Author Topic: Wierd/creepy thoughts you've had  (Read 7595 times)

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Wierd/creepy thoughts you've had
« on: February 21, 2017, 19:59 »
Ever had a weird or creepy thought?

I caught a Diglett and named it pingas!

In my fanfic, Kanga (a baby Kangaskhan without a mother) is working for Nidorino who kidnaps Nidorina. A few stories later, he is left in care of Kangaskhan (Nidorina's mum)so does that make Nidorina Kanga's.... sister?  :o or is sister in law? Or something else?

^That's something that's been on my mind for quite a while.... Hope I get an answer!

Also, if a quiz makes you quizzical, what does a test make you?

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Re: Wierd/creepy thoughts you've had
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2017, 20:04 »
^I guess just sister, given kanga was in a sense adopted into the family.

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Re: Wierd/creepy thoughts you've had
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2017, 20:30 »
I just remembered how Kanga had a crush on Nidorina.....

It was replaced by Dragonite!
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Re: Wierd/creepy thoughts you've had
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2017, 07:57 »
How do we know that canned pet food tastes like what the label says if the pets can't talk? Do pet food companies hire people to test taste the food? Are they paid a high wage or minimum wage?

What does a person taste like? And what does a dolphin, gorilla, and pandas taste like?

Where exactly does the Manaphy Egg come from if breeding Manaphy with a Ditto just produces Phione Eggs?
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Re: Wierd/creepy thoughts you've had
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2017, 10:59 »
I just had another weird thought about Kanga, but I don't know if I could talk about it here....

Where exactly does the Manaphy Egg come from if breeding Manaphy with a Ditto just produces Phione Eggs?
Pokémon logic!
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Re: Wierd/creepy thoughts you've had
« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2017, 13:17 »
So i should be writing, but instead im sitting here googling the answers to these questions because dammit, nobody can beat me at procrastination.

How do we know that canned pet food tastes like what the label says if the pets can't talk? Do pet food companies hire people to test taste the food? Are they paid a high wage or minimum wage?

Yes, it is people who taste test them, specifically people with refined taste buds and who arent totally grossed out by the idea of eating canned foods. According to one source, testers have to chew, smell and check the texture of the food, but they dont actually have to eat it. It also says that they make between 37 to 117k a year, well over the minimum wage.

What does a person taste like? And what does a dolphin, gorilla, and pandas taste like?

Apparently people taste very close to veal, dolphins taste similar to liver but have the texture of beef, gorillas are veal-like with a smoky, rich flavour, and pandas supposedly just taste terrible.

Where exactly does the Manaphy Egg come from if breeding Manaphy with a Ditto just produces Phione Eggs?

Probably arceus or something, i dont know, google oddly doesnt have the answers to that one.

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Re: Wierd/creepy thoughts you've had
« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2017, 13:39 »
I just had another weird thought about Kanga, but I don't know if I could talk about it here....
I'll say a bit, but not going to say why I think it, because that would probably go into NSFW....

Long story short, Kanga was aged mentally and left physically unchanged due to an experiment screw up. I'm wondering, could Kanga breed since his body probably thinks he's older than he actually is?

Apparently people taste very close to veal
Wth is veal?
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Re: Wierd/creepy thoughts you've had
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2017, 14:39 »
Its the meat of calves. Its one of those things that reminds me that eating meat is wrong, but also i like burgers and chicken and hotdogs too much so i would never manage at being a vegetarian.

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Re: Wierd/creepy thoughts you've had
« Reply #8 on: February 22, 2017, 14:52 »
Its the meat of calves. Its one of those things that reminds me that eating meat is wrong, but also i like burgers and chicken and hotdogs too much so i would never manage at being a vegetarian.

Welcome to my world. I just refuse to eat the baby animals as eating the full grown ones makes me feel less guilty.
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Re: Wierd/creepy thoughts you've had
« Reply #9 on: February 22, 2017, 17:05 »
So i should be writing, but instead im sitting here googling the answers to these questions because dammit, nobody can beat me at procrastination.

How dare you. Procrastination is one of my three major skills along with over complicating things and tripping over. (Seriously I am really good at tripping, it doesn't matter how flat the ground is or what speed I'm moving or if I'm moving at all I could just randomly trip over nothing at any time. The only areas where I don't trip is on rough ground oddly)

Long story short, Kanga was aged mentally and left physically unchanged due to an experiment screw up. I'm wondering, could Kanga breed since his body probably thinks he's older than he actually is?

I don't think so. I don't think mental age can actually affect how the body works internally, so if the body hasn't developed to the required point then it just physically can't do what you want it to. Then again I have little to no experience with biology so I could be wrong.

Are there really 802 pokemon? I mean when Pokemon evolve its not like actual evolution, it happens to most Pokemon during their lifespan and each member of a species will always evolve into the same thing (A Charmander will evolve into a Charmeleon and nothing else) so different evolutionary stages could be considered age or maturity differences and we don't consider kids and adults different species. So should we only count each evolution line once and find out how many actually different Pokemon there are. (I am too lazy to do this myself.)
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Re: Wierd/creepy thoughts you've had
« Reply #10 on: February 22, 2017, 17:20 »
I don't think so. I don't think mental age can actually affect how the body works internally, so if the body hasn't developed to the required point then it just physically can't do what you want it to. Then again I have little to no experience with biology so I could be wrong.
I thought because the brain is at that age (or at least it thinks it is) it starts producing hormones that an adult male would, then that would cause the body to produce some other stuff that an adult male would (stopping right there! Otherwise this is going to go extremely NSFW)

I'm probably wrong too. Although biology is my best part of science, it's not the best!
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Re: Wierd/creepy thoughts you've had
« Reply #11 on: February 27, 2017, 22:09 »
Has anyone ever been in an empty room?
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Re: Wierd/creepy thoughts you've had
« Reply #12 on: February 28, 2017, 16:26 »
how are Eevees not endangered or something if females are so rare? Do they reproduce asexually or something? And if so, why do you need two Eevees of opposite genders, one female Eevee and a compatible make Pokemon, or an Eevee and a ditto? Why not just stick one in and watch them spread until there's a serious overpopulation problem?
« Last Edit: February 28, 2017, 16:28 by 2OrSomething »

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Re: Wierd/creepy thoughts you've had
« Reply #13 on: February 28, 2017, 17:29 »
Where did the Zoroua seen in the opening sequence off BW that shows N living in the forest come from if there were no wild ones in Unova? Every other Pokémon shown in the scene could be found in the wild.
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Re: Wierd/creepy thoughts you've had
« Reply #14 on: February 28, 2017, 18:09 »
my fanfic
If Mudkip and Nidorina got married, Kangaskhan would be Mudkip's..... mother in law!  :o
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