PKMN.NET :: Sentret
Ask Sentret
Issue 59

In the manga, Lance sits on a throne made out of ice; I'd like to know which on these he got, frost bite, or freezer-burn?
From MangaDragon
Sentret thinks he's like using a lot padding secretly hidden away...

In diamond or pearl can you get an event pokemon (like shaymin) without the national dex? I DO have the mystery gift.
From ripperroo123
Sentret thinks like yes maybe probably but like not really just try it maybe?
Oooh, ooh, another cool section. Look at Diamond, Pearl and Platinum !!! Isn't that kewl???

What's the trick to becoming a master at Pokémon Trozei?
From Anonymous
Sentret thinks it's by becoming really good at it ^_^

Why do male Gardevoir exist?
From missingno000
Sentret thinks because they were evolved once? ~_~

Sentret, what does that lady in the Goldenrod City Pokemon Center give you when you give her an Eon mail? I don't have anyone to Mystery Gift with to get one and no where I look has the answer...
From Captain Jigglypuff
Sentret has heard it's like giving like a Revive thingy?
Oooh, ooh, another cool section. Look at Gold, Silver and Crystal !!! Isn't that kewl???

Sentret I think there is a proplem with my gold version game because when i save it and turn it back on later the game ends up not being saved. Why is that?
From WolfieMeeko88
Sentret thinks like it's the battery thingy...?

Can Shaymin Sky Forme and Giratina Origin Forme be transeferred to Battle Revolution?
From Radioactive Rainbow
Sentret doesn't like really think at all it can after all :(:(:(:(:(:(:(
Oooh, ooh, another cool section. Look at Battle Revolution !!! Isn't that kewl???

Which Pokemon can only be found during a swarm on Diamond/Pearl?
From dogfish44
Sentret thinks there's like lots and lots and lots and lots so like Sentret couldn't remember them all
Oooh, ooh, another cool section. Look at Diamond, Pearl and Platinum !!! Isn't that kewl???

If i use a cheat in Emerald, can i get a Deoxys?
From melody012345
Sentret thinks like, uh, maybe, but, like, would you want to?
Oooh, ooh, another cool section. Look at Ruby, Sapphire & Emerald !!! Isn't that kewl???

How do you find pokemon
From icon rocks
Sentret thinks usually first by asking old men with young relatives if Sentret looks at what he always sees happen and there comes more