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I'm now here two years after watching the Name Rater yeet everything in the bin


Corrin FE:
Good to be here. I'll be glad to see my everything I love get promoted or wreck by the name rater from now on. Yes, my name is Corrin, she's my Smash main and best waifu

Corrin Main

Someone submitted Lilith as a nickname for Tyranitar, and Name Rater deadass thought the person put Lileep and Anorith together, and said "please don't do so again" or something, as though Lilith isn't an actual name that predates Pokemon that real life people can be and are given (or can take) as their legal name. I... think he's been doing this for too long, lol


--- Quote from: RadicalDreamer93 on February 24, 2021, 06:19 ---Someone submitted Lilith as a nickname for Tyranitar, and Name Rater deadass thought the person put Lileep and Anorith together, and said "please don't do so again" or something, as though Lilith isn't an actual name that predates Pokemon that real life people can be and are given (or can take) as their legal name. I... think he's been doing this for too long, lol

--- End quote ---

This is actually hilarious, Christ almighty I can't stop laughing!


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