Author Topic: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]  (Read 31240 times)

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #135 on: January 31, 2015, 20:18 »
((I am so sorry for holding you all up. I did intend to reply earlier, but... I'm sorry))

The Anorith woke to the sound of the others going about their morning business. His injuries had completely healed overnight, to his surprise. He noticed a few of the others had caught something to eat. It smelled like the pokemon that attacked the group last night. Was it even safe to eat? The others seemed fine. He wasn't feeling too hungry, but, with the way things have been going, he didn't know when the next chance he'd get to eat would be. He cut off a small piece of the whatever-it-was to eat.

After the chaotic events of the previous night, it was nice to have some time to relax. However, it didn't last long. He looked around at the others, desperately trying to figure out what was going on. Fleur ran out, he scurried forward slightly. Keira walked back, he turned and returned to his first spot. Soon he just ran behind the nearest rock, close to a wall. He peeked out to watch the other, still hoping to get some idea what's happening.
When it comes down to it, the difference between healing and necromancy is timing.

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #136 on: February 01, 2015, 21:10 »
"Well I mean..." Nova said quietly during Fleur and Kiera's discourse, as they tried to figure out how to ditch the Lucario. She hoped that he'd get the hint with just the scarf... they were potentially leaving Keira in a situation where she'd be in danger. She looked down at the bones of the Delcatty. Maybe I could get the thigh bone. Then maybe he'd know. Or, well, maybe that's not much of a better hint.

Fleur dashed off, and Nova quickly tried to think of a plan. She came to a conclusion, and then ran out of the cave after Fleur. She could definitely smell a steel type, who was no doubt the lucario that had been giving them a lot of trouble. She saw him looking rather confused by some trees in the woods. "You're one step behind!" Nova yelled to him tauntingly, and skidding herself into a stop. She turned herself to face Ryu. "Between us, Kiera was a waste of resources. We picked her off in the forest last night. But, don't worry for the fate of the world. She served her purpose by getting us the cure. I suggest you find somebody new to stalk."

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #137 on: February 01, 2015, 21:53 »
Fleur kept running, slowing down just enough to hear Nova and mentally facepalming. She had definitely gotten his attention, and the lucario was obviously enraged by this, but also hurt. He said, "Fine, then i'll avenge her. Starting with the buizel." "Gotta catch me first~" Fleur says, taking off. The lucario started off after the two and the three vanished into the forest.

Keira casts out her senses to see the scene unfold with extrasensory and sighs, eventually cutting the link. "That's one way to go I suppose." She then looks at the ones that stay, "Hope you all are ready to run at a moments notice. Oh! And if anyone knows how I could disguise myself, that would be a huge help."
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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #138 on: February 03, 2015, 20:02 »
Sixx stood up to his full height, listening as Fluer explained her plan of splitting up into small groups. He watched the Buizel take off out of the cave, and saw Nova quickly move to follow her out. He sighed and scratched his mangled ear. "Patrick," he called, "I'm going out with them, stay back here with Keira and all that." he glanced at his Sylveon brother, "You know...could be dangerous out there. We'll meet back up later."

"Oh, that's no problem!" Patrick chirruped back. He turned his head to watch his Anorith pal skitter behind one of the cave's many rocks, "Besides, my buddies are still here! I can keep an eye on them! it'll be fine!" he waved with one of his feelers and Sixx nodded uneasily, before getting down on all fours and shooting out of the cave after Fluer and Nova.

When Keira spoke up about the potential to leave at a moment's notice, Patrick blinked over at her, "Well, that shouldn't be too hard." He heard her mull over ideas for disguising herself, " that's a toughie!" He tilted his head and examined the Ninetales. Finally, he made a soft thoughtful snuff, "Maybe if you roll around in some mud it'll hide your pretty gold color! And make you...not smell like you, so you won't be as easily traced! Huh?"

Sixx, meanwhile, tore out of the cave and managed to spy Nova and Fluer heading off into the forest, the Lucario they were trying to shake fast on their tails. "Aw man," he mumbled, getting down into a running position again and taking off, Maybe if I get to the woods quickly I can throw up some illusions...disorient the Lucario...hmm...

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #139 on: February 04, 2015, 14:40 »
Nova flew on her feet, but she wasn't too afraid of the Lucario. After all, all she needed to do was throw some fire type attacks at him and she'd be set. To start, she opened her mouth, and a tiny ball of fire began to grow in her mouth. It turned from orange, to red, to white. She allowed to to sit in her mouth for a few more moments, until it turned blue. She then turned her head back, and fired the Will-o-Wisp at the opposing Lucario.

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #140 on: February 05, 2015, 17:22 »
The others were acting quickly in fear of some attacker. A "Lukerio", according to the Ninetails. Unfortunately, SCRAP had no data on this Pokémon. As such, he couldn't devise a plan of attack should the situation arise. The group decided to lay a fake clue and to scatter with the aim to throw the attacker off the trail. It seemed illogical: creatures that were often prey would tend to stay in large numbers to overpower lone attackers. Their experience with this newcomer, the "Lukerio" would have to serve them well.

Keira, the Ninetails, asked about camoflauge. SCRAP approached the Keira.
"[Explanation] I am equipped with technology allowing myself to change outward appearences and textures. [Regretful] I can alter myself, but not you unfortunately. [Encouraging] If you remain still, you can hide behind me. I can do nothing regarding your odor, as the pink creature mentioned."

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #141 on: February 10, 2015, 11:58 »
((Please note that I might have slight control over Nova in order to keep this moving. Kypna gave me perms for this))

Keira looked at SCRAP, then answered "Thanks for the offer." as she went to cover her most defining features in mud. The flower could be hidden by SCRAP, as she didn't want to get mud on that. When she finished, she gave her suggestion, "Alright, let's get a move on. I'd rather get out of here when we can."

Fleur, meanwhile, was scaling a tree, waiting for them to run by so that she could down the lucario to give them a little bit of time to get away from him. She held a knife in one hand and had an ice punch ready on the other when she steadied herself on a branch, waiting for Nova to run by, leading their right into the trap. Right on cue, Nova ran by and the lucario after her, flinging aura spheres in her direction. Fleur let herself fall, right at the lucario. It sensed her. It grabbed her leg, leaving her surprised. "Nova! A little help here! The lucario says "Don't think she's going to help you now." It takes the knife from her and drops her on the ground. "Alright, I guess you're first, now pick the way you die." I hope she gets over here, I don't feel like dying today.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2015, 19:32 by ShinyBlaziken2000 »
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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #142 on: February 14, 2015, 19:47 »
 Nova turned around, and saw that whatever Fleur was planning to do, didn't turn out all that well. The Lucario had her pinned now. Nova panicked a bit. She considered a physical attack for a moment, but what if he was going to pull a knife and force her to stab herself? But a fiery attack may splash onto Fleur, and hurt her.

 I have to make a choice now, she thought, preparing to shoot the fire from her mouth. She ran forward a bit to close the distance between her and Ryu, and unleashed her flamethrower.

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #143 on: February 14, 2015, 20:03 »
Fleur watched this course of events and watches as the attack flares towards them and grins. The lucario's body would take most of it since it had her pinned. Suddenly, it jumped away, leaving her unprotected and to take the full impact of the attack. Luckily she was a water type, or that would've really hurt. Fleur twitches and grinds her teeth as she endures the attack. The lucario laughs at this and taunts them, "Nice try, you almost had me. Gotta be quicker than that."
Fleur springs up, slightly slower than what she was, and delivers a sharp kick to the face that the lucario blocks with its arm. She lands, and the knife comes flying at her, and she stumbles out of the way just barely. It was aimed at her heart.

"I can't beat this guy with speed alone!" yells Fleur. "What do you suggest?" The lucario pipes up, "You to sit down and take your deaths now. I'll make it quick." Fleur scowls, "I'd rather take Keira on after you make her mad. Oh wait! She's dead!" The lucario surprisingly keeps its composure, "Fine, the hard way. As it should be, ladies first." It motions for them to charge.
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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #144 on: February 15, 2015, 16:56 »
As soon as he was done motioning for them to charge, Nova instead opened up her mouth, and belted another line of fire at the Lucario, ignoring his invitation for physical combat. I didn't make it this far for this crazy Lucario to stop me!

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]
« Reply #145 on: February 16, 2015, 02:20 »
"Engaging camoflauge" SCRAP chimed. He scanned the surrounding area and changed his body shape and texture to provide a large surface to better hide the Ninetails. She then suggested they "get a move on", which SCRAP understood to mean she wanted the remaining Pokémon in this cave to move to a different location. They were all at optimal operating capacity and could combat opponents should the situation arise. However, with unknown variables to consider in facing any number of hypothetical opponents the decision was a difficult one to make with certainty.
"[Request] Define 'Lukerio', the hypothetical attacker."

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((Omg, I'm so sorry guys. Life got a bit hectic and I've been meaning to post here, but haven't had the time. I'll make this post and if you want to continue, we will))

Fleur watched as the lucario swiftly dodged and they sized each other up. It throws and aura sphere at Fleur and she slips, it barely missing a direct hit to the head. "Oi! Get a better aim!" taunts the buizel, and she charges, ice punch in hand, ready to strike.

Meanwhile, Keira's mind is trying to come up with a quick description for SCRAP. She finally says, "A lucario is a tall, blue doglike creature capable of fighting and sensing others using aura. It's a fighting and steel pokemon, making it effective against Nova, you and Sixx due to fightnig type attacks, and Patrick and our insectlike friend because of steel typing. It's fast and powerful, so handle with extreme caution." The fox starts to run in the direction opposite of the lucario's trying to get to safety before i realized where she really was.
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