Season |
Indigo League |
Japanese Title |
4 Eevee Brothers |
English Title |
The Battling Eevee Brothers |
Spanish Title |
Los combatientes hermanos Eevee |
French Title |
La montagne de l'évolution |
Italian Title |
L'importante non è vincere |
German Title |
Die ungleichen Brüder |
Who's that Pokémon? |
Eevee |
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Ash and the others are walking through a forest. Pikachu suddenly runs off. They follow him to see an Eevee on a leash in a hollow tree with some food and water. Brock says it was abandoned. Misty says it's cruel. Dexter says that Eevee can evolve into three different forms. Ash wants to keep it, but it's wearing a tag. It's from a nearby town called Stone Town, at the foot of Evolution Mountain.
Eevee can evolve into Vaporeon, Jolteon, or Flareon depending on which stone you use. Misty wants to make it become a Vaporeon. Ash says all she thinks about are water Pokémon. They come to the house. It's huge! They go out back and see a bunch of people at some sort of garden party. They see a Poliwhirl. Someone touches it with a A Fan with a Plan! and it evolves ino Poliwrath. It jumps into a fountain, along with a Vileplume, a Cloyster, and a few others. There are also an Exeggutor and a Clefable there.
Team Rocket is watching. They want to get the Pokémon and the special stones. They also want to get the food.
There are three guys, one with a Flareon, one with a Jolteon and one with a Vaporeon. They see Misty holding Eevee and thank her for finding it. They call their little brother, Mikey. Eevee runs over to him and he catches it, not looking too thrilled. Misty asks if it really escaped. Mikey asks why she had to bring it back.
The three older brothers say you can't win if you don't evolve your Pokémon. Misty says she doesn't care about evolving them, and the three brothers ask how she can't. Their Pokémon jump up. Ash says they're scary. The brothers ask Mikey which one he'll have Eevee evolve into. They show off how good each one of theirs is.
Brock says they're very competitive and Ash tells them to give Mikey a break. They say they threw the party for Mikey. They ask Ash and Brock if they're going to evolve their Pikachu and Vulpix. They have a lot of stones.
Team Rocket sees them.
One of the brothers says he gathered up a bunch of trainers who specialize in stone induced evolution. They ask Ash and Brock to join the club and gives them a Iron Defense and Psychic. But Brock says he doesn't want to force Vulpix to evolve, and Ash says he doesn't want to make Pikachu evolve either. The brothers say evolution is what Pokémon are all about!
Misty puts Horsea into the fountain so it can swim around. She sees Mikey and Eevee sitting alone and offers them some of the food. Psyduck grabs some and Misty kicks it. Mikey says he doesn't want to evolve Eevee and his brothers always want to battle and stuff. He tried to hide it so he wouldn't have to evolve it. He was going to get it later. He just wants it to be his friend. Misty says that by hiding it, he was just running from his problems and that he should tell his brothers how he feels. Misty admits that she wanted to make it into a Vaporeon. Pikachu and Eevee start talking. Misty says that Pikachu decided to not evolve a while ago.
Ash and Brock are arguing with the brothers about the evolution thing. Brock says they have their way of evolving them, and they have theirs. The brothers say it's time for Mikey to evolve his Eevee! Misty says for Mikey to tell them how he feels.
Suddenly there are tiny explosions! Team Rocket comes down in their balloon. They say their lines and start eating the food. James has Weezing create a Smokescreen. Ash has Pidgeotto blow it away. when it does, they see that all the stones, Pokémon, and food are gone, except for Psyduck. Ash has Pidgeotto pop their balloon, but they weren't in it. Ash sends Pidgeotto to find them.
They're in a truck, with the Pokémon in cages behind them. Horsea is leaving a trail of ink for the others to follow. Pidgeotto sees it.
Team Rocket has finished eating the food, so now they want to evolve Eevee. They want to evolve it into something evil looking. Meowth wants a Jolteon, Jessie wants a Flareon and James wants a Vaporeon! They start arguing, then Jessie says she has an idea! They'll touch it with all three stones, it's bound to evolve into something evil.
Right before they do, Squirtle jumps out and Ash tells it to use Water Gun. But before it can, Psyduck jumps out and uses its embarassing excuse for Water Gun. Misty brings it back and Squirtle blasts them with Water Gun. Jessie says they'll just take Eevee, and Misty calls her a hag. Jessie gets really angry and breathes fire.
They send Weezing and Arbok. The brothers say they have to save Eevee! Arbok uses Poison Sting and Jolteon dodges. It uses Pin Missile, hitting Arbok. Weezing tries to use Sludge on Vaporeon, but it uses Acid Armor and melt into water, making itself disappear. It tackles Weezing and Team Rocket runs, but Flareon uses Fire Spin and they're trapped.
Brock says they're beaten and to give them Eevee, but they aren't going to give up. Arbok hits Jolteon and Weezing takes care of Vaporeon and Flareon. Horsea spits a huge blast of ink at Team Rocket and Pikachu shocks them, but Team Rocket still wants to fight!
Mikey gets Eevee back, but Flareon, Jolteon, and Vaporeon are in bad shape. Team Rocket is about to finish them off! Mikey tells Eevee they're going to have their first battle. He tells it to use Take Down. It runs towards Team Rocket. He tells it to use Raging Tackle. It runs faster. It hits Team Rocket, and they all go flying.
Mikey hugs his Eevee. The brothers are surprised he won with an unevolved Eevee. Mikey says he wants to become an Eevee trainer. The brothers say that he should have told them sooner that he really didn't want to evolve it. Now they really are the Battling Eevee Brothers.
They decide to have a party for Mikey and Eevee's first victory. Pikachu and Eevee do a little toast with little cups. Mikey thanks Misty for helping him. Friends forever.
Misty says it would be nice to have some big brothers. Ash says that she count as his brother and she punches him. Brock "Grasshopper have little sense, but big mouth."
Everyone poses for a photo with their Pokémon. Psyduck gets the camera ready. It trips and falls as it's walking towards the others and the camera takes the picture.
Team Rocket is back to eating what they say is the food of losers. Canned crab and shrimp and stuff.
This episode guide has been written by flik.
The Battling Eevee Brothers Trivia:

Characters appearing in this episode
Pokémon appearing in this episode
Eevee belonging to Mikey
Vaporeon belonging to Rainer
Jolteon belonging to Sparky
Flareon belonging to Pyro
Squirtle belonging to Ash
Pidgeotto belonging to Ash
Arbok belonging to Jessie
Pikachu belonging to Ash
Vulpix belonging to Brock
Psyduck belonging to Misty
Poliwhirl: Evolves
Weezing belonging to James
Horsea belonging to Misty
Moves used in this episode
- Acid Armor by Vaporeon
- Fire Spin by Flareon
- Gust by Pidgeotto
- Pin Missile by Jolteon
- Poison Sting by Arbok
- Sludge by Weezing
- Smokescreen by Weezing
- Tackle by Eevee
- Take Down by Eevee
- Thundershock by Pikachu
- Water Gun by Psyduck
- Water Gun by Squirtle
Items seen in this episode
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