Other Pokemon => Pokémon Live Connection => Character Guides => Topic started by: Normandy on September 02, 2010, 22:01

Title: Kennan
Post by: Normandy on September 02, 2010, 22:01
Name: Kennan Gorenstein

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Description: (
Short for his age, Kennan stands at 5'1. His wardrobe consists of green skinny jeans and a black shirt with the words, "I Don't Wanna Dance" sporting the front. He has Brown eyes and his skin is pale from spending his entire life indoors. His hair is highly spiked (by an entire can of hairspray) with blonde high lites running through it. Kennan always wears eyeliner along with black nail polish. He wears a white choker with studs around it. He wants a tounge ring, but his parents would only go as far as an eyebrow ring.

History: Kennan has been sheltered by his parents, so knows little about the outside world. He always would watch Pokemon Contests on televison, which usually interupted his lessons.His parents promised him that on his sixteenth birthday, he could start his journey. When Kennan was twelve, his family moved to Sandgem Town in Sinnoh. He was Proffesor Rowan's assistant until he was fifteen. The proffesor dicided that it was time for Kennan to start training Pokemon and gave him a Pachirisu and a Buizel. Kennan spent more time with his contest skill than training so his Pokemon are weak.

Friends: Kieran Duffy

Enimes: (None yet)


Sara-Pachirisu(female)Lv.19 (
Quick Attack

Sara was the very first Pokemon that his mother had given him. She has a loving personality that seems to rub off on Kennan. Sara is deathly afraid of lightning, that  being said, it's quite obvious that she has a hard time being an electric type Pokemon.

Rolo-Buizel(male)Lv.22 (
Aqua Jet
Ice Punch

Rolo isn't the most cheery Pokemon in the world. He likes battling more than Contests but did them for Kennan. Rolo always seems to put other Pokemon down. He is a troublemaker but seems to have a soft side.

Venus- Feebas(female)Lv.17 (
Ice Beam

Venus is a very unattractive Pokemon but she sees her inner beauty if faced with her reflection. She has rivers of self confidence that she uses whenever she can. Venus was given to Kennan by his Aunt Claudia.

Raj- Abra(male)Lv.13 (

Raj was the first Pokemon Kennan ever caught. It is a weak Pokemon and, only knowing one move, can't enter contests.


( Poffin Case x1
( Seal Case x1
( Heal Ball(s) x20
( Pokegear x1
( Pokedex x1
( Vs. Recorder x1
Title: Re: Kennan
Post by: PTX Redux on September 03, 2010, 15:18
You'll need to expand a bit on your history and add a key items section.
Title: Re: Kennan
Post by: Normandy on September 07, 2010, 21:02
Ok, I've edited it. Is there anything else that's needed?
Title: Re: Kennan
Post by: PTX Redux on September 07, 2010, 22:30
You're Approved.

All you need to do now is request acceptance into the member group. In order to do so, simply follow these steps...

* Go to your profile page

* Look in the "Modify Profile" drop down tab and select "Group Membership"

* Look for the member group called "PLC access" and select "Request Membership."

* After you have been approved, if you find yourself unable to post anywhere other than the PLC, go back to the "Group Membership" page and make sure that you make "Registered Members" your primary group.

Once you've done that I'll approve you for PLC access.
Title: Re: Kennan
Post by: Normandy on September 08, 2010, 23:30
EDIT: Kennan has recived a Febass named Venus from his Aunt Claudia and a Pokegear from Professor Rowan.
Title: Re: Kennan
Post by: Normandy on September 21, 2010, 22:48
Edit: Kennan has recieved a Pokedex from Professor Rowan.
Title: Re: Kennan
Post by: Normandy on September 25, 2010, 20:36
EDIT: Kennan recived a Vs. Recorder from Looker
Title: Re: Kennan
Post by: Normandy on September 26, 2010, 05:41
Kennan caught Raj, an Abra.
Title: Re: Kennan
Post by: Normandy on April 12, 2011, 01:37
I would like to delete this character if that's okay. After Paul left, my story sort of collapsed. I do plan on making another character but after this one is terminated, of coarse.
Title: Re: Kennan
Post by: PTX Redux on April 12, 2011, 02:15
I have no qualms with that. I will lock the topic. I do hope that you continue PLCing with us.