Misc > Your Art

Fan Art By Yours Truly


HAPPY 2025!! I drew the best Blazblue character to celebrate:

I'd have done a more interesting pose, but he's honestly a pain to draw... though I've only drawn him properly like, three times before. Do pardon the reuse of my stock explosion, too. Honestly, I'm just glad I drew Bang on the day of his birthday for once!

[If anyone saw any images here before and misses them for whatever reason, including my decidedly not-fan-art stuff, I might link them again, just ask!]

I don't know about the rest of you, but I've always liked Registeel the best out of the three Regis:

...and you should all support its musical endeavors. (This is actually a remake of a much older drawing I did; I'd like to think I've come a long way since those days, although that top hat still leaves much to be desired...)

Speaking of Hoenn, I tried drawing Defense Deoxys:

It's my favorite of the four, though I do like Normal Deoxys.

Was going through some ANCIENT files, when I decided to redraw one of them:

From my understanding, Garu from Monster Rancher is a bit too large here. Just pretend he's an "Alpha Garu" or something.

(stealth-edit: fixed Lyra up a little. Looking at it again, she probably needs more work. Bleh...)

(If you can guess what these two have in common besides "Being From Monster-Raising Franchises", you get the much-coveted "Bonus Points".)

I finished this at the tail end of 2020, but I think it holds up still. Wouldn't hurt to redraw it at some point, though.

This guy might be able to pull off a "real bout", but his "fury" isn't really "fatal". All things considered, he's left his "Mark of the Dance" as the "King of Ducks". (Or was it the other way around?)

...Seriously, my backgrounds need work.

Made this for MEGA MAY 2023, though I guess I've drawn this every other year for that purpose:

Either way, I struggle with Toadman dot EXE's anatomy...

NEW! Decidedly not for any Mega Man-related occasion, I just think Ring Man is neat:

I tried making his eyes more on-model, but it didn't look right. Pardon if anything else is off-model, too. Also, a rare attempt at shading! (and yes, that's a Ninja Gaiden reference, for anyone who'd care to point it out. The pose seemed suiting for Ring Man, so why not?)

I had a bit too much fun drawing this one:

...and that's all I really have to say on the matter!

Last fan art for now? Maybe?

It's a bit on the "old" side, but I added a makeshift background, got rid of some words, etc. It's more in line with what I originally intended now, at any rate. I still like it. Might add to the "redraw at some point" pile. Poor Gumshoe...

(Please tell me if I'm adding too many images to one post. I'll stop uploading, or resize/remove some, as necessary)


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