PKMN.NET :: Sentret
Ask Sentret
Issue 60

in the Yellow manga, why is Lance so....short?
From MangaDragon
Sentret thinks that might be because like not everyone is as long as everyone else? Sentret doesn't like get it maybe?

Do the odds of getting shiny Pokemon in Platinum improve from Diamond & Pearl?
From Anonymous
Sentret thinks it makes like no real any actual true difference
Oooh, ooh, another cool section. Look at Diamond, Pearl and Platinum !!! Isn't that kewl???

can you catch level 9 pidgeotto in viridian forest on pokemon yellow? I looked but i didnt find any
From serperior
Sentret thinks like maybe why not they might be very very very very very very rare?
Oooh, ooh, another cool section. Look at Red, Blue and Yellow !!! Isn't that kewl???

how many pokemon can you catch in platinum version
From caden3344
Sentret thinks as many as you can until your boxes are full!!
Oooh, ooh, another cool section. Look at Diamond, Pearl and Platinum !!! Isn't that kewl???

i have a USA version of Platinum, can I use my UK firered/ruby with it?
From fergizzle92
Sentret thinks like why haven't you maybe just tried then instead of asking Sentret tough questions? :(:(:(:(

Why do you rate names instead of the name rater sometimes?
From munchie0722
Sentret thinks like he like sometimes needs a bit of help he's like not really that fast so yeah Sentret then helps!!!!

Why can't there be female Gallade?
From OpalRhea
Sentret thinks like because none are there because that's how they evolve?

HI,Here's a question why doesn't nintendo have pkmn live events in ireland????
From pokemon beauty gal May
Sentret thinks like doesn't know but maybe how many might go there might matter maybe.

Hey, Senret? Do you know anyplace in NY to get a good used version of G/S/C? Thanks, ~T =-Þ
From Anonymous
Sentret doesn't like really know what this NY place thingy is...

why are there caves for all the regis? like regice registeel and regerock?
From cordenator#1
Sentret thinks like they have to live somewhere as well right whats so strange about that do you want them to be homeless :(:(:(:(:(:(