PKMN.NET :: Pokémon Big Brother Tea Party Secrets
Pokémon Big Brother | Season 1ChimechoDarmanitanMedichamNidoqueenPolitoedPuruglyVoltorbWatchogZigzagoon

Tea Party Secrets

Posted on Sun 17 Jul 2011 12:32:00 UTC. Back to Season 1

Chimecho and Politoed are playing tea party in the garden

Politoed: I just need to check on dessert, back in a jiffy.

Chimecho: Okay ^_^

Politoed goes to the kitchen

Chimecho: So, General Jigglypuff how are you enjoying your tea? Oh you want more?

Chimecho pours General Jigglypuff some tea

Chimecho: Ms. Oshawott can I tell you a secret? I can? And you promise not to tell anyone? Awesome.

Chimecho looks around

Chimecho: I wish Politoed was my big sister. I always wanted a sister and so I would like her to be mine… what’s that… oh shh shh she’s coming.

Chimecho looks around and chuckles to herself. Politoed walks back over.

Politoed: Hey, I need to make some custard would you like to help? I’ll let you lick the bowl.

Chimecho: Cool ^_^


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