Author Topic: Dark Days and Bright Nights - The Reimagining [Ad][Fu][P][J]  (Read 17911 times)

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Re: Dark Days and Bright Nights - The Reimagining [Ad][Fu][P][J]
« Reply #30 on: June 09, 2016, 15:11 »
 Cole does silent and listens in on the stories of everyone else, then they start attempting a plan. Pallet Town or Fuschia city? Oak has been resisting and could give us some help, but Fuschia is the big ticket item here, meaning it would deal a bigger blow. However it will be guarded. Pallet Town is safe and we're less likely to get spotted since who would suspect that quiet little hamlet of anything besides Oak? he thinks through the options quickly. "Pallet Town is probably the best, since it's likely less guarded, but some of the cities on the way may be more on alert, so we have to be careful. I guess moving now would be best unless you're expecting someone else." he says, pausing to add another thought "Oh, and if we decide to go now, we'll smother the fire."

 A second later, a chilling realization hits Cole. The cops are more likely to be by the book the further we get from Celadon, meaning we could be in some trouble. So he decides to speak up. "One more thing, I just thought about it and as we get to other cities, the GPF are going to be the book, meaning our cover won't exactly be the best. So we're going to have to stick to the shadows and either sneak though, or if we're caught...fight our way out, which isn't the best option"
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Re: Dark Days and Bright Nights - The Reimagining [Ad][Fu][P][J]
« Reply #31 on: June 14, 2016, 07:00 »
((Sorry for skipping your turn, DH))

"Well, looks like the majority thinks we should go to Pallet first. We can head through to the other side of Diglett's cave to get there. It ends just south of Pewter City, so we'll have to be careful once we get there. Then we'll have to go through Viridian Forest. There should still be some pokemon living there, but they probably won't just be weedles and caterpies. Any pokemon that avoided capture will likely be strong. Or small enough to go undetected. Viridian City will also be a problem. They aren't as bad as Pewter, but their proximity to Pewter means they have a fairly strict police force. We'll have to be careful there. We should be safer once we get to Pallet, but we'll always need to be careful." She took a deep breath, "Well, if everyone's fine with the plan, we should get moving as soon as we can."
When it comes down to it, the difference between healing and necromancy is timing.

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Re: Dark Days and Bright Nights - The Reimagining [Ad][Fu][P][J]
« Reply #32 on: June 14, 2016, 14:18 »
"Sounds good to me." Cole says. Now Thread looks up at Cole, looking just a tad concerned. The two shuffle away from the group as if to have a private conversation.

"Ok, this is going to be extremely risky as your act won't work in larger cities." he whispers to his buizel. "Celadon cops don't really care, but once we get to places like Pewter you need to be absolutely silent and only move if you have to.  On the off-chance that we need to fight, you know what to do. Lastly, if the worst happens and I get taken, do not pursue them." the buizel looked at him quizzingly as he quickly explained in a hushed tone "It won't do much if we're both caught, you can still help anyone else, even help rescue me later, but if we're both taken it won't help anyone." Thread nods and they both rejoin the group.

Cole points to the fire and Thread shoots a small spout of water from his mouth to mostly put out the fire, the red hot coals were still going, giving them just enough light to see. "Thank you." Cole says as Thread jumps back into his bag and adjusts itself to look not very obvious. "Ready when you are." Cole says to the rest of the group.
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Re: Dark Days and Bright Nights - The Reimagining [Ad][Fu][P][J]
« Reply #33 on: June 28, 2016, 06:13 »
((Wonder what happened to this))

“Been waiting for you to say that,” Cam got up, stretched, and slung his pack over his shoulder. “Now let’s brave this cave!” He started toward the other entrance with purpose in his step, but there really was nothing to be excited about. Diglett’s Cave was empty – no Diglett, no Dugtrio – nothing. Still he somehow derived pleasure from every little thing, maybe because a truly exciting experience was scarce these days. Life under Galactic’s rule was either boring or depressing.

Cam’s energy was kind of silly but amazing at the same time. He must’ve been some kind of strong if he could move so quickly through a dark cave, with a backpack and 6 feet 7 inches of snake flesh always wrapped around his arm. He’d been walking with the others for some time now and wondered if the other exit was up ahead. Maybe if Sickens hadn’t been asleep and focused its sensitive eyes, Cam could find it more easily. It was hard to make out, but there it was, a starry cutout of the dark cave.

The sun had just barely set when Cam arrived, but now the sky was clearly darker. The cave was easy to traverse without a Diglett popping up every two seconds, but that’s exactly what everyone missed about it. “We made it,” he was quieter about it than usual, since this place was more heavily patrolled. “I’d say I’m better at getting us out of caves than a scar-faced Weavile…”
« Last Edit: June 28, 2016, 07:35 by E.K.A.N.S. »

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Re: Dark Days and Bright Nights - The Reimagining [Ad][Fu][P][J]
« Reply #34 on: June 28, 2016, 15:23 »
((I kinda didn't want to double post, so i've just been here, waiting))

Cole walked with the group as Thread had long since went into his motionless disguise. The young adult had been half paying attention but also lost in his own thoughts. How did I not get caught? I thought Galactic's Police Force was stronger than this. I shouldn't get too confident, though. They're probably a lot less stupid later on, meaning i'm going to have to figure something out quickly. Either that or i'm going to just have to make sure we don't get questioned. Still, are the low level patrollers that stupid? I should've been put in chains and tortured years ago. At least my parents won't have to worry about meeting that fate. They're probably at home right now worrying themselves to death about me. Enough of that. I gotta focus.

Cole came to a stop right behind Cam who remarked how quick they got out. "It was probably easier for obvious reasons. Still, I expected that to take a lot longer as well." Cole says, trying to keep his voice in a hushed whisper. "The others..." he looks behind him as the rest of the group catches up, "Scratch that, the gang's all here."
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Re: Dark Days and Bright Nights - The Reimagining [Ad][Fu][P][J]
« Reply #35 on: July 01, 2016, 06:48 »
((I was afraid to try to bring it back since so few posts were happening. Also, E.K.A.N.S, 'scar-faced Weavile' I see what you did there, haha))

"Woo, we're finally out!" Anise cheered. Unfortunately, that was probably going to be the easiest part of their journey. Dusk moved up close to Anise as they left the cave, using her as a windbreaker. "Dusk, you should be ready to hide, okay?" she told the Gastly. Dusk nodded, still hiding behind her trainer.

"Next is the forest. But, we should be pretty careful until we get there, incase-" and just as she was trying to warn the others, a cop approached the group. "Dusk, hide." she whispered to her pokemon, who quickly turned invisible.

"Just what are you kids up to out here. This is not a safe place you know," the cop said to the group.
When it comes down to it, the difference between healing and necromancy is timing.


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Re: Dark Days and Bright Nights - The Reimagining [Ad][Fu][P][J]
« Reply #36 on: July 01, 2016, 23:24 »
@dragoncat Yeah I might throw in a neat little crossover at times))


“Not a safe place? Come on, everyone knows dangerous places are the best for a relaxing night stroll!” Cam said. Actually, he wasn’t lying. He was the adventurous kind of guy who relaxed by getting his blood-pumping, the type who loosened in tight situations. But the cop wasn’t buying it. His hand was already on his portable radio and he looked like he was about to call for backup.

And then the worst happened: Sickens woke up. Cam felt the Ekans tighten on his arm and poke its hissing tongue out of his sleeve. Without warning the snake Pokémon shot out of its hiding place and bit the officer’s hand holding the radio. Less than a second later, Sickens whipped its tail out from his opposite sleeve and struck the cop in the head with Poison Tail, knocking him unconscious. “Sickens, you crazy snake!”
« Last Edit: July 01, 2016, 23:32 by E.K.A.N.S. »

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Re: Dark Days and Bright Nights - The Reimagining [Ad][Fu][P][J]
« Reply #37 on: July 02, 2016, 15:46 »
When the Ekans woke up and took its strike, Cole stumbled back a bit, not expecting it to happen. The patrolman dropped to the ground with the radio bouncing a couple of feet away. Instinctively, Cole ran forward, scooped up the radio and threw it against to cave wall. It didn't shatter completely, but the impact did prevent it from performing its function. "That was was too close." he said in a hushed whisper as he walked back to the group "They could have backup here soon, so I suggest we move, now." Cole sighed, "So much for being subtle I guess."
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Re: Dark Days and Bright Nights - The Reimagining [Ad][Fu][P][J]
« Reply #38 on: July 06, 2016, 05:43 »
"Yeah..." Anise nodded in agreement. One thing bothered her though. This cop might now knew who they were... "Do you think we should..." she trailed off before she finished the sentence. "No, killing him may not be the best idea... But... Dusk, hit him with Confuse Ray!" Dusk appeared and did as she was told. "With any luck, when he wakes up he'll be too confused to know for sure what happened." Her plan may not be the most solid, but it was the best she could think of in the moment. "Now let's get out of here!" She ran ahead into toward the forest. Hopefully this little incident wouldn't affect them too much.
When it comes down to it, the difference between healing and necromancy is timing.

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Re: Dark Days and Bright Nights - The Reimagining [Ad][Fu][P][J]
« Reply #39 on: July 06, 2016, 19:06 »
As soon as Anise took off, Cole didn't even think twice about anything else as he made a beeline for the forest. With the patrolman confused and knocked out, they should be able to get off scot free. Right? No matter, too late to change that. Cole didn't even try for stealth and didn't stop until he was sure that he made it into the forest, then quickly stopped to catch his breath. After that, he looked around and made sure that the police hadn't found the group. Everything seemed clear, when he finally spoke up. "So, shall we figure out what happened?" Cole commented.
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Re: Dark Days and Bright Nights - The Reimagining [Ad][Fu][P][J]
« Reply #40 on: July 06, 2016, 21:11 »
“I hate to admit it, but this purple psycho on my arm just saved us,” Cam wouldn’t allow the Ekans a compliment without a little teasing. “But Sickens could really use a few lessons from Thread on the art of sitting still.” He rolled up his sleeve to see if the Ekans was hearing all this, but the Pokémon had gone to sleep.

“Wait, you’re asleep, again?!” Cam was surprised that Sickens could fall asleep in 2 seconds but couldn’t sit still for one. The Ekans was on his left arm now, no longer cutting off the circulation in his right. It was a small price to pay to keep the Pokémon hidden.

He stretched his right arm, “Anyway, we’re on the road to Viridian City! …Man, I loved that song, before Team Galactic censored out anything Pokémon-related.” He briefly reminisced about his childhood and how life was before the takeover, but none of this showed in his eyes. He was carefree and excited as usual, even after they’d knocked a cop unconscious and run for their lives. But his expression suddenly changed when he tripped on something and landed face down in the grass.

“I hope Dusk didn’t get me with a stray Confuse Ray, cause I can’t see where I’m going,” Cam looked more closely at the brown lump he tripped on. Wait, it had eyes and a large red nose. It was… a Diglett!

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Re: Dark Days and Bright Nights - The Reimagining [Ad][Fu][P][J]
« Reply #41 on: July 10, 2016, 03:41 »
"Woah!" Anise ran up to the little Diglett, "Where did you come from, little guy? Did you escape Galactic?" she asked the pokemon. It was strange to see a diglett in the forest like this. Or... what if it was a Galactic pokemon? She turned to her pokemon, "Just in case, Dusk, hide," she commanded.

Finally she turned her attention to her fallen friend, "Haha, I don't think this was Dusk's fault, I think you just weren't looking where you were going," she teased, holding out a hand for him. Despite her supposed playfulness, she was currently on high alert, in case this was a Galactic pokemon and its 'trainer' was nearby.
When it comes down to it, the difference between healing and necromancy is timing.


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Re: Dark Days and Bright Nights - The Reimagining [Ad][Fu][P][J]
« Reply #42 on: July 10, 2016, 12:08 »
Cam took Anise’s hand, and with a renewed energy he pulled himself up. Then he towered over the Diglett with a wicked look in his eyes. His playfully irritated expression meant that he wanted a little payback. “You know, I’ve always wondered what a Diglett’s lower half looks like…”

Frightened, the Pokémon plunged itself underground and popped out with powerful force under Cam’s shoe. He lost his balance and again fell facedown into the grass. He got up and crawled over to the Diglett. “Oh, you’re a Naughty natured one, aren’t you?!”

Then with a swipe of his two hands he tried to catch the Pokémon, but it plunged underground before he could. Cam tried again and again to catch the Diglett, but it always got away and taunted him each time.

Finally he gave up and lay on the ground exhausted. “You really think Diglett’s with Galactic? Seems more like a troublemaker than a law enforcer! Phew…” Cam was panting heavily but he was visibly happy. He enjoyed playing with the Diglett, especially when everyone else around him was so serious.

“Know what I think? This Diglett’s probably from that cave we were just in. Diglett’s Cave, right? Galactic came and took his friends… but this one got away,” he said.

“Cause we all know how good you are at getting away!” he smiled at the Diglett, ending on a happier note. The Pokémon flinched when Cam moved his hand toward it, but all he did was pet it on the head.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2016, 12:16 by E.K.A.N.S. »

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Re: Dark Days and Bright Nights - The Reimagining [Ad][Fu][P][J]
« Reply #43 on: July 12, 2016, 03:23 »
Cole had lagged a little behind just to take a quick check and make sure they weren't about to be swarmed. So he caught up as the others were looking over the Diglett. "So one got out after all?" Cole said, seeming intrigued. "You'd think Galactic would've gotten all of them. Guess this little guy was too crafty." He then thought about the pokemon. "Unless it's Galactic's that is." Cole said morbidly, "Not trying to kill the mood or anything but let's be careful here. It's a possibility, but I sorta doubt it since it seems afraid of us." He attempted to approach the diglett but it seemed to flinch with his first step, so he didn't take another step past that.

I mean it's understandable. The last humans it saw took all of its friends, or it can somehow tell I have a water pokemon with me.
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