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What should I get that can learn fly instead of Noctowl?Don't say Pidgey, got that in another game!
I'll get Crobat. I could Dratini instead of Exeggutor and try and evolve it! Maybe Sandslash instead of Wigglytuff.... but then I got Typlosion... not a good combination!
No (not properly anyway) but I want to, but it wouldn't be the best idea, having two Poison types (Crobat and Tentacruel)Maybe in Fire Red/Leaf Green?
I was going to use magneton in fire red/leaf green (can't remember which)
Tbh, I prefer crobat than xatu! I just spent ages finding one and it's available way earlier!
There is no problem with reusing good Pokemon. Especially since you don't have many options.