Name: Daniel Stensin
Age: 11
Gender: Male
Description: Daniel is considerably normal in height for his age, standing at 4'10", even though it's slightly above average. His hair is scruffy and a dark shade of brown and his eyes are colored an emerald-looking green. He wears a tee-shirt that's a solid blue color, with the collar and openings of the sleaves rimmed in white. His jeans are completely black, while he wears a brown leather belt around it to hold his Pokéballs. Daniel is always seen carrying around a white string bag.
Personality: Daniel could be able to make friends with anyone due to his friendly and charming mannerisms. Lest some people are evil or have bad intentions, he'd want to have good relations with everybody. He's good at thinking up how to solve different types of puzzles in several situations. Despite this, he's an amateur at devising strategies in battle. Daniel doesn't really choose to favor one type of Pokémon over another, but he does have a soft spot for Bug-Types.
History: Daniel was born and raised in Celadon City, and his father was the only parent of his to take care of him, as his mother passed months after birthing him. Because of this he was introduced to the concept of slot machines at an early age, mostly at 7. He played once every week for two years, up until gambling laws were becoming more strict, where people only 10 and up could participate. Luckily enough he never wanted to go back to playing slots anymore. Around the time he became 10, Daniel aspired to get a Pokémon to start on a quest around Kanto, maybe even more. However, he had to wait until a birthday afterwards to do so, because his father's finance was low. After turning 11 he was able to afford to travel to Pallet Town, but wasn't set on doing anything specific.
Friends: Santiago,
Marcus McNeal,
Joshua Rose,
Faith LynariEnemies: N/A

- Buoyon (Squirtle)
Torrent[Tackle, Bubble, Headbutt, Withdraw
]Buoyon was the starter Pokémon that Daniel took from Professor Oak after venturing from Celadon City to Pallet Town. He's very quick to do his actions, and fears very little.

- Infera (Vulpix)
Flash Fire[Ember, Tail Whip, Roar
]While returning back to his hometown, Daniel encountered Infera. He decided to make the Vulpix his first catch. Most of the time, she thinks out how to execute her moves.

- Synthess (Bellsprout)
Chlorophyll[Growth, Vine Whip
]Daniel caught Synthess after he had ran off into Cerulean City to escape their battle in progress. He is always calm, and dances uniquely on his whim out of boredom.

- Betall (Heracross)
LaxGuts[Swords Dance, Horn Attack, Double Team, Ariel Ace, Brick Break, Megahorn
]Betall was one of the two wild Heracross Daniel & co. found battling it out with two Snorunts. Just like the others, he managed to be captured. He doesn't really seem to take a very stern interest in battling, but if he's threatened in danger he'll bring out power.
Items:- Kanto Pokédex
- Pokéball (x1)
- Potion (x5)
- Coin Case (250 coins)