PKMN.NET :: Dex :: Pain Split
MOVES: Pain Split

Number of Pokémon affected:4

Status move (does not attack)

In-game description: The user adds its HP to the foe's HP, then equally shares the combined HP with the foe.

Move notes:
Both user and opponent gain current HP equal to the average of the current HP of both.


Contest type:Smart

Contest description: Badly startles the Pokemon in front.

Contest notes:
Startles Pokemon that appealed before the user.

Super Contests

Contest type:Smart

Contest description: Lowers the Voltage of all Judges by one each.

Contest notes:
Judges' voltages are lowered by one point each.

TMs, HMs and Move Tutors

4Move Tutor
5Move Tutor

Type effectiveness

Learned by
Misdreavus----36363737282828 or from TM3232 or from TM
Koffing----By breedingBy breedingBy breedingBy breedingBy breedingBy breedingFrom TMBy breedingBy breeding or from TM
Weezing----By breedingBy breedingBy breedingBy breedingBy breedingBy breedingFrom TMBy breedingBy breeding or from TM
Dusknoir------------By breedingBy breedingFrom TMBy breedingBy breeding or from TM
Spiritomb------------By breedingBy breedingFrom TMBy breedingBy breeding or from TM
Mime. Jr------------From TMFrom TMFrom TM----
Mismagius------------From previous evolutionFrom previous evolutionFrom TM---- or from TM
Gulpin------------By breedingBy breedingFrom TMBy breedingBy breeding or from TM
Swalot------------By breedingBy breedingFrom TMBy breedingBy breeding or from TM
Duskull------------By breedingBy breedingFrom TMBy breedingBy breeding or from TM
Dusclops------------By breedingBy breedingBy breedingBy breedingBy breeding or from TM
Vulpix----------------From TM---- or from TM
Ninetales----------------From TM---- or from TM
Jigglypuff----------------From TM---- or from TM
Wigglytuff----------------From TM---- or from TM
Grimer----------------From TM---- or from TM
Muk----------------From TM---- or from TM
Gastly----------------From TM---- or from TM
Haunter----------------From TM---- or from TM
Gengar----------------From TM---- or from TM
Tangela----------------From TM---- or from TM
Staryu----------------From TM---- or from TM
Starmie----------------From TM---- or from TM
Porygon----------------From TM---- or from TM
Mew----------------From TM---- or from TM
Igglybuff----------------From TM---- or from TM
Natu----------------From TM---- or from TM
Xatu----------------From TM---- or from TM
Pineco----------------From TM---- or from TM
Forretress----------------From TM---- or from TM
Dunsparce----------------From TM---- or from TM
Qwilfish----------------From TM---- or from TM
Slugma----------------From TM---- or from TM
Magcargo----------------From TM---- or from TM
Porygon2----------------From TM---- or from TM
Ralts----------------From TM---- or from TM
Kirlia----------------From TM---- or from TM
Gardevoir----------------From TM---- or from TM
Nosepass----------------From TM---- or from TM
Sableye----------------From TM----
Mawile----------------From TM---- or from TM
Meditite----------------From TM---- or from TM
Medicham----------------From TM---- or from TM
Lunatone----------------From TM---- or from TM
Solrock----------------From TM---- or from TM
Lileep----------------From TM---- or from TM
Cradily----------------From TM---- or from TM
Shuppet----------------From TM---- or from TM
Banette----------------From TM---- or from TM
Mankey----------------From TM----
Rampardos----------------From TM---- or from TM
Shellos----------------From TM---- or from TM
Gastrodon----------------From TM---- or from TM
Drifloon----------------From TM---- or from TM
Drifblim----------------From TM---- or from TM
Tangrowth----------------From TM---- or from TM
Porygon-Z----------------From TM---- or from TM
Gallade----------------From TM---- or from TM
Probopass----------------From TM---- or from TM
Froslass----------------From TM---- or from TM
Rotom----------------From TM---- or from TM
Giratina----------------From TM---- or from TM
Pichu----------------From event----
Solosis------------------3333 or from TM
Duosion------------------3434 or from TM
Reuniclus------------------3434 or from TM
Litwick------------------5555 or from TM
Lampent------------------6161 or from TM
Chandelure------------------6161 or from TM
Frillish------------------By breedingBy breeding or from TM
Jellicent------------------By breedingBy breeding or from TM
Alomomola------------------By breedingBy breeding or from TM
Stunfisk------------------By breedingBy breeding or from TM
Munna--------------------From TM
Musharna--------------------From TM
Audino--------------------From TM
Throh--------------------From TM
Sawk--------------------From TM
Yamask--------------------From TM
Cofagrigus--------------------From TM
Trubbish--------------------From TM
Garbodor--------------------From TM
Elgyem--------------------From TM
Beheeyem--------------------From TM