Other Pokemon => Pokémon Live Connection => Character Guides => Topic started by: ZD| Wattmole on July 08, 2010, 02:00

Title: Len Sumac
Post by: ZD| Wattmole on July 08, 2010, 02:00
Name: Len Sumac
Age: 12 (He still thinks he's 10 though)
Gender: Male
Description: ( Len is a pipsqueak, standing only six inches over four foot, and weighing a frail 78 pounds. He's got relatively no muscle mass and always appears sleep deprived, with seemingly permanent bags under his eyes even after waking up. He always wears a starch white button-up shirt, bright blue jeans, and dark black sneakers, along with a black travel pack slung across his body. His black hair, though medium in length, always seems to have a lot of volume and seems to just fall into place every morning.
Personality: Len is a timid little guy, with good reason. When in a scrape, he's more likely to hide behind someone bigger than him rather than face the danger or even flee. He's quiet too, never having much to say in most situations, and even if he does he's not used to polite conversation or remembers any etiquette and thus has a tendency to just blurt out comments some might see as rude. At least he seems to brighten up when he's playing with his pokemon, though he barely remembers them. Just something in his head and heart just lighten and allow him to be carefree and happy.
History: Len is just fresh out of his hometown of Oldale and onto his pokemon journey. Or at least, he thinks he is. Len left home at the age of ten with only his Poochyena, Pal, and spent the next few weeks catching his two other pokemon, he even set up a secret base on route 102 that he spent several days in. However, as he was apprehended by some mysterious strangers just outside of Petalburg City.

He's not sure what happened, he doesn't remember anything about himself. Not his name, or anything about his life before waking up. And frankly he wishes he could just remember. Maybe then he could get his life back on track, or at least go home.
Friends: Can't remember.
Enemies: He's not sure.

[Brave/Quick Feet]
Tackle, Howl, Sand Attack, Bite
Pal is Len's first pokemon and a lifelong friend. He's always ready to stand by his owner's side, and of course always playful, though he knows when a situation calls for him to be serious. Pal is concerned for Len's well being, and even moreso now that Len can't remember anything about his past.

Peck, Growl, Focus Energy, Quick Attack
Tail was the first pokemon Len caught, with Pal's help of course. Tail is a normally docile pokemon, needing provocation into attacking at times, and will usually just be found on Len's shoulder if outside of her pokeball. She's very protective of Len too, which is good for many a situation.

Growl, Confusion, Secret Power
Being a Ralts, Psi can sense Len's emotions easily. Whether these emotions are the ones on the forefront of Len's mind, or the ones tucked away in his psyche, it's never quite certain. Still, it's thought that Psi can see into the memories that were locked away from even him.

Key Items: Len carries a sheet of L shaped stickers, which he places on his pokeballs that hold pokemon. He also has a tag he found on his wrist when he woke up with only his first name on it. He also has a pokedex, three unused pokeballs, and a map of Hoenn with the marked location of his secret base in his pack.

Other: Len has a dormant ability that may or may not have to do with his two year captivity. He doesn't even know he has these abilities or how to use them, and they seem only to surface in moments of dire emotional duress.