friends w them and now they're popular and if u turn back on them u'll get rejected by society and left to rot in the gutter

also, onions
Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: Kpyna on April 04, 2016, 13:58
-be me and love all vegetables and look at this thread-

you gotta grill those brusell sprouts boy

oh i hate my roommate
Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: sans the skeleton on April 04, 2016, 16:46
people using the R slur.
you know which one it is pls dont type it out because i will lose literally all respect in you and i will judge you forever because im sick of having to constantly explain to ppl why they should not be utter pipeheads
( for info if ur actually interested/legit unaware)

i love veggies for the most part but im not a fan of cauliflower? its like the inferior cousin to broccol.i also hate coleslaw, beetroot, and there's probably a few more. ginger is one of them.

the entire chespin line (another inferior ripoff)

dedenne- haha no just kidding dedenne's alright for another pikachu ripoff. havent seen it battle yet

emolga for fighting against early game, they're ok at the end

cinnamon, coconut curry (i love tikka masala tho, just... no coconut at all. pls.), most people with the name 'ellie' (bad experiences, im sure the ellies on this site would be okay)
Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: Pam-the-Lamb on April 04, 2016, 19:51
 I really hate those people who need to turn everything and anything into a competition where they have to show their superiority.

 The only example I can think of would derail the topic and I don't want that.

 We all know someone who's like this though.
Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: sylar on April 04, 2016, 22:49
on the subject of slurs
people using "queer" as a blanket term for all lgbt people
(drags hands down face) my suicide note is just a recording of every time ive been in an "lgbt safe space" where ive been called ~*queer*~ despite asking them not to use that word anywhere near me and explained WHY its such a disgusting term

call yourself queer all you like but if you come at me calling me part of the Queer Community you got about 5 seconds to get out my sight my friend
Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: Lord Raven on April 04, 2016, 23:59
people using the R slur.
I'm not trying to find a loophole or anything, but I'm legitimately curious since we tend to use that term in physics a lot in a non-derogatory way.****ded_potential

It's a very important concept too.  And a formal term for drag forces and all of that is "r****ding force."  Is that offensive as well?

Again, I understand that calling someone that term is very very offensive especially to differently-abled people, but it's not used inappropriately in every context.
Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: Kpyna on April 05, 2016, 00:04
@sylar i was wondering about that... in my school i heard a lil here and there about people and even some of my lgbtq+ friends from school saying that word and i'm silently sitting there like, the only straight one in the group like, "sooo... was that word reclaimed" i always erred on the side of caution and never said it but i don't think i'll ever not get the same kind of uncomfortable as when someone says something racist when people say that in front of me... just was always used as a slur when i was growing up and i'm not ready for it

and i feel like the "r" word is one of those things where before you completed high school you should have gained enough experience with different kinds of people to know its not ok to say. every time i see someone my age use that word im like, "so what kind of life are you living where you haven't formed a meaningful connection to someone who would take offense to that word" swear to god

also if we're counting ginger as a veggie i hate ginger. and while that's in my mind, horseradish sucks too

sniped: @raven what i've heard in my experience is its two different things. there's using the word r****dation to describe holding back or delaying something, vs someone. like there's a lot of words you can call a thing but not a human (like you can call a sandwich juicy and it's fine but i call someone juicy and suddenly things are weird)
Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: Laprabi on April 06, 2016, 02:28
Ohhh where to even begin.

I think the main one for me is this whole PC culture, where you can't even speak your mind or voice even a remotely contentious or controversial opinion without being chastised for it. Websites like Facebook and Twitter are particularly bad for it. That being said it's very funny to watch Twitter's stock price tank when it's revealed that their moderators in favor of censorship and the curbing free speech.

Curbing of free speech in any way, shape or form is something that is a source of particular aggravation for me. Goodbye to a key cornerstone of Western democracy.

Celebrity culture as well. It's mind-numbing and boring. Honestly I don't care about what some B-list 'celebrity' has done.

One final thing; people who think liking something on Facebook will do anything beneficial. You probably see stuff like this all the time without realising. It's basically a way for someone to pat themselves on the back and say 'I'm making a difference' without doing anything of the sort. The new form of armchair activism.

Rant over. There's stuff I've left out but hey ho, only the essentials right?
Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: sylar on April 06, 2016, 03:19
man larabi what happened to you
Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: Lord Raven on April 06, 2016, 06:05
I think the main one for me is this whole PC culture, where you can't even speak your mind or voice even a remotely contentious or controversial opinion without being chastised for it. Websites like Facebook and Twitter are particularly bad for it. That being said it's very funny to watch Twitter's stock price tank when it's revealed that their moderators in favor of censorship and the curbing free speech.

Curbing of free speech in any way, shape or form is something that is a source of particular aggravation for me. Goodbye to a key cornerstone of Western democracy.

PC is nothing more than being mindful to your audience.  Extreme PC is crazier, but it's a response to douche bags being extreme on the complete opposite side.

Private sectors are not bound by free speech.  Don't pretend that you have free speech on twitter, facebook etc because they're not government organizations.

Western Democracy has led to crap like Donald Trump potentially being a presidential candidate come the fall.  Let's not pretend it's something amazing we need to protect.

I honestly wish I could respond to this thread because there's a lot of concepts and ideas I hate.  They tend to deal with anti-social justice, buzz words, and people utilizing buzz words with very little substance just to bring people down.  There's a very good reason why I try to put more detail in things I say and it comes off as rambling - because I want to define the terms I use and why I use them to a great extent.
Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: Milsap on April 06, 2016, 12:42
an annoying ugly comedian who is popular who shall remain nameless,

Lee Evans? Is it Lee Evans?

Let's see- I hate the word 'banter'. Well, not in the typical sense because the stuff you see on Soccer Saturday, Match of the Day, QI, Mock the Week etc is 'banter' in the traditional sense: A bit of playful teasing between a group of mates. It's the whole 'LAD BANTER' thing that's going on where people will do something sexist/misogynistic/racist/bigoted and go "Oh calm down, it's just a bit of banter." Stop blurring the line between 'having a bit of a laugh' and 'being a bellend'.

I also hate it when the button for the lift has clearly been pressed, but people will repeatedly press it, as if that makes the lift come any quicker.

And people who have to post hourly Facebook updates about what their kids are doing "OMG little Johnny just sneezed lol!"

And a formal term for drag forces and all of that is "r****ding force."  Is that offensive as well?

Airbus GPWS altitude callouts go 50-40-20-r****d-10, where 'r****d' means idle the throttles at 15ft to get the plane on the runway.
Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: lets all go out for some frosty chocolate milkshakes on April 06, 2016, 18:06
i use the R word but only for myself cos im still Struggling with being latently brainstunted in some ways and i know a lot more nastier surprises are in wait lmao. and cos me partner has a downs syndrome sister i try to only use it when im talking to myself. which happens a lot. the talking about myself that is.

same with other Forbidden Slurs around that end of the alphabet. for me its vaguely reclamaitiony cos that helps Depower them for when people use them Nastily, like how im training myself to burst out into laughter when i read any form of weird -phobia. around other people irl i try not to use them too much tho.

edit2: on second thoughts forget that rambling second half of my post its not even worth it imo, i keep forgetting that thing about internet arguments where no-one actually wins

edit3: this is getting to borderline meltdown levels of re-editing a post but to avoid vagueblogging suspicion it was me careposting @ the "twitters stock price fell cos of those dang sjws eroding our civil liberties and my right to look at creepshots on reddit" thing but like engaging anyone on that it was a Bad Idea. ok weird dysfunctional post over i hope
Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: Spriter on April 06, 2016, 22:40
People talking down others, usually those within minorities, by dismissing their legitimately good points as "whining" or "sjw nonsense" really frustrates me. Overthinking. Feeling depressed for no reason. Feeling like I'm being clingy and needy. Somewhat ironically relevant to this topic, I also hate the thing where you're like "oh crap I've done that" or "oh crap I said that" when someone says stuff like "if you do this you're not my friend" or "i don't want anything to do with you" and it makes you feel really guilty. Gonna throw my hands up here, I've used the words mentioned in this topic before inappropriately (remember when high school was just full of idiots throwing out ignorance-fuelled insults? I probably stooped down to their level a few times in return).

But then again, I don't anymore and I guess I know much more about why they shouldn't be used inappropriately than I did before?

On a lighter / petty note, I really hate when my sister mimes a song she's listening to and thinks she's doing it without making a noise, but she does these obnoxiously annoying breaths every now and then because she's trying too hard to mime lyrics. It's so irritating, honestly.

Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: sans the skeleton on April 06, 2016, 23:51
all the time, raven. im not likely to go into physics so its not something that's likely to be brought up with me unless people are really digging for loopholes or something. if there's an alternative for the term i prefer people use that. it was one of the main things i was constantly branded as growing up and i completely detest it to the point where i start really dislike people trying to justify it in any way. not in your case - you're not fighting for the '''''right'''' to use it like some ppl do, but i've legit lost friends over it pretty often because they refuse to consider how the words that come out of their mouths (or fingers) may affect others.

also in agreement with spriter's first para.

like, if someone's used the word before finding out it's bad? no blame there. if they find out why it's bad and keep using it, that's when i legitimately want nothing to do with them. it's not their fault if they genuinely didn't know it, and then stopped using it after finding out.

oh!!! speaking of this topic, whenever you ask someone to stop doing something becaue it upsets or annoys you or whatever.... and then they start either trying to justify it "my dog's big sister didn't mind it so you shouldnt'' or outright 'muh free speech is taken away because you said please to not be a jerk'
Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: E.C.A.M.B.S. on April 07, 2016, 03:24
I try to avoid people who, when angered, need to blow off some steam by attacking someone with a string of insults even after the conversation has ended, the issue already settled. There have been times when I've made clumsy mistakes and been personally attacked as a result.

When I screw up, I silently acknowledge my mistake and learn from it, making sure that I will do things differently next time. But some people feel that others can't figure these things out for themselves and feel that they need to be taught a lesson.

I try not to listen to their disparaging remarks, but that's hard to do when I can hear it. I tell myself, "Okay, I made a mistake. That's fine. It's a learning experience. End of." Then someone feels the need to perpetuate it and ruin my mood as a result.

I'm not fond of people governed by the selfish desire to release their anger and carelessly throw around insults, without any regard to how their words might affect someone.
Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: Lord Raven on April 07, 2016, 09:27
Lee Evans? Is it Lee Evans?

he's not a comedian but that's the name of a wide receiver that dropped a pass in the 2011-2012 nfl playoffs that, if caught, would've sent us to the super bowl

and we would've wrecked the giants thanks to our iron dong quarterback and our stout defense

lee evans is such a terrible name
Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: The Shrub Dragon on April 07, 2016, 10:30
when ur mother keeps guilt tripping like 'sorry i'm such a horrible mum' and 'me arguing with dad when you were nine is why you developed depression isn't it' like no???? imagine if i could ask you not to do something and provide evidence for it without you doing this it's just putting a downer on everything i do today because i'm so annoyed and upset with her why is she like this why does she always do this i am so sick of it
Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: Captain Jigglypuff on April 08, 2016, 01:00
I hate almost every version of Peter Pan with the sole exception of Hook. Most of the adaptations have him as a brat who is also a huge bully who cut off a man's hand off for no actual reason at all other than for laughs and fed it to a gator also for laughs and wakes up the victim so he can NEVER have any sleep. He also is incredibly annoying that I find the three year old boy more tolerable. And you know it's REALLY bad when you are the main character of a major Disney release's side kick is not only more popular than you and has her own toy line and cartoon series and your enemies ALSO get their own franchise but you get nothing. So evenDisney hates Peter. Hook is the exception only because it's Robin Williams and Peter is an adult and the movie is more about getting his son back than anything else.
Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: E.C.A.M.B.S. on April 11, 2016, 02:42
I don't hate anybody, but I don't like people who, when explaining their point of view to someone who misunderstood them, use words like "idiot" or "degenerate" and claim that they're just being blunt. There is a difference between blunt and outright disrespectful.

Also people who say those words to those who disagree with them. I don't like ad hominem
Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: Lord Raven on April 11, 2016, 04:23
People use ad hominem pretty freely, and it's not "you insulted me in an argument!" it's more "your argument is hinged upon insulting me."

There's a difference between, "You're an idiot, and here are some facts about the subject that contradicts the reasoning behind your viewpoint" and "This is not true because you're an idiot."  The former is rude as hell, has an insult, but it also provides an argument, therefore it does not constitute ad hominem.  The latter does, however.
Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: Milsap on April 11, 2016, 08:35
People who state an opinion on something and then put 'END OF!' or 'FACT' at the end, as if that carries extra weight into the debate and makes them right.

"Lionel Messi is the world's best footballer END OF"

Watch out, he used 'end of', it must be true... ::)
Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: E.C.A.M.B.S. on April 12, 2016, 01:18
People use ad hominem pretty freely, and it's not "you insulted me in an argument!" it's more "your argument is hinged upon insulting me."

There's a difference between, "You're an idiot, and here are some facts about the subject that contradicts the reasoning behind your viewpoint" and "This is not true because you're an idiot."  The former is rude as hell, has an insult, but it also provides an argument, therefore it does not constitute ad hominem.  The latter does, however.

Yes, you're exactly right. I should've been more specific, it's the ones who don't give a reason for why I'm wrong and an idiot that I don't like. With those who insult me but give a reason, I try to calmly address the insult first and then say what I think. I hope that's a good way to go about it

I don't like chicken which is strange considering that people eat it all the time. I heard it's good for your health but it tastes plain.
Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: Kpyna on April 12, 2016, 15:40
^ ever heard of seasoning

white people honestly don't do chicken right

edit: just read youre in new orleans. get chicken there.
Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: sylar on April 12, 2016, 15:44
*puts salt on chicken* to make it spicy
Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: E.C.A.M.B.S. on April 13, 2016, 00:23
^ ever heard of seasoning

white people honestly don't do chicken right

edit: just read youre in new orleans. get chicken there.

I knew someone would bring up seasoning. It makes chicken less plain, but my issue is that I don't like the actual taste of chicken to begin with. I'll try it here but that's if I can pass up crawfish :)

Well New Orleans changed my mind about rice so it might change my mind about chicken too
Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: Kerou 犠牲 on April 13, 2016, 07:05
Chicken is absolutely the blandest / naturally worst tasting out of the mainstream meats. It'd be on the bottom of meats I'd want on a roast.
Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: Inferna on April 13, 2016, 08:30
Since I moved out chicken is prob the only meat I buy regularly. It's easy to cook and if you season it properly and cook it right it's fine. I guess that it does need sauce or gravy to go with it though.

I hate lamb though. It tastes too strong for my liking and I got told one Sunday that we were having roast beef but it was actually lamb so that's why I have trust issues lmao
Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: Captain Jigglypuff on April 13, 2016, 09:28
I never liked the idea of eating lamb or veal. It makes me feel guilty. I'll eat lamb if there is nothing else to eat and someone went through the trouble to make it. My dad keeps on trying to make me eat it and it annoys me that he doesn't respect the fact that I don't eat lamb.
Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: Milsap on April 13, 2016, 11:47
Chicken is absolutely the blandest / naturally worst tasting out of the mainstream meats. It'd be on the bottom of meats I'd want on a roast.

I like using those Lloyd Grossman chicken sauces when I make chicken, but I'll happily eat it without anything on.
Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: Lord Raven on April 13, 2016, 18:20
Chicken is absolutely the blandest / naturally worst tasting out of the mainstream meats. It'd be on the bottom of meats I'd want on a roast.

sure when white people cook it it's bland as hell
Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: Kerou 犠牲 on April 13, 2016, 18:38
sure when white people cook it it's bland as hell

well even then whatever you can do to enhance chicken through spices and marinades usually beef / lamb or fish turn out better (obvs depends on the dish itself though). As a meat taste wise it's ehhhh.
Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: Shaymin on April 13, 2016, 18:51
Natalie Portman, James Franco, Courtney Cox, a trio of "popular" "rappers" that aren't even talented who shall remain nameless, an annoying ugly comedian who is popular who shall remain nameless, Gwenyth Paltrow, Trix cereal and their advertising campaign, Geico and their awful ads, a certain animated sitcom which I even refuse to acknowledge is still running new episodes, the Baha Men, Justin Bieber and his smug face, Lou Bega, SpongeBob (seriously, every time I see his ugly annoying face I want to smash it to pieces and destroy it completely. It takes great restrain to hold myself back!), Duck Hunt, Avatar The Last Airbender (the whole franchise), Star Wars, Peter Pan and any variation of his story minus Hook, Digimon, watermelon (even the air freshener, if that awful stuff touches even the tiniest bit of my food, I will refuse to eat it), lights on during the day in my apartment and homes of other people I feel comfortable around, being stuck in the middle of two different family feuds for the past five years now, plaid on most things like pants or jackets, groundhogs, Lickilicky (aka Ickyicky!), and Quadlin's facial Sprite.

can you maybe chill

i hate extreme heat or cold. both suck major butts. spiders too. i also hate the fact i forget too many words......
Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: That Girl in the 'Roo Suit on April 13, 2016, 20:05
sure when white people cook it it's bland as hell
I resent that, I cook a mean chicken!

Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: lets all go out for some frosty chocolate milkshakes on April 13, 2016, 20:10
people who aint figured out the difference between inferior trashmeat chicken breast and superior best dark meat chicken thigh/oysters itt

im so glad whenever i do a roast no-one else knows about chicken oysters yet. all mine aahahahahaha (no its not the chickens balls its a little round bit near the thigh/dorsal bit of the chicken)
Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: Lord Raven on April 14, 2016, 00:55
well even then whatever you can do to enhance chicken through spices and marinades usually beef / lamb or fish turn out better (obvs depends on the dish itself though). As a meat taste wise it's ehhhh.

not true

source:  tried it
Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: Milsap on April 14, 2016, 09:03
I resent that, I cook a mean chicken!

It's best to leave the skin on. Best bit.
Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: Kerou 犠牲 on April 14, 2016, 16:30
not true

source:  tried it

my tastebuds disagree
Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: Sizacu on April 16, 2016, 18:02
Chicken's great, unless you're eating breast. That's so dry and blegh. The thighs and wings are the best part.

i hate extreme heat or cold. both suck major butts.
I agree.
Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: The name master on April 21, 2016, 21:00
i hate my roommate
(that awkward moment when he/she is looking over your shoulder!)

I've never been a fan of celery!
Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: Petzbreeder on April 21, 2016, 21:11
My constant dizziness.

It gets worse when I have a full bladder for some reason. It certainly is a bit of an inconvenience at the best of times.
Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: Shaymin on April 23, 2016, 02:10
i hate the fact i'm in pain all the time and there's nothing doctors can do but mitigate and medicate

i'm told to keep my weight stable (hint, i haven't. idk how much i've gained recently but i know i ain't 70kg last time i weighed my ass), and told to exercise (can't, it makes my pain worse and i get exhausted far too quickly).

everything about it is stupid. for the past 8 years i can barely remember a day where i wasn't in some form of pain - from mild slightly annoying pain to the full blown, excruciating, can't get out of bed without lots of meds pain. thankfully the latter (excruciating) are few and far between but they're more frequent than they have ever been.

it used to be just my knees that would ache all the time. i'm talking toothache style here, but in my knees. and i'm not talking like "oh noo i ate too many sweets my teeth hurt :(((" i'm talking "good god this tooth is killing me remove it this instant" style. alternatively, awful period cramps that leave you hunched over and wanting to die, but in my knees. the pain has now migrated to my other major joints - ankles, hips, elbows, shoulders, wrists. i even get pain in the joints of my fingers and toes too

the cause?? something a lot of people have. joint freaking hypermobility (aka, double jointedness. you're not bloody double jointed you freaking dumbnut, you have looser and/or stretchier ligiments). for some people this is a good mutation - it helps gymnasts be super flexible and other stuff. then there's me, who's stupid extra flexibleness results in waaaaaaaaaaay too much pain.

oh and i hate that i can never get my glasses clean :/
Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: Milsap on April 25, 2016, 08:15
People who share these BS stories like "A soldier walked into a Tesco and was refused service by a Muslim checkout assistant because he was in uniform SHARE IF YOU THINK THIS IS A DISGRACE!"

Also- Poppy hysteria every November.
Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: The name master on May 09, 2016, 16:41
The fact that I have hardly any comments on my videos on YouTube! No comments hardly ever!  :'( why?
Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: Kpyna on May 09, 2016, 23:39
my roommate again i'm gonna miss europe but the idea of never seeing her again making leaving a bit exciting

gonna use these spoiler tags because she's filthy and its gross so just in case you're eating.

Spoiler: show
the other day i brought pat over and he had to use the bathroom and i had to make sure he used a specific bathroom because the other one she made her own trash (even though i literally bought a bathroom trash) out of a clear vegetable bag and it was filled absolutely to the brim with nasty girl products. I BOUGHT A BATHROOM TRASH THAT OPENS AND SHUTS BECAUSE NOBODY LIKES TO SEE THAT. also, it's just smelly. she's the only one who uses that bathroom as a result. she hasn't washed her sheets since she's moved in. she undid her weave and now the bathroom drain is clogged and her hair is all over the bathroom. i've noticed she doesn't have her own shampoo, conditioner, or soap unless she's stashing it in her room and bringing it in to shower which... wouldnt make sense since we have shelves for bathroom products in there. there's also a huge clump in the overflowing bathroom trash. she gets the toilets streaky and doesn't bathroom wand it clean. leaves meat out until it smells and then eats it. likely why the toilets get streaky. been living with this every day for 4 months. she's a filthy hamster. rant over.

2 more days...
Title: Re: Things you REALLY hate!
Post by: Milsap on May 10, 2016, 09:16
wouldnt make sense since we have shelves for bathroom products in there.

I dunno, we used to keep our shampoos and body washes in our rooms until we needed them because people were not using/buying their own and using others.

One of my friend's sister is having a baby. And all I see on Facebook is baby this, husband that, baby this, husband that "LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" Well done, you're married and having a kid. The rest of the world doesn't need to see six updates a day about how you're having one and your husband's 'amazing'. Same goes for others- They might as well just post "OMG my kid just breathed in... And out... And in! And out!"


I love social media, just not 90% of the people who use it.