PKMN.NET :: Episode Guides :: Clefairy Tales
Episode Guides |
Clefairy Tales

< The Misty Mermaid | The Battle of the Badge >
Indigo League
Japanese Title
Clefairy VS Jigglypuff
English Title
Clefairy Tales
Spanish Title
Cuentos de Clefairy
French Title
Les envahisseurs
Italian Title
Arrivano gli alieni!
German Title
Die Piepi Legende
Who's that Pokémon?
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The episode begins with Jigglypuff wandering through a forest, happily singing to itself. As it walks, a Pidgey and a Caterpie fall out of the trees, asleep. Angered, Jigglypuff scribbles on their faces. After it has done this, a kettle falls out of the sky, hitting it on the head. Looking up, it notices a light falling through the sky, smoking, and watches as it crashes to the ground further into the forest. It runs after it, and it isn't long before it comes across the crash site. Suddenly a doorway appears in the side of the smoking, battered craft, revealing a large group of Clefairy.

Still on their way towards Viridian City, Ash & Co. have stopped at a shop to buy an Ice Cream. While outside eating their Ice Creams, Misty notices a Clefairy watching them. She decides to try and capture it, using her Ice Cream as bait, when the Clefairy hops away down the street. She chases after it, followed closely behind by Ash and Brock. While they are gone, something steals their backpacks and all of their Ice Cream.

After failing to catch the Clefairy, Ash & Co. head back to the Ice Cream shop. Upon arriving they notice their backpacks, and the Ice Cream, missing. Brock decides that they had better report the theft to Officer Jenny. Arriving at the police station, they find it surrounded by hundreds of people reporting various odd thefts. Brock begins to wonder who would want to steal such strange things, to which a voice behind them replies "Aliens". Turning around to see a strange looking man, Ash asks who he is. The man introduces himself as Oswald. Officer Jenny comes over to the group and asks them it they lost something, like everyone else. As they are about to explain, Oswald interrupts, saying that all of the strange robberies point to visitors from another planet. Misty brushes this off, saying that everyone knows that UFOs don't really exist. Oswald says that he has proof and hands them a scrapbook, filled with pictures of UFOs and interviews with people who have seen them. One man in the crowd points to a picture in the book, saying that he has seen the UFO in the picture. Oswald starts shaking the man, asking him where and when he saw it. The man, shaken, answers that he saw the spacecraft three nights ago, before Ash manages to pull Oswald off of him. Oswald apologises to the man. Officer Jenny notes that the reports of stolen items started around the time the man says he saw the ship.

A little while later, Ash & Co. are wandering through the town with Oswald. Suddenly Oswald's alien detector starts to flash and beep. They look around and soon notice a bright light descending from the sky as a UFO lands in front of them. As it lands, the glowing stops and a door opens on the side revealing two grey aliens. They exit the ship, take Pikachu, and re-enter their UFO before taking off again. Oswald shouts at them to come back, while Ash shouts, telling them to bring back Pikachu.

Inside the UFO, the "aliens" have places Pikachu inside a glass cage. They then remove their heads, revealing them to be Jessie and James. Pikachu tries an electric attack, but James tells it that it won't be able to escape due to the cage being made of glass.

Meanwhile, back on the ground, Ash & Co. notice the "UFO" being pulled up by a crane. Realising that it's a fake, Ash sends out Pidgeotto, ordering it to cut the crane's cable, causing the "UFO" to crash down to earth and smash open. Team Rocket soon recover from the fall and recite their motto, at the end of which, a Clefairy jumps up in Meowth's place. This shocks not only Ash & Co, but also Team Rocket. Suddenly Oswald's scanner begins to beep. He tells them that it must mean that Clefairy is an alien. Jigglypuff, minus microphone, then appears, which causes Oswald's scanner to start beeping again, registering it as an alien too. Misty tells him that his scanner must not work, when it starts beeping at her, registering her as an alien as well. Angered by this, she knocks it out of his hand, breaking it. While Ash & Co. are distracted, Meowth arrives and tells Jessie and James to grab Pikachu again, but the Clefairy hops away with Pikachu still in the glass cage. Team Rocket try to chase after it, but the Clefairy uses Light Screen, stopping them in their tracks. Jigglypuff then chases after the Clefairy, followed closely by Ash & Co. The Clefairy turns a corner and disappears. As they arrive at the alleyway it turned into, Ash & Co. come to a dead end. Brock begins to wonder where it went, when Jigglypuff points to a manhole cover. After they have removed the cover, Jigglypuff jumps down the hole, followed by Ash & Co.

They fall down through a network of tunnels before being thrown out underground near a huge spaceship the Clefairy are building. They notice all of the Clefairy wandering around with items people had reported stolen to Officer Jenny. Misty soon points out a Clefairy walking towards the ship carrying the glass cage with Pikachu still inside. Misty wonders why they took Pikachu, and Oswald explains that they must be going to use it's electricity to launch their spacecraft. Suddenly an alarm sounds. Ash thinks that they have been spotted, but Oswald tells him that it must be the countdown in preparation for blastoff. As the Clefairy carrying Pikachu enters the ship, Jigglypuff runs towards the craft, followed by Ash and Misty, intent on getting Pikachu back. Brock runs off to inform Officer Jenny, leaving Oswald by himself. He decides to go into the ship in the hopes of going into space with the Clefairy.

Unnoticed, Team Rocket are also underground watching the ship. Jessie has the idea of not only catching Pikachu to take back to the Boss, but also the spaceship full of Clefairy. Meowth says that they will have to hurry up as the spaceship will be launching soon. They enter the ship.

Inside the ship, Oswald is admiring the engineering work. Ash wonders if it will really be able to fly. Misty hopes it won't. After venturing a little further into the ship, they come across Pikachu, encased inside a huge glass tube. They rush towards it, but are blocked by a group of Clefairy. Ash pleads with them to return Pikachu, but they refuse. He begins to ask again, when Jigglypuff steps forward and uses Pound on the lead Clefairy. The Clefairy returns with a Pound of it's own. Angered, Jigglypuff uses Doubleslap, defeating the lead Clefairy. All of the other Clefairy attack, but Jigglypuff takes them all out with it's Doubleslap. It then wanders away down another corridor, followed by Oswald. Ash and Misty rush over to the tube containing Pikachu, yelling to try and wake it up.

Arriving on the bridge of the spaceship, Jigglypuff notices it's microphone has been turned into a lever on the control panel. As it moves forward to retrieve it, the pilot Clefairy jumps in it's way. As each of them tries to stare the other down, Clefairy attacks Jigglypuff, but Jigglypuff counters with it's Doubleslap. Clefairy picks itself up and returns with it's own Doubleslap. Jigglypuff attacks with Doubleslap again, then Clefairy does the same. Then Jigglypuff, then Clefairy. While this is going on Oswald goes over and looks at the control panel. He looks at the lever made from Jigglypuff's microphone and, wondering what it does, tries to move it. He ends up breaking it off. Jigglypuff notices this, jumps on his back, and retrieves it's microphone. It begins to Sing, which is then broadcast over the ships speakers, sending everyone on the ship to sleep. Angered by this, it scribbles on Oswald and the pilot Clefairy's faces.

While everyone is asleep, the countdown continues. When it reaches the end a small hammer descends from the top of the tube holding Pikachu and hits it in the face. This wakes it up and, angered, it uses an electric attack. This charges the ship up and causes it to start moving forward.

In one of the rooms aboard the ship, Team Rocket wake up from their Jigglypuff induced sleep. Noticing that the ship is moving, they decide to try and escape.

Back in town, Brock is trying to explain to a sceptical Officer Jenny about the Clefairy, when the ground starts to shake. Part of the road falls away and the Clefairy's spaceship emerges, dropping some of the stolen items. It rolls down the street straight towards a large building before the rockets ignite and, using a curve on the bottom of the building, takes off into the sky.

Back on the spaceship, Team Rocket are about to make their escape, when the front of the ship separates from the back. The front end continues flying, while the back end, which Team Rocket happen to be on, plummets back down to earth.

Inside the spaceship, Pikachu's electric attack proves too much for the tube to contain and the glass smashes, also waking Ash and Misty up. He happily picks Pikachu up. Misty notices the groups backpacks in the corner of the room. They grab them and decide to abandon ship.

Back on the bridge, Oswald and Clefairy are still asleep, but something seems to be wrong with the controls.

Trying to escape the ship, Ash and Misty open a door in the side. They notice that they are too high up to jump, but Misty points out that they are nearing a skyscraper. Ash sends out Bulbasaur and orders it to use Vine Whip on the flagpole of the building. They grab onto Bulbasaur and swing out of the ship and down onto the building's roof, with Bulbasaur landing heavily on Ash's back. As they watch from the roof, the ship flies away into the distance.

At a campsite near a lake, a group of fishermen hear a crash. It's the spaceship! They go over to investigate when a door opens in the side and Oswald, dressed in a cardboard box and some other junk, steps out and asks if he is on the planet of the Clefairy. The fishermen all run away in fear. He tries to follow them but falls over. The Clefairy then exit the ship and begin stealing things from the campsite.

Back in town, Officer Jenny thanks Ash & Co. on behalf of the towns residents. As they wave goodbye, Ash & Co. continue on their journey, followed by a certain microphone wielding Jigglypuff.

This episode guide has been written by The Librarian.

Clefairy Tales Trivia:

 Oswald's scanner beeped when pointed at Clefairy, Jigglypuff, and Togepi - all members of the "Fairy Egg" breeding group (at least Togepi is after it evolves). This could suggest that some Pokémon are in fact aliens.
 Team Rocket are heard to mutter "Nomekop", which is "Pokémon" backwards.

Characters appearing in this episode







Ash's Pikachu

Pokémon appearing in this episode

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