PKMN.NET :: Female Pokémon :: Sprite Resource Black and White
Sprite Resource Black and White: Female Pokémon | Including genderless
To use, right click on image and click on "Save Picture As..."
Male only PokémonMale only PokémonMale only Pokémon
Male only PokémonMale only Pokémon
Male only Pokémon
Male only PokémonMale only Pokémon
Male only Pokémon
Male only Pokémon
Male only Pokémon
Male only Pokémon
Male only PokémonMale only Pokémon
Male only PokémonMale only Pokémon
Male only PokémonMale only Pokémon
Male only Pokémon

Page written by Typhlosion.

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torterra_king on Sun 28 Nov 2010 16:59:05 UTC.
oh baby they rock my world
on Sat 14 May 2011 22:56:13 UTC.
Eelektross and Chandelure are awesome.
Spriter on Wed 06 Jul 2011 14:03:09 UTC.
They have really cool looks for this gen!
on Mon 10 Oct 2011 23:10:15 UTC.
I agree they are cool but, any chance there are animated sprites for this gen here?
Guest on Sun 14 Dec 2014 00:43:41 UTC.
thanks, I could use these cutie pa tootie pokemon sprites for my project in game dev :D