Author Topic: Pokemon Legends Z-A Speculation, etc.  (Read 2570 times)

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Pokemon Legends Z-A Speculation, etc.
« on: November 24, 2024, 04:07 »
In terms of official information, there hasn't been a whole lot to go off of yet, has there? I won't say I've been under a rock on the issue, but I don't have my pulse on it, either.

At any rate, Legends Z-A isn't a priority purchase for me (I'm in the "wait and see" stage at the moment), but I am curious about which new Mega Evolutions will happen. Honestly, though, I've gotten burned out on playing Pokemon Scarlet, so I'd have to be in the right mood for a Pokemon game in general (and, at time of posting, I am not in said mood)

To anyone who's played the first Legends game: What did you like and/or dislike about it? What should be kept for Z-A, and what should be left in the first? And, for those interested, which Mega Evolutions do you most want?

Me? I'd have to dust off my copy of Legends because I never 100%'d it (even though that was the entire point of the game, lol) so I'm not really qualified on what mechanics to keep, ditch, improve, etc. As for Megas, I feel as though Mega Hariyama isn't happening since Iron Hands is a thing, but never say never, I suppose! Otherwise, I just want there to be an alternative to Mega Pinsir, a Bug/Ground-type with Arena Trap. Chances of that happening are low, but I do not like the one we have now. It'd be nice if they brought back Mega Swampert, too. I'm indifferent to Flygon, but the lack of a Mega for it is strange even to me. I've heard rumors as to why that is, but eh.

Anyone else want to weigh in?
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Re: Pokemon Legends Z-A Speculation, etc.
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2024, 03:07 »
keep everything except the battle system, and use the standard battle system we already have, and we're good I reckon. the battle system in Arceus was Fine™ but not really something that felt the best by time I was in the end game I think.

would also be great if the areas weren't actual sections in the game, but considering the performance issues we had in S/V it might be best if they were, since an entire open world just doesn't seem to work.

excited for megas to come back, not really sure who I'd want to get them though. i'm just gonna open my list of old teams and rattle off some names from there; Darmanitan, Scrafty, Jellicent, Sigilyph, Vikavolt, Jumpluff, Lanturn, Xatu, Staraptor, Bronzong, Gastrodon, Toxicroak, Talonflame, Trevenant, Tyrantrum, Klefki, Meowstic, Corviknight, Drednaw, Coalossal, Grimmsnarl, Toxtricity, Pawmot, Lokix, Ceruledge, Revavroom, Veluza.

the Gen 8s could just have their G-Max forms turned into Megas I guess, and would be surprised to see Gen 9s get Megas in their first gen. reckon Mega Darmanitan might be a bit too giga though, and it has a regional so would that also get a Mega?

i'm looking forward to Z-A anyway, should be a fun experience, and it's interesting that we're going back to Kalos before Unova. hope we get some more info soon
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Re: Pokemon Legends Z-A Speculation, etc.
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2024, 00:36 »
^I had no problem with the battle system in the context of the game itself, but... yeah, I feel like it only works when an age where "Pokemon are terrifying creatures!" and such. Plus, catching Pokemon without engaging in proper battle felt a bit overpowered after a point. I mean, you could still engage, but even battle is a tad more streamlined/simplified. I mean, battle styles are cool, but no abilities and such. Wait, do we even know when Z-A takes place yet? I'll have to look into it later.

Thinking about it more myself, of course they should keep the shiny sound pre-shiny encounter. Some shinies you'd miss otherwise. Also, wasn't Frozen status replaced with a similar thing that reduced Sp.ATK? That was kind of, er, cool. Personally always wondered why we have Burn and Intimidate but not equivalents for Sp.ATK in the main games... besides, you know, stall being an annoying strategy in PvP.

Mega Jellicent would be interesting, if only to see the impressive mustache get even more impressive/the frills get even frillier. Always wanted to try base Jellicent, but never got around it, so a mega would be a good excuse. Interestingly, the first and last time I seriously used a Xatu was one which ended up being my PokeStar Studios ace in White 2. I'm all for Xatu getting more bones thrown to it, since I always thought it was kind of cool.

Speaking of...

i'm looking forward to Z-A anyway, should be a fun experience, and it's interesting that we're going back to Kalos before Unova. hope we get some more info soon

Makes me wonder if they're planning a proper "Black 3/White 3" with new protagonists or whatever, or if we're just getting remakes of the first one. Maybe, dare I say, a Pokemon Legends game which somehow works in the color Grey? Cautiously curious what they'll do there.
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