Author Topic: Tamashii island [Pw] [S(possibly)] [Sf] [Ad]  (Read 2924 times)

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Tamashii island [Pw] [S(possibly)] [Sf] [Ad]
« on: October 28, 2013, 00:06 »
Rob looked out the window next to him and the sight he saw rendered him speechless. The last time he  looked he had been above the ocean with no landmarks in sight, but now the plane was above a huge island. Rob thought it couldn't be real for it spanned deserts, forests, jungles, open planes and many mountain ranges some snowy, some with tropical plants growing on the side and one with smoke rising out the top and the whole island had so many rives and lakes the place looked like a miniature earth all on its own. Rob tried to look for other nearby landmasses, but the wonderful island was completely isolated and there was only the ocean on all the horizons. Then, Rob's attention was taken by what he thought must be the main building. The building extended for what must have been at least a quarter of the island and had many high towers coming out of it, the highest of which went far above the clouds and far above where their plane was flying.

Rob's thoughts were interrupted by the voice of the pilot saying “We are heading in for our landing at SDR-001 all passengers prepare themselves.” Prepare for what? Rob thought, slightly unnerved by the fact that some men at the front of the plane had started loading guns and waking very angry and mean looking dogs. There were two reasons Rob did not know what to prepare for, number 1: He did not know where he was, all he knew was that his parents had paid a lot of money and took him out of his old school away from his friends and had him put on this plane alone without anyone he knew not even his sister who he missed even now and wished she was here. He hoped whatever this place was that they would at least continue his education. Reason number 2: Some of the other passengers on the plane looked too young to be travelling without parents and some looked too old to do much by themselves. Rob had also noticed that some people had entered the plane with armed escort and were handcuffed, what was he doing on a plane with convicts on it? Was he being sent to prison?  He didn't have time to finish that line of thought when he noticed that the plane had come to a halt. “Proceed to the back of the plane”  shouted a guard who was armed with a rifle of some sort.

Rob got to the back of the plane just as it opened. Rob noticed that the plane had landed a good distance from the main building. “Start walking,” ordered the armed guard and eventually all of the passengers set of towards the building at a slow pace. Roughly a quarter of the way there a gunshot was heard and a second later the man next to Rob had fallen down with a bullet wound in his back “Run!” many people, including the guards shouted as more shots were fired at them and Rob heard the sound of dogs being released and trying to chase down the crowd. Rob changed his mind and thought it lucky that his sister had not accompanied him to this death trap. Rob kept running as bullets flew around him, he saw many people fall and a few people dragged down by dogs. Rob never saw these people again.

Only a few reached the front gate of the facility were the guards stopped shooting at them and the dogs went back to their owners. Rob looked at the survivors, less then half had survived. Rob wandered what kind of place was this? Suddenly the gates flew open and two men walked through it, one was an ageing man whose once black hair was now mostly grey and was only a little black at  the ends, he wore smart polished black shows, beige chinos, thin glasses and a green overcoat, he walked with a slight gait and had a polished black wooden cane with him although Rob thought the strangest bit about him was the smile on his face considering that a bunch of people just got murdered  in front of his building. The man did not help Rob get a better view of him by saying “Look some survivors this time!” to his companion. His companion was one of the weirdest things he had seen today. He wore gold boots and gold gloves which guessing by the sound his boots made when he walked they might have been made of actual gold. He also wore white trousers and a white duster coat which hid whatever shirt he was wearing. The man's sunglasses were normal however a unsettling green glow came from behind them and the man's hair was silver and went down to his hips. The first man looked at the survivors and said “Welcome to the Tamashii facility.”

After a brief silence the man spoke again “You have already passed the test showing that you have enough luck to stay here by surviving that onslaught you have also shown that you will not break under pressure this is good. You may be wondering where you are and who am I? Well I am Professor Kai this island is called the Tamashii island, the worlds greatest secret. What do we do here? We study and perfect people's use of the Amnuis. What is the Amnuis you ask? Well first let me tell you there are four kinds of people in this world first there are the Standard who are normal people like me and a few of you to access our Amnuis we need and object to open our brain to it and a weapon to channel it through and some of  can't access it at all. There are also the Open who from some event in their lives have had their brains open up so so they can be receptive to the Amnuis, these people only need a weapon and some training to use their Amnuis, sadly enough the event that usually opens up your brain to this is some sort of crime of traumatic event. Thirdly, there are the Gifted who have been gifted by one of our goods, for as you know if you paid attention to religion there are over 800 gods looking after our great planet and those gifted by the gods have grown up with special although usually weak powers, these powers can be used as a weapon to channel your Amnuis through although you still need an item to open up your brain to the Amnuis. Finally, there are the Pseudo-Amnuior PA for short who have the blood of the ancient Amnui running through them  their brains are open to the Amnuis and they have a natural power or “Weapon” with them, these people just need training to use there Amnuis. And, finally why are you here? Well if you are a Gifted, Open or PA you were sent here to train in the ways of the Amnuis, if you are a standard you were sent here to become the best you can be. OK?” He stopped as if he had finished speaking and stood there. The other man lent near the Professor’s ear and said “You didn't actually tell them what Amnuis is Sir.” The Professor looked confused for a second and then went “Err right thank you Arc. As my companion pointed out I should explain what Amnuis is, Amnuis is the physical manifestation of the power of our Body, Soul and mind combined into a power beyond normal human reckoning. It can be many things you could have an Amnuis of destruction or an Amnuis of healing, it could be caused by great stress of by great comfort. Everyone has a different Amnuis. Any questions?”

Well if you couldn't guess this is a RP set at the Tamashii island and will be mainly centered around the Amnuis (If you couldn't guess by the amount of times I used the word Amnuis) Oh and you don't get to pick your Amnuis I'll be messaging you what your Amnuis is and what activates it after I have read and accepted your character.

All normal RP and site rules.
If you choose to be a gifted or PA keep in mind that they should have minor powers, not anything to big or destructive.

Character form:
Name: (You know what to do here … I hope)

Age: (Not so young that they are just babbling imbeciles and not so old they they are babbling imbeciles)

Gender: (Well duh)

Appearance: (What your character looks like)

Personality: (Don't have to reveal all of this if you want to develop it or keep it hidden.)

Type: (Standard, Open , Gifted of Pseudo-Amnui)

If Gifted or PA: (What minor power did they receive?)

If Open: (What event opened their minds to the Amnuis can range from dead parents to killing peoples parents)

History: (What people know about your characters history so you can keep most of it hidden if you want)

Other: (Anything I miss? It goes here.)

Starter Post: (Your characters feelings on the flight, during the death run, during the Professor’s speech and if they have any questions)

I'll make my character later. And if this isn't popular I'll use it for a book or something.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2013, 15:16 by Cody999 »
Sup ~ I RP and stuff.
Also called Cody on err... pretty much everything.
When I play Pokemon I follow my personal Rule: I can only use Each Pokemon once across all games that I can transfer Pokemon across. I have used 108 different Pokemon I think.

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Re: Tamashii island [Pw] [S(possibly)] [Sf] [Ad]
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2013, 01:02 »
Reserve me a spot, I love this idea. I'll work on it sometime this week.
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Re: Tamashii island [Pw] [S(possibly)] [Sf] [Ad]
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2013, 11:24 »
I have a feeling this will be popular, I like the idea of you picking our Amnuis for us because if I decide to join then I don't have to dither about what my character is good at etc.
If there are lots of people joining (and if I ever finish all the homework I have at the moment!) I'll definitely give this a go...

Offline Cody999

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Re: Tamashii island [Pw] [S(possibly)] [Sf] [Ad]
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2013, 12:20 »
OK I'll reserve you a spot Blaze and I'll ... Do something for Wolstenholme?
Sup ~ I RP and stuff.
Also called Cody on err... pretty much everything.
When I play Pokemon I follow my personal Rule: I can only use Each Pokemon once across all games that I can transfer Pokemon across. I have used 108 different Pokemon I think.


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Re: Tamashii island [Pw] [S(possibly)] [Sf] [Ad]
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2013, 12:22 »
You don't need to reserve a spot for me, because it isn't definite that I'll join...

also, call me Chloe  ^.^

Offline Cody999

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Re: Tamashii island [Pw] [S(possibly)] [Sf] [Ad]
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2013, 23:34 »
And here is my character.

Name: Robert Targe

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Appearance: Robert is smaller than the average 14 year old and has brown eyes and neat mid length golden brown hair which no matter how hard he tries he cannot seem to mess up. He always tries to wear casual clothes, usually a white shirt of some sort and black trousers of some sort. Although he hates them Rob keeps always keeps a set or two of smart clothes with him to be prepared for any occasion. He also has a gold pendant with a picture of his family in.
Personality: Robert grew up in a wealthy family and he hated it and he hated his father and all the servants. The only people he talked to were his sister and his mother and one of the maids. So this left him with two personalties. The one he used around his father and the servants which was calm, reserved, arrogant (Only to the servants) and almost completely silent. And the personality he used everywhere else still calm, but also a lot less serious and more relaxed he was known for being a joker around his friends and outside his family he has a rebellious streak preferring to be called Rob instead of Robert and not wearing any of the clothes the servants picked out for him and choosing his own attire. However on the island his personality is unpredictable because he is around strangers in a strange place with no one to fall back on. (Will develop more during.)
Type: Standard

If Gifted or PA: N/A

If Open: N/A

History: As stated above Robert grew up in wealthy family and hated hit. He hated being sent to the posh schools, his spare time being taken up by his tutors or his fathers “family time” during which Rob would lie just to keep his father happy and most of all he hated the fact that any friends he had were instantly questioned by one his father or one of the servants and if they didn't like his friend then that friend would suddenly be moved to a different school. And the one time he had made a group of friends in a school he liked his dad said they were sending him to some facility alone. (Will reveal more details during)

Other: N/A

Starter Post: (See first post – That is what Rob is feeling.)

Your starter post doesn't need to be the length of the opening post.

« Last Edit: November 01, 2013, 00:22 by Cody999 »
Sup ~ I RP and stuff.
Also called Cody on err... pretty much everything.
When I play Pokemon I follow my personal Rule: I can only use Each Pokemon once across all games that I can transfer Pokemon across. I have used 108 different Pokemon I think.

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Re: Tamashii island [Pw] [S(possibly)] [Sf] [Ad]
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2013, 00:13 »
Name: Jack Starcaster

Age: 13 (This ok?)

Gender: Male

Appearance: Jack is a thin teen, almost underweight, yet tall for his age, almost 6 feet tall. His eyesight is also bad, forcing him to wear contacts. Other than that, he always wears a pair of jeans and a t-shirt with a leather jacket and combat boots. His eyes are a brilliant blue, like the imperial sea that they flew over to get here. He has dirty blonde, almost brown hair. His skin tone is mostly white with a slight tan. He always wears a key necklace, the key is a gold key and is edged with rubies, emeralds and sapphires, a going away present from his parents.

Personality: Jack is a slightly arrogant teen who uses sarcasm frequently. It's his defense mechanism, and he uses it well. However, deep down, and only to those who he trusts, let's just say in a war, you want him in your foxhole.

Type: Open

Tragic Event: About a month ago, his family was at an amusement park. It was towards the end of the day and they were on a tall coaster. The car  dropped. Oh no! A failed seat belt! Jack was flung out of his seat and hit the ground, almost 25 feet down. A week and 3 surgeries later, he woke up in the hospital, lucky to be alive, and still able to walk, yet he had a nasty head wound. His parents sued the park and won, making them rich. During the span of a few weeks, his parents noticed he was acting strange, and couldn't remember anything said to him even just minutes ago. He was arrested twice and threatened to be charged with arson. The state and his parents compromised, if he was sent to this special rehab center, no charges would be pressed. They accepted. Jack felt rejected, and was depressed up until his departure, that mess was one of the only things that stuck in his memory.

History: Jack's history is unknown to him, or anyone else on the island, due to the event. He lost his memory. ((No, this is no excuse to be lazy))

Other: He has memory problems ((See above)) and an extreme fear of heights.

Starter post:

I looked out the window and shuddered. We were high up. I almost fainted into my seat. "Please fasten your seat belts, we are landing." I hear the attendant say. Thank you! The landing is rough. The plane stops and we are escorted at gunpoint by some soldiers. The lot of us are now standing in front of the plane. Suddenly, a shot rang out! My instinct is to go fight, but dogs are released. I jump forward, getting a head start on everyone else. Suddenly, I feel searing pain in my shoulder. I'd been shot. What the hell is this?! People beside me go down, be shots or bites. Suddenly, an oversized german shepherd lands on my chest, preparing to deliver the death blow. I roll back and the dog is surprised. My would've been killer is flung into the air and shot o the spot. I jump up and see dead bodies, everywhere. I'm the only one still moving, well, one of the only ones. There are still a few others. Gates! I surge forward and hug them like a fluffy armchair. The dogs retreat and the guards walk to the plane.

Suddenly, two horridly dressed men came out and one said, "Look, survivors!"

The other one said, "Welcome to the Tamashii facility."

I responded sarcastically, "I loved your welcoming committee."

The first man ignored my comment and said, "You are all special because, you have a special power. You have an amnui. An amnui means that you have strength beyond comprehension. There are 4 types, open, who only need a weapon and some training to use it. Standard, who need that and an event to expose the mind and body to it. Gifted, who had a minor power granted to them by the gods. Last, PA, meaning you have the power of the ancients." Well, that's all I know and could remember or pay attention to. "Welcome. You all were lucky to survive, meaning, you will now crack under the pressure of training. Now, come in to treatment from your death run. If you sustained injuries, of course."

A wave of pain hits my shoulder, I clutch it. It forces me down onto one knee. Lucky shot.
((This ok?))
« Last Edit: November 02, 2013, 00:34 by ShinyBlaziken2000 »
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Re: Tamashii island [Pw] [S(possibly)] [Sf] [Ad]
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2013, 00:24 »
I think it's OK, but I'll read it again to check later because right now I think my computer is exploding.
Sup ~ I RP and stuff.
Also called Cody on err... pretty much everything.
When I play Pokemon I follow my personal Rule: I can only use Each Pokemon once across all games that I can transfer Pokemon across. I have used 108 different Pokemon I think.

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Re: Tamashii island [Pw] [S(possibly)] [Sf] [Ad]
« Reply #8 on: November 01, 2013, 00:27 »
Ok, thanks. If it's not specific enough, I could go into detail.
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Offline Cody999

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Re: Tamashii island [Pw] [S(possibly)] [Sf] [Ad]
« Reply #9 on: November 01, 2013, 22:18 »
Well now I have had time to read it when my computer isn't dying (It's not dying because it died yesterday and I had to set up my back up). And maybe I kinda worded myself wrong or something, but I kinda meant for everyone to arrive on the same flight. I should of mentioned that before. But that is my only problem so fix that (pls) and I'll send you the details on your Amnuis.
Sup ~ I RP and stuff.
Also called Cody on err... pretty much everything.
When I play Pokemon I follow my personal Rule: I can only use Each Pokemon once across all games that I can transfer Pokemon across. I have used 108 different Pokemon I think.

Offline SirBlaziken

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Re: Tamashii island [Pw] [S(possibly)] [Sf] [Ad]
« Reply #10 on: November 02, 2013, 00:31 »
Understood. I'll make that fix.

Edit: Fixed.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2013, 00:35 by ShinyBlaziken2000 »
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Re: Tamashii island [Pw] [S(possibly)] [Sf] [Ad]
« Reply #11 on: November 02, 2013, 00:38 »
OK its good now. You'll get your Amnuis.
Sup ~ I RP and stuff.
Also called Cody on err... pretty much everything.
When I play Pokemon I follow my personal Rule: I can only use Each Pokemon once across all games that I can transfer Pokemon across. I have used 108 different Pokemon I think.

Offline SirBlaziken

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Re: Tamashii island [Pw] [S(possibly)] [Sf] [Ad]
« Reply #12 on: November 02, 2013, 00:47 »
I find mine very ironic. That'll make the story interesting.
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