Neverused (NU) Pokémon
NU stands for NeverUsed.. there are Pokémon that are simply not good enough to even be used in UU. This metagame gives those poor weak Pokémon a chance to be used. Pokémon from the other tiers are not allowed, but many unevolved Pokémon are allowed. Note that this exact list is specific to PKMN.NET and the RSE metagame.
Page written by Lord Raven.
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boy, im weird.
i use minun, wailord and dewgong
*hides in corner*
I think shuckle should be underused it can beat all the ones in this tier apart from the poison and steel ones.
Oh dear...I use a fair number of these, notably Venemoth and Glalie. :( Perhaps I should go and read the other tier lists...thanks, this guide is most useful.
I love using Raticate, it had that ultimate superfang, which PachiRisu, and the beaver stole.
ditto is used, but to breed
I've never used Raticate's super fang but I've use his hyper fang which is still pretty impressive
I love unown though - 2 lv100s
How dare you put Aipom on this list?!? You monster!
what's wrong with pidgeot!?
Raticate pwns! Adamant+Guts+EVs in Attack and Speed+Berry Booster=DEADLY Hyper Fang.
Aipom, Pidgeot, and Raticate all suck. Two of them can't really take a hit, Pidgeot is rather mediocre, and Aipom's offense is completely suckish. Raticate also has pretty below average offense too with a poor movepool.
Wailords to big to battle, I haven't even seen him in the show.
Nincada is sooo imposiable to train. He has like no moves.
...omg...this made me sad... i use Seviper and Mightyena all the time! My Eeveelution trainer friend would be very upset with this too, seeing how she trains Flareon alot.
ah, man mawile and sneasal are up there and they are some of my fav pokemon :( and where is smeargle? all he knows is that 1 move that copys another move that misses alot not to mention how weak it is.
what is this rubbish?
flareon is NOT crap. who ever made this should be ashamed! just cause my flareon is better than all the flareons i've faced in battle tower doesnt mean mine has to take this abuse! MINE IS SPESHUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Huntail isn't that bad, he was my first lv100 and he thrashed a lv100 rayquaza
get shuckle off there..... NOW
does ANYONE know how effective the toxic/withdraw(or double team) and a healing move is?
- The fact that Smeargle can learn all moves more than warrants it an upper tier. 273 Speed spores are deadly when dealing with lower tiers.
- Flareon's movepool is SERIOUSLY weak and it doesn't complement its stats very well. The speed sucks as well as the physical defense/HP.
- Shuckle can stall but can't do ANYTHING else, and gets 3HKO'd by things its weak to anyway because of that miserable HP. Really, it only has good defenses; every other stat is just despicable.
- Huntail has a poor movepool and obscure stat spread that I don't feel is suitable for upper tiers.
williamoo29, he knew ice beam... didnt he?
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