
Which way is best?

Swap at certain points playing all games
0 (0%)
Only use second game for version exclusives playing one generation at a time
2 (100%)
Focus on the story of both games in one generation before focusing on catching
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 2

Author Topic: I can play Pokemon games in many ways. Which is the best way?  (Read 6968 times)

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Offline Petzbreeder

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I've been trying to come up with the most efficient way to complete the Pokedex. It will be a living Pokedex with all the Pokemon captured in the region they were introduced in.

I could play all the generations one at a time and swap when I reach certain checkpoints.
(Defeat the first gym in one game, then swap to the next while catching everything I can)

I could focus on one game until I complete it and only use the other game for the version exclusives.
(Catch everything I can in Fire Red for example, and only use Leaf Green to catch what I can't in Fire Red)

I could catch the best Pokemon for the gym I'm up against and go back to catch everything else later.
(Focus on the story first)

Which way is best?
I've tried doing it all three ways before, but I end up giving up before I get anywhere decent.

I can't focus on anything for too long before I get bored. I think it has something to do with the mental side of my disability.

Offline Max S.

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Re: I can play Pokemon games in many ways. Which is the best way?
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2022, 08:41 »
Dear Petzbreeder,

When I play a Pokémon game I take it easy and focus on story. I still like to catch every new Pokémon as it comes, but I won't go out of my way fishing for Feebas, if you catch my drift.

The best way to play is to keep pace with a friend who has the companion version, if that is an option. The in-game rival battles are a good checkpoint to link up with your friend for a battle or trade. This is even easier on the newer versions which will communicate over the internet.

If you're playing both versions solo AND you are going for the living Pokédex, I recommend running a mixed field team and focusing on one version. You will want to have one main team shared between both game versions, just to minimize the monotony.

So the basic strategy is this:

1. Play both games independently until you are able to catch Pokémon and trade. Trade so that you have both starters on the main game.

2. On your "main" game, focus mainly on the story, and don't grind unless you need it to advance. Keep one to three Pokémon from your other game on your main team. Make out your boxes and catch/sort any Pokémon you come across; however, unless you want them on your team, don't evolve them for the dex yet.

3. Rival battles are checkpoints. After defeating your rival, trade Pokémon back to the secondary game and catch up in the story, especially the gyms. Just be careful not to trade any Pokémon that need friendship to level up since I think that gets reset upon trading.

4. Once you've cought up to the checkpoint, trade your main team back to the main game and repeat from #2.

Once you are in the endgame, around a third of your living Pokédex should be filled out just from things you catch and sort along the way. It's just a matter of filling in the blanks.


Offline Max S.

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Re: I can play Pokemon games in many ways. Which is the best way?
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2022, 08:58 »

By "mixed field team", I mean a party with mixed types (as opposed to a monotype team a gym leader might use) where your battle Pokémon make use of field moves (Hidden Machines).
