Other Pokemon > Fake Whatever
Make your own medicine item or berry
Basically, you make your own medicine item or berry.
Hero's Potion: Restores HP fully and ups all stats slightly, but must protect the other pokemon on the team from attacks for one turn, only usable in double or triple battle.
Alert Orb
Raises all stats by one stage when under 25% health.
Heat Powder: Fully heals a fire type pokemon's HP, PP, resets stats and statuses. If used on another type of pokemon, it burns them.
Lightning Powder: Fully heals an electric type pokemon's HP, PP, resets stats and statuses. If used on another type of pokemon, it paralyzes them.
Cryogenic Powder: Fully heals an ice type pokemon's HP, PP, resets stats and statuses. If used on another type of pokemon, it freezes them.
Neuro Powder: Fully heals a poison type pokemon's HP, PP, resets stats and statuses. If used on another type of pokemon, it badly poisons them.
Spore Powder: Fully heals a grass type pokemon's HP, PP, resets stats and statuses. If used on another type of pokemon, it puts them to sleep.
Shining Powder: Fully heals a normal type pokemon's HP, PP, resets stats and statuses. If used on another type of pokemon, it confuses them.
Mockery for One:
Quigon Berries look like a yellow pomegranate, and reduce the damage taken by super effective Light Type moves.
Lokin Berry: Has a 60% chance of fully healing you and upping all your stats one level, but a 40% chance of killing you.
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