Name: Ace J. Kithrop
Age: 18
Gender: Male
He is about 6'4", and has an eye color of beige. His hair style is deep brown, and he is slenderly thin. He carries around a lucky Star of David necklace, but he is not Jewish and he never wears it. He keeps his Pokeballs in a seperate bag hidden, and his towel is always kept in a red case for cleanliness.
Personality: He is quite the clever one, always keeping a casual smile on his face. When he's in battle, he's a tough opponent. He makes allies when he feels like it, but he never gives them his trust right away. Since his travels from Hoenn to Sinnoh, he's become full of knowledge, and for that he's a master at battle strategies and the latest trends and fads. Of course he's not always full of ecstasy. When he loses an important event, he becomes depressed until he's seen a hell of a battle. He's quite romantic, but he's never really used that trait that much because of all the comotion happening 24/7.
History: When he was 8, he recieved his first Pokemon, rather than at 10. He didn't know what happened, so he set off on his journey, willing to discover new species and citizens while being the Pokemon Trainer he is. When he experienced Pokemon contests, he was amazed at all the coordiantor's skill and beauty, that he decided to become a Pokemon Coordinator, too. In his travels in Sinnoh, he was excited to find out that this region also held both Gym Battles and Pokemon Contests. He's become very worldwide-known now, having gone from an ecstatic little 8-year-old to a mature tall 18-year-old. Of course he did encounter some Pokemon Poachers and evil orginizations, and he became furious to their existence. So he trained his Pokemon hard not only to survive daily life, but to also corrupt the sinister groups of villians. When he failed to destroy an evilry, he saw Ho-oh flying in the sky, giving him a new hope as to improve. He never really remembers his relatives now, but he does remember one thing: Never give in.
Friends: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Male Blaziken named Inferno(Flamethrower, Focus Punch, Slash, Mirror Move)
He met Inferno as his starter when he was a Torchic, and they have grown to a close bond, each other helping out. He makes good friends with other wild Pokemon, and is an expert when it comes to Contests. He is the main powerhouse of Ace's team.
Male Venusaur named Taiga(Leech Seed, Frenzy Plant, Sleep Powder, Solarbeam)
Taiga was an injured Bulbasaur that was owned to a careless trainer who relesed him. Ace worked his way to heal Taiga back to health, and in returned, he joined Ace. Since he is Grass/Poison-Type, he makes great friends with the Pokemon in the forest.
Metagross named Obsidion(Psychic, Rest, Meteor Mash, Bullet Punch)
Obsidion is the main Gym Battler for Ace, as he found him as a Beldum training against a group of Houndoom. After seeing his technique, Obsidion became a vital segment of Ace's team. He usually has the same look on his face, but when he meets a fellow Steel or Psychic-Type, he becomes friendly.
Male Salamence named Terror(Dragon Fang, Leer, Steel Wing, Aireal Ace)
When Terror was a Bagon, he wasn't that frightening. In fact,
he was the one getting scared, not his opponents. When Ace saw him being terrorized by a Skarmory, he fought back. Terror then became another member of Ace's growing family. He makes quick friends, too.
Female Walrein named Glacier(Ice Beam, Surf, Hail, Body Slam)
When Glacier was a Spheal, she was the most casual Spheal Ace ever found. When he does a casual gesture, she does, too. So Ace decided that she was his perfect understudy that he caught her. It was a good choice, too. She became Ace's trump card in Contests for the Appeal Round.
Male Shiny Luxray named Overload(Thunder, Nasty Plot, Rain Dance, Theif)
Ace was astounded by the presence of his first shiny encounter, but Overload, as a Shinx, was scared of humans because he thought they would harm him. But after a faithful event that had Ace saving Overload's life, he bacame a major competetor in Gym Battles and in Battle Rounds of Contests. He is now willing to fight instead of cower in fear.
I hope this is good enough. It's the best I could do.
EDIT: Oh, I hope this gets accepted soon....