I'm pretty sure my body's trying to fight off a summer cold. Either way, between sleeping my afternoon away yesterday, and general artist's block besides, I've had a crummy week. Or at least, it feels crummy. I wouldn't say it's been objectively bad, but I just can't muster too much energy lately.
(The highlight of the week was that one huge rainbow I saw, but this is the First World PROBLEMS thread. Also, I think I saw it last week, so, whatever...)
Fast-forward to
THIS HOLIDAY SEASON, and, bonehead that I am, I waited too long to set up anything to do with anyone, so there's a very real chance not much is happening for me on Christmas Day this year. Ah well, there's always New Year's... Hang on, it's almost 2025 already?! I feel old...
Also, guess who just ordered a French manga despite not knowing French. 2025 is already off to an "interesting" start!
...Apparently, the English localization is coming out this year, so I done goofed!
EDIT: Consider the following:
This anime is COMPLETELY INACCURATE regarding [thing]!!
And water is wet. Details at 11.