General Category => General Pokémon Discussion => Topic started by: The name master on July 14, 2017, 19:16

Title: Wierd/Annoying Things In Pokemon
Post by: The name master on July 14, 2017, 19:16
Have you ever encountered anything unusual or odd in pokemon. Something unlikely the just happened to happen?

In Yellow, my bag was full and I needed to pick up the lift key. I decided to use a rare candy on my weakest pokemon, Ivysaur. By he only had 1 exp to go to next level.


So I had to go out and get that one exp, then come back. Shortly after, I got another rare candy that filled the bag and I needed to get the poke flute, so I tried to use a rare candy on Ivysaur again....

Spoiler: show

DAMN YOU, IVYSAUR!!! He's grinning! He's laughing at my pain and misery!  :(
Title: Re: Wierd/Annoying Things In Pokemon
Post by: Petzbreeder on July 14, 2017, 19:33
The French games give me this on occasion.

Translation: OK, Brally? You owe me 10000 if You're late!

Translation: Sorry, Sorry! I'm still late...

I like playing my games in French, but it gets annoying after a while!

Je suis une Français Pokémon Dresseuse.
Translation: I am a French Pokémon Trainer.
Title: Re: Wierd/Annoying Things In Pokemon
Post by: The name master on July 15, 2017, 21:17
Feraligatr. Not gonna lie....

Spoiler: show
Nice booty! 👌
Title: Re: Wierd/Annoying Things In Pokemon
Post by: MegaNerd14 on July 16, 2017, 11:33
That one blocked off door in Sootopolis.  There's nothing there, why not finish the wall so I don't think there's something there!?!
Title: Re: Wierd/Annoying Things In Pokemon
Post by: The name master on July 16, 2017, 11:55
That one blocked off door in Sootopolis.  There's nothing there, why not finish the wall so I don't think there's something there!?!

blocked door (

Explanation of the crash from the comments

"In the Japanese versions, the room was supposed to be the place where you could battle trainers who you scanned in with the E-Reader accessory.  However, in the US version, E-Reader functionality was abandoned due to the fact that the E-Reader was a commercial failure in the 'States.  The game displays odd text and crashes because it tries to access a nonexistent memory location normally reserved for the E-Reader. Since there is no written data in that location, whatever the game displays is completely random and often uninterpretable by the game, and so it crashes."
Title: Re: Wierd/Annoying Things In Pokemon
Post by: MegaNerd14 on July 16, 2017, 12:19

blocked door (

Explanation of the crash from the comments

"In the Japanese versions, the room was supposed to be the place where you could battle trainers who you scanned in with the E-Reader accessory.  However, in the US version, E-Reader functionality was abandoned due to the fact that the E-Reader was a commercial failure in the 'States.  The game displays odd text and crashes because it tries to access a nonexistent memory location normally reserved for the E-Reader. Since there is no written data in that location, whatever the game displays is completely random and often uninterpretable by the game, and so it crashes."

There's still no loading zone or warp programmed there. The problem is it's blocked off with potted plants rather than properly sealed.
Title: Re: Wierd/Annoying Things In Pokemon
Post by: The name master on July 16, 2017, 12:40
The problem is it's blocked off with potted plants rather than properly sealed.
That's because they most likely had a very limited time to translate and whatever else to the game, they didn't have time to get rid of the door and replace it with a wall, so just put some plants instead.

It's annoying, though (personally, I didn't know about it until you mentioned it, so I'm lucky!) kinda like that "Mew is under the truck" thing!