The MD Fanfic Contest!
Hey guys, yes 8 of you can enter this tournament! Each of you post your OWN version of a PUK in MD fic, which may include any characters you like =) Then go head to head in knockouts to see who wins! Enter and when you do put MD: before so, I know where to look =D Please enter, a few cards and possibly a special prize, is avaliable =)
Tournament leaders: Sappy
Quarter Finals
Battle #4
The winner of this battle goes on to battle #2 in the next round.
Battle #5
The winner of this battle goes on to battle #2 in the next round.
salamence and rebecca10 (WINNER) vs Deoxys2
Battle #6
The winner of this battle goes on to battle #3 in the next round.
Battle #7
The winner of this battle goes on to battle #3 in the next round.
Half Finals
Battle #2
The winner of this battle goes on to battle #1 in the next round.
salamence and rebecca10 vs Unknown
Battle #3
The winner of this battle goes on to battle #1 in the next round.
Tim- vs Unknown
Battle #1
The winner of this battle has won the tournament!
Unknown vs Unknown