Random Randomness / Re: first world problems
« on: January 07, 2019, 20:03 »
life is stressful again
I’m coming to the end of my First Real Job next month and need to start looking for a new one but I can’t decide what I wanna do with my life. I’ve been in this nice lil happy bubble for the past year and now it’s going to pop.
part of me wants to go back and do a masters in something design related but another part just wants to get a job and keep climbing that ladder!!
The problem is my self esteem/confidence etc etc is awful just now so it’s putting me off even applying for anything in the first place 🙃
like on the plus side I’ve designed so much in the past year and def have enough to fill and revamp my portfolio, it’s just... fear I guess???
anyways I’d forgotten I was still even on this site and haven’t posted for like 2 years
I’m coming to the end of my First Real Job next month and need to start looking for a new one but I can’t decide what I wanna do with my life. I’ve been in this nice lil happy bubble for the past year and now it’s going to pop.
part of me wants to go back and do a masters in something design related but another part just wants to get a job and keep climbing that ladder!!
The problem is my self esteem/confidence etc etc is awful just now so it’s putting me off even applying for anything in the first place 🙃
like on the plus side I’ve designed so much in the past year and def have enough to fill and revamp my portfolio, it’s just... fear I guess???
anyways I’d forgotten I was still even on this site and haven’t posted for like 2 years