The key events of Season 1:
- Ash is given a Pikachu and sets off on his Pokémon journey.
- Ash meets Misty and destroys her bike, prompting Misty to follow Ash.
- Team Rocket decide to follow Ash to attempt to catch his Pikachu.
- Ash catches a Caterpie.
- Ash catches a Pidgeotto.
- Ash's Caterpie evolves into Metapod.
- Ash's Metapod evolves into Butterfree.
- Ash defeats Brock at the second attempt and earns a Boulder Badge.
- Brock decides to follow Ash.
- Brock catches a Zubat.
- Ash defeats Misty and earns a Cascade Badge.
- Ash is given a Bulbasaur.
- Ash catches a Charmander.
- Ash catches a Squirtle.
- Ash catches a Krabby.
- Ash beats Lt. Surge at the second attempt and earns a Thunder Badge.
- Ash trades his Butterfree for a Raticate but later trades back.
- Misty catches a Horsea.
- Ash releases his Butterfree.
- Ash loses to Sabrina.
- Ash catches a Haunter.
- Ash is given a Marsh Badge by Sabrina and leaves his Haunter with her.
- Ash catches a Primeape.
- Ash is given a Rainbow Badge by Erika.
- Brock is given a Vulpix.
- Ash gives away his Primeape.
- Ash catches a Muk.
- Jessie's Ekans evolves into Arbok. James's Koffing evolves into Weezing.
- Ash defeats Koga and earns a Soul Badge.
- Misty catches a Psyduck.
- Ash catches 30 Tauros.
- Ash's Charmander evolves into Charmeleon.
- A wild Jigglypuff starts to follow Ash.
- Ash's Charmeleon evolves into Charizard but refuses to obey him.
- Ash finds a Pokémon Egg.
- The Egg hatches into a Togepi and becomes attached to Misty, believing her to be it's mother.
- Jessie catches a Lickitung.
- Todd temporarily joins the group.
- Todd leaves the group.
- James's Weepinbell evolves into Victreebel.
- Ash defeats Blaine on his second attempt and earns a Volcano Badge.
- Misty gives her Starmie and Horsea to her sisters.
- Giovanni creates Mewtwo and uses it to defeat Gary.
- Ash defeats Team Rocket and earns an Earth Badge.
- Ash's Mum catches a Mr. Mime.
- Mewtwo breaks away from Giovanni.
- Mewtwo creates an army of clones and battles with Mew until Ash stops them fighting (Movie).
- Ash arrives at the Pokémon League and wins his first Rounds.
- Ash meets Richie and then draws him in the Pokémon League.
- Richie knocks Ash out of the Pokémon League.
- Richie is knocked out of the Pokémon League.
- Richie leaves the group.
- Professor Oak asks Ash to go to the Orange Islands to retrieve the GS Ball from Professor Ivy.
- Ash's Pidgeotto evolves into Pidgeot.
- Ash releases his Pidgeot.
Page written by Typhlosion.
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i wish we found out what the gs ball does/did anyway maybe if were lucky they'll bring it up again in the series one day
look it up on youtube
it was a good show best season of pokemon ever! man they should bring misty and brock back AggronSteel you are right celebi was in the GS ball they turned the idea into pokemon 4evar I liked this season :D
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