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Re: first world problems
« Reply #3855 on: January 01, 2019, 03:50 »
we'll call it "the unholy trinity". watch it actually take off and be a huge success like those godawful saisons and them dumbass canned craft IPAs with crap like cumin and ambergris in them

p.s. sorry in advance if you like canned IPAs i just get really angry at them,

 Could imagine reddit drinking them even tho it's rank to try and display the prowess of their palette to other redditors ngl like the Rick and Morty memes about requiring a certain IQ to understand the subtle humour.

 Lowkey always figured that IPAs were like the pumpkin spice drink memes but for dudes aha never touched them tho they look too hipster to me.

despite loving ginger i cant stand ginger ale lol. ill try again one day but the only mixer ill tolerate (whiskey should be neat and only have a few teaspoons of water if its too harsh/open stuff up a bit) is lemonade for mixing with laphroaig because no-one can drink that stuff neat. it makes this smoky hint lemonade n whiskey and i luv it 

 oof never tried lemonade! People get it with brandy a lot but it could be a neat lil combo there. The last time I used ginger ale as a mixer was the time when I finished an entire bottle of a Jim Beam copy and it just hurts to think about aha.

p sure people have homemade that stuff before a la skittles vodka? i mean im curious tbh but

 Yee the skittles vodka sounds really fun ngl with all the snazzy bottles but they've done a truckload of gins now to keep up with the craze like there's parmaviolets, turkish delight, marshmallow, and loads more now but the parmaviolets one is really good

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Re: first world problems
« Reply #3856 on: January 03, 2019, 17:30 »
My mum like to make something called bubble and squeak. I refuse to eat it.

The reason I refuse to eat it is because as soon as someone mentions it, I imagine a mouse that has been poisoned to death by being force fed washing powder!

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Re: first world problems
« Reply #3857 on: January 04, 2019, 18:50 »
Could imagine reddit drinking them even tho it's rank to try and display the prowess of their palette to other redditors ngl like the Rick and Morty memes about requiring a certain IQ to understand the subtle humour.

lmao the reddit drinking community

dude with seborrheic dermatitis beard hair: hey bros, finished my toenail schnapps. tasting notes......aged gouda, cold sore scabs, pizza hut oil spray,....
reddit community: oh how innovate (upvote upvote)
some girl with like a zelda username: hey guys is it too late to add some light malt and hops when 1º is done? forgot to add them and want bit more of a bigger FG. its a toucan coopers canadian golden but wanting to add 1kg of light malt and 20g of fuggles if poss
reddit community: UGH IF YOU DONT KNOW WHY ARE YOU BOTHERING TO BREW. (downvote downvote)   

Lowkey always figured that IPAs were like the pumpkin spice drink memes but for dudes aha never touched them tho they look too hipster to me.

 hey yeh!!!!!!!!!! you make a good point, they literally are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! people dunk on the pumpkin spice ppl (including me) but "corn and plum" IPAs are literally no different!!!! they just get away with it for the usual obvious reasons,
oof never tried lemonade! People get it with brandy a lot but it could be a neat lil combo there. The last time I used ginger ale as a mixer was the time when I finished an entire bottle of a Jim Beam copy and it just hurts to think about aha.

lmao what was worse the fact it was an entire bottle or that it was Jim Bean. or both

Yee the skittles vodka sounds really fun ngl with all the snazzy bottles but they've done a truckload of gins now to keep up with the craze like there's parmaviolets, turkish delight, marshmallow, and loads more now but the parmaviolets one is really good

man what even makes a gin??????? is it just a bunch of botanicals?????? internet says that juniper has to be an ingredient but i seen ppl just make any old flower and call it gin?

lol speaking of, i made this kind of lavender/vanilla/honey faux-gin thing for me mam for a present but it developed this dark green gunk at the bottom (possibly waxes or amino acids from the honey) and it was totally ungiftable looking as a resullt despite tastin nice, well i thought anyway.
also green gunk ghost notwithstanding it smelt like some sorta fruity eau de parfum and it was kind of like being an alcoholic in the harrods cologne aisle or something despite the nice taste so its just sat in my cupboard for a year lol. and i got so depressed about it i havent tried anything since,

My mum like to make something called bubble and squeak. I refuse to eat it.

The reason I refuse to eat it is because as soon as someone mentions it, I imagine a mouse that has been poisoned to death by being force fed washing powder!

yah thats the secret ingredient, hence the latin motto for bubble and squeak: "mickey persil foie gras"

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Re: first world problems
« Reply #3858 on: January 06, 2019, 20:50 »
straight whisky is nice but then again i just enjoy any alcohol that tastes like pure gasoline. if its not burning my stomach ulcers its not good.

i have a few problems...... most of them are work related like i just hate working with the public but also like....... now i have my thyroid out and im living life without having to work around the huge tumour in my neck that obstructs breathing and eating.... i decided to go back on T because i realised by thinking real hard that "im okay with androgyny" was just a way of saying "ill settle for androgyny because being on hrt might kill me  from the thyroid outwards" but now im like...... really trying to look after my skin bc its just bad but how am i meant to look after my skin when T will make me a greasy spotty ass anyway?

not to mention nobody will give me it because for some reason it was never actually added to my prescription. no wonder my body is a mess, i gave it 2 doses of Raw Hormones in a month then cut it off for 8 months.

the plus side is i got a haircut and now people at work are back to assuming im a guy again. i got called Miss and Lady and Maam constantly and it really bothered me more than i thought it would. like once or twice a week i could handle bc i never left the damn house but now im faced with it constantly and im like wow thats not nice. doesnt help that one of my coworkers has my deadname so i hear that like every 10 seconds and im like (:

anyway i stopped logging in to tumblr as much and this is the outcome. i realise my art has stagnated because i only did what tumblr liked which is a horrible idea and i also realised nobodys gonna call me he/him if i look like a lesbian on purpose. having to re-learn a bunch of things at 25 and begin my life at the same age while looking like an awkward teenage boy is so messy but at least my neck isnt swollen so people dont look at me funny and at least i stopped before i landed myself a kiwi farms thread

thanks for reading my blog post everyone ^____^

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Re: first world problems
« Reply #3859 on: January 07, 2019, 09:42 »
man what even makes a gin??????? is it just a bunch of botanicals?????? internet says that juniper has to be an ingredient but i seen ppl just make any old flower and call it gin?

Botanicals and pretentiousness. Gin is the avocado of alcoholic drinks.
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Offline sylar

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Re: first world problems
« Reply #3860 on: January 07, 2019, 16:07 »
Botanicals and pretentiousness. Gin is the avocado of alcoholic drinks.

(sips gin loudly while holding the bottle so you know its gin im drinking and not water or vodka or some other prole drink) this guys just mad that he didnt really "get" neutral milk hotel's music (chuckles smugly) if he even knows who that is (sips gin louder than before)

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Re: first world problems
« Reply #3861 on: January 07, 2019, 20:03 »
life is stressful again
I’m coming to the end of my First Real Job next month and need to start looking for a new one but I can’t decide what I wanna do with my life. I’ve been in this nice lil happy bubble for the past year and now it’s going to pop.
part of me wants to go back and do a masters in something design related but another part just wants to get a job and keep climbing that ladder!!
The problem is my self esteem/confidence etc etc is awful just now so it’s putting me off even applying for anything in the first place 🙃
like on the plus side I’ve designed so much in the past year and def have enough to fill and revamp my portfolio, it’s just... fear I guess???

anyways I’d forgotten I was still even on this site and haven’t posted for like 2 years

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Re: first world problems
« Reply #3862 on: January 07, 2019, 21:05 »
thanks for reading my blog post everyone ^____^

it was a cool blog post. i dont know if this is a good thing to say to this because i dont really Get Things lol but i liked reading it and its always good to see u!!!!! im thinking most of that post is hopefully good stuff moving away from bad stuff and if not i will like put flowers in my cauldron and spell it good, either way it will be a regenerative and positive Imbolc, so mote it be,

have you joined USDAW or your job's equivalent????....if ur wages are thick enough i guess but yeh ppl there will not let you know about it or yell about it a lot b/c it directly contravenes managements mission statement which is "boss people around and be power thrills the mall cop.".

im trying to do a lot less of my huuuuggeee aggressively unsolicited advice posts at people these days after they post stuff cos elsewhere on the internet ive picked up its an annoying thing, & im trying to keep it brief if i do, but in this case i have to ask cos i made a bunch of mistakes in my ~7 year retail career and i wanna be like "noooooooo" all bodyguard diving to save ppl, rather than me just sit here and turn into sasuke burnout of retail instead. so yeh apologies for being lefty pinko belly beth a bit

(sips gin loudly while holding the bottle so you know its gin im drinking and not water or vodka or some other prole drink) this guys just mad that he didnt really "get" neutral milk hotel's music (chuckles smugly) if he even knows who that is (sips gin louder than before)

milsap drinks strongbow shandies foreverially, permenant palete of a 14 year old and loving it, as he has his lynx africa deoderant that he eats for dinner,

life is stressful again
I’m coming to the end of my First Real Job next month and need to start looking for a new one but I can’t decide what I wanna do with my life. I’ve been in this nice lil happy bubble for the past year and now it’s going to pop.
part of me wants to go back and do a masters in something design related but another part just wants to get a job and keep climbing that ladder!!
The problem is my self esteem/confidence etc etc is awful just now so it’s putting me off even applying for anything in the first place (i have had emoji posting privelidges revoked for some reason so soz for taking it out of this post)
like on the plus side I’ve designed so much in the past year and def have enough to fill and revamp my portfolio, it’s just... fear I guess???

anyways I’d forgotten I was still even on this site and haven’t posted for like 2 years

hello im glad to see youre still about!!!!! i hope apart from the other stuff youre doing ok,

im still trying really hard not to do the Unwarranted Advice thing from above but i want to say you could possibly try speaking to MIND if you havent done already if headstuff is Proper gettin in the way of ur next step. there might be some Work charities like ones that help you get to work if you have X nerd problem or whatever locally???? idk if MIND would know or ur local council directory would have them. but in case that was a thing you might feel you need.

anyway yeh just do ur best and the good triple goddess will provide!!!! i believe in u

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Re: first world problems
« Reply #3863 on: January 09, 2019, 20:07 »
Trying to log in to discord here, but it won't load.
Thanks to Inferna for one of the many reasons why I love Dragonite!

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Re: first world problems
« Reply #3864 on: January 11, 2019, 13:49 »
milsap drinks strongbow shandies foreverially, permenant palete of a 14 year old and loving it, as he has his lynx africa deoderant that he eats for dinner,

I'm a real ale kind of guy, which has a certain type of irony attached.
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Offline Pam-the-Lamb

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Re: first world problems
« Reply #3865 on: January 13, 2019, 04:22 »
lmao the reddit drinking community

dude with seborrheic dermatitis beard hair: hey bros, finished my toenail schnapps. tasting notes......aged gouda, cold sore scabs, pizza hut oil spray,....
reddit community: oh how innovate (upvote upvote)
some girl with like a zelda username: hey guys is it too late to add some light malt and hops when 1º is done? forgot to add them and want bit more of a bigger FG. its a toucan coopers canadian golden but wanting to add 1kg of light malt and 20g of fuggles if poss
reddit community: UGH IF YOU DONT KNOW WHY ARE YOU BOTHERING TO BREW. (downvote downvote)   

 Could lowkey imagine that lol "the beard dandruff gives it a certain zest that you tastlets can't grasp" with the next post being some dude making a mustard gas IPA and everyone's like "yeh go for it bro" *tips IPA*.

hey yeh!!!!!!!!!! you make a good point, they literally are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! people dunk on the pumpkin spice ppl (including me) but "corn and plum" IPAs are literally no different!!!! they just get away with it for the usual obvious reasons,

 We serve canned IPAs at work and tonight, for the first time, I found a megatonne of empty IPA bottles/cans (I had to restock a tonne) but all the bottles were outside for vape privileges so they're defo the same aha

lmao what was worse the fact it was an entire bottle or that it was Jim Bean. or both

 ahhh it's not too bad! The name tho was pretty tragic ngl it was Aldi's "Clarks" which idk about you gives me flashbacks to those "back to school" shoe adverts which always made my anxiety go up to 11 lol. Drinking an entire bottle with ginger ale permanently put me off ginger though aha

I'm a real ale kind of guy, which has a certain type of irony attached.

 Ahhhhh! Real ales are probs my fave to do pour ngl have you tried anything from Boss Brewery? Always wanted to try them but whenever I'm up for it there's only Pecker Wrecker or something with a really bland label.

 Soz for late replies #ladz I've been ill so I've just been lurking. Did a decent amount of reading tho, has anyone read 'I Am Legend' it's such an improvement from the film ngl it was pretty good. Like the film doesn't really do the book justice. In all honesty, I didn't realise the baddies were vampires until I read the book.

 Bought the D&D starter set with intentions of being a DM but I can't find any of my fellow nerds to play with.


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Re: first world problems
« Reply #3866 on: January 14, 2019, 13:01 »
Ahhhhh! Real ales are probs my fave to do pour ngl have you tried anything from Boss Brewery?

I haven't. I used to spend a lot of time in the Black Country Arms as a student and they did an IPA with blueberries in it. Can I get it now? Can I balls.
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Re: first world problems
« Reply #3867 on: January 17, 2019, 10:41 »
I went to a meeting with my dad yesterday, to discuss my disability benefits, among other things.

At some point during the meeting, the subject of my anti-epilepsy medication came up. Ever since I started taking it, I've been feeling much happier, and I had no idea why.

Until now!

My dad said that my medication also worked as an anti-depressant, which I consider to be "artificial happiness" in a way. My medication is the reason why I've been happier these last couple of years. When I found that out, I felt like I've been living a lie this whole time.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm fairly certain that drug-induced happiness was considered a bad thing. It depends on the circumstances, I suppose.

Ironic, isn't it? My medication has been making me feel happier........ and I'm not happy about it!

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Re: first world problems
« Reply #3868 on: February 03, 2019, 00:37 »
I haven't. I used to spend a lot of time in the Black Country Arms as a student and they did an IPA with blueberries in it. Can I get it now? Can I balls.

 There's definitely a mango IPA floating around if that'll tickle your fancy? Haven't seen a blueberry one around here though either.


 Currently periodically deaf in one ear and it only ever seems to be when I've got a shift. I'll have to make an appointment with the doctors but it's such an unpleasant hassle these days.

 It also feels as if I'm always doing more work than everyone else on my shift and it's really getting under my skin. It bothers me because the amount of work I put in isn't appreciated but everyone would whinge and complain if I called in sick and they actually had to step up. I stopped playing online FPS games because I was sick of carrying my team and now I'm stuck doing it irl.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2019, 01:53 by Pam-the-Lamb »

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Re: first world problems
« Reply #3869 on: February 07, 2019, 16:25 »
I have the attention span of a goldfish. My mum rambles on for ages, and then tells me off for not paying attention to her.

Why can't she just get to the point when she talks to me?