PKMN.NET :: Episode Guides :: Fly Me to the Moon
Episode Guides |
Fly Me to the Moon

< Around the Whirlpool | Takin' it on the Chinchou >
Master Quest
Japanese Title
Pidgey and Pidgey detective!
English Title
Fly Me to the Moon
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Ash, Misty and Brock are setting out to see the first of the Whirl Islands. Misty sees some Corsola swimming out to a distant island, and goes into her Water Pokemon Master/ Catching A Corsola dream. She wants to go to the island to catch one, but a passing man points out the whirlpools. He says that he lives on Pudgey Pidgey Island, and invites them to come with him. He leads them to a rope bridge. They all start to cross when a gust of wind blows the bridge about, and flings them across to the other side. They all walk on and come to a group of Pidgey, but these Pidgey look slightly fatter than usual. Team Rocket are flying over the house and agree that they would be good to catch.

Meanwhile, the gang are about to go inside, when another Pidgey swoops down and lands on the roof. The man explains that that is his special Pidgey, named Orville. They go inside and see a painting on the wall, of a Pidgey flying towards the sun. The man explains that Orville became very interested in the painting, and now wants to fly higher than any Pidgey has flown before. They call Professor Oak, and he says that the Pidgey are fat because that is their eating habit. Later on the trainer explains about Orville. He says that it was the only Pidgey on the island who had taken up flying. The man had helped Orville to learn, until one day when they had flown above the ocean. The man had used a hanglider to fly with him. Orville started off well, but soon started to lose height. The man started to panick, but Orville remembered the painting of the Pidgey and pulled up flying at the last second.

Suddenly, Team Rocket appear (disguised) and say that they can help Orville reach his goal: To go higher than any other Pidgey has gone before. They say that it will cost nothing, and that everybody else can go up in a balloon. The man thinks that it's a good deal, and agrees to try it tomorrow morning.

That night, Meowth gives Pidgey a headset, so that they can talk the following day. The next day everybody gets into the balloon. James starts the rockets onthe side of the balloon, and up they go following Orville. Meowth was secretly talking to Orville all the time. Then Orville flys through a flock of Spearow and they start to give chase. Orville is easily faster, but then a Fearow appears, so Ash has Pikachu use a Thunderbolt. Soon, they are so high up that everybody needs to put on an oxygen mask. They kept going, until Orville did it! Then he started to fall and everybody shouted to him to aim for the balloon. Orville accidently pops the balloon before he lands, sending everyone crashing back down to Earth.

Just as they are about to hit the ground, the Pidgey on the ground all start to jump up and down, and manage to hit the basket, giving a safe landing. Team Rocket land on one of the rocket boosters, which starts off and sends then 'Blasting Off Again!'. Just before the gang leave, they look back and see Orville teaching all of the other Pidgey how to fly. Meanwhile Team Rocket have landed on a cliff tree and are dangling. Jesse asks where Meowth is.Wobbuffet then pops out of a branch. Meowth is actually sitting on top of the tree with Orville, talking about flying to the moon...

This episode guide has been written by Typhlosion.

Characters appearing in this episode







Ash's Pikachu

Pokémon appearing in this episode

< Around the Whirlpool | Takin' it on the Chinchou >


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