Misc => Random Randomness => Topic started by: aer_dingus on April 10, 2011, 23:11

Title: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: aer_dingus on April 10, 2011, 23:11
every now and then i come up with a new catch-phrase that i would say for like everything.
mostly i use them as a greeting or what-not.

for example:
"where mah rubies?!"
"stir yurr stumps pallies!"

others make more sense, but i would love to hear other's catch phrases or sayings if you have one.
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: TrickTester on April 10, 2011, 23:15
Usually it..s either "lol" "^_^/^-^" "cuz remember, Tuesday is ritual dismemberment day" or "shut the hell up"
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: OranBerrySandvich on April 10, 2011, 23:40
1) I have 3 reasons why I shouldn't kill you, and 4 why I should.
2) Wait, what am I doing here?
3) Of course it wasn't nice, that was exactly the point!
4) Why'd they surrender, you may ask? They're probably French.
5) Begone, peasant!
I've also recently taken to sneaking up behind friends and saying "Peekaboo!" in a sinister French voice. And saying "Gentlemen" in a classy Ffrench accent whenever I encounter a group of friends.
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: EMPIRE on April 11, 2011, 00:07
oh i have a few:

'and i am' when someone says something and i wasn't paying attention or just want to join in the conversation.

'howdy' in stead of hello.

'poopin hell' for when something goes wrong.
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: yk on April 11, 2011, 01:09
I don't have one. -_-"

OH wait lol nvm <- thats one.

heey . <- for hello

lolz <-- sometimes for lol

ZOMG! <-- for OMG

Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: TrickTester on April 11, 2011, 01:11
It..s also double posting which is against the rules ^-^ then again i ain't a saint, but still.
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: yk on April 11, 2011, 01:18
It..s also double posting which is against the rules ^-^ then again i ain't a saint, but still.

I double post sometimes. Like just now. But I fix them after a while.
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: TrickTester on April 11, 2011, 01:28
Yeah but there is an edit Button?
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: yk on April 11, 2011, 01:31
Yeah but there is an edit Button?

Wait, whaa..?
(btw, thats another one)
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: Lord Raven on April 11, 2011, 01:35
"tits" is my expletive of choice
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: Milsap on April 11, 2011, 10:41
If someowe mentions something I don't particularly like, I usually use the F word followed by that thing. Such as Chamakh, Wolverhampton, Little Big Planet.

I also have 'Big'.
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: Mulholland on April 11, 2011, 11:35
I used to say 'lil bit' a lot. But I fell out of the habit of a catchphrase a long time ago.
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: Ledyba on April 11, 2011, 11:45
i replace <noun> with cow a lot, not as a catahaprase, a delibrate one, but part of my regulour speach patterns.  I use it as a verb rarely.
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: Mulholland on April 11, 2011, 12:00
i replace <noun> with cow a lot, not as a catahaprase, a delibrate one, but part of my regulour speach patterns.  I use it as a verb rarely.

What would it mean to cow?
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: Ledyba on April 11, 2011, 12:01
depends largly on the context.
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: Mulholland on April 11, 2011, 12:04
depends largly on the context.

Oh my that's one hell of a catchphrase ;)
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: Sebastian Moran on April 11, 2011, 12:09
No, no catchphrase. I sent off for a permit for one back in '83, but have yet to hear from them about it. 
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: Ledyba on April 11, 2011, 12:28
Oh my that's one hell of a catchphrase ;)

COWphrase am i rite.
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: MOP on April 11, 2011, 12:40
I wouldn't say its a catchphrase but I always say chap when talking about a male. No one else seems to say chap anymore. =[
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: blake. on April 11, 2011, 13:25
you're a bus
get outta my house
i'm not wearing pants
primus, bro
metalcore, bro
not even
come at me
is that a threat
put some pants on
aww neu
is that a joke
got an issue, grab a tissue

i'm sure i have more... ... ... i talk too much :|
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: sylar on April 11, 2011, 15:09
usually it's the f-bomb followed by the word 'you'
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: OranBerrySandvich on April 11, 2011, 17:06
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: Kdintranet & Scizau on April 11, 2011, 21:25
Goodbye child - goodbye

Do you like cheese? For those awkward moments.
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: Mushroom on April 11, 2011, 21:29
Right now, seem to be saying "balls" a lot
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: aer_dingus on April 11, 2011, 22:18
Goodbye child - goodbye

Do you like cheese? For those awkward moments.

ha, yes, cheese is always a good one!

i also like to say: "these hips don LIE!"
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: MOP on April 11, 2011, 22:42
Do you like cheese? For those awkward moments.
I shall remember this for when I meet a girl.  :3
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: Alllister on April 11, 2011, 22:48
My catch-phrases consist of;
Uno dos tres, quatro sinco ses... and ocho
Oh baby!
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: IvanWolf♥ on April 11, 2011, 23:07
"Hiyas" For hello.
   I also me and my friend like to say, "HOLY HOOVER DAM!" Childish, I know. :D
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: Mr.Mewtwo on April 14, 2011, 12:48
"Was that supposed to hurt?"
I'm the weakest guy in class as well LOL.
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: Webby on April 14, 2011, 13:26
“No worries” and “Yeah, whatevs” seem to be mine. I've been very tempted to change the first to “No need to worry” though. >.>
Cupboardy, ADAMMM and I have never seem to be pretty major catchphrases also.
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: OranBerrySandvich on April 14, 2011, 13:45
*Something bad happens to me*
Ooooh, why do bad things happen to relatively good people?
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: Milsap on April 14, 2011, 14:03
When something good happens I usually run into the kitchen going "Fellas! FEEELLLAAAAS!"
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: Specstile on April 15, 2011, 05:48
:a me and a friend do this all the time, we call it the camp face
-Hugs n waves- is my usual goodbye phrase
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: Spriter on April 15, 2011, 14:04
I SAY*In Posh accent*
F-bomb you.
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: OranBerrySandvich on May 09, 2011, 00:16
*Manly squeal of delight* is now officially my way of expressing great joy on the site. I called it, you didn't.
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: Matty Cahill on May 09, 2011, 00:23
Sort it out
Swagging out
[insertname] taught you well
More drinks, more drinks, more drinks more drinks more drinks

And of course swearing when things go wrong these days, damn that stress!
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: Liam on May 09, 2011, 00:37
Sadly I don't.

at least I don't think so.
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: Jarl ulfric stormcloak on May 09, 2011, 01:03
(when someone says something is crazy, mad, insane, ect) Maybye it comes from sparta?
Holy [insert recent noun]!
One does not simply [insert verb] him/herself into mordor.

I watch too much youtbe.
oh yeah. and: ARE YOU STOOPID, MAN! (Or woman, depending on the situation)
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: Assassin on May 09, 2011, 01:14
lets go get some gorilla juice heads.
snooki want smush smush.

but on a serious note i only have one:
this is why we cant have nice things.
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: Milsap on May 09, 2011, 01:33
S--t son! Has become my standard now.
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: Catstorm on May 09, 2011, 04:00
I say "banana" a lot and my replacement swear words are "nargha," "fudge cake," and others.
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: Trekkie WhoLocked Fangirl! on May 09, 2011, 06:13
I say 'woop woop chicken soup and all that' I dont actually know why
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: aer_dingus on May 09, 2011, 07:33
“No worries” and “Yeah, whatevs” seem to be mine. I've been very tempted to change the first to “No need to worry” though. >.>
Cupboardy, ADAMMM and I have never seem to be pretty major catchphrases also.

Ha, I've definitely used "no need to worry" the other day...
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: Matty Cahill on May 09, 2011, 07:44
S--t son! Has become my standard now.

I remember the days when me and my mates said that in a particular tone actually; good times
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: yk on May 28, 2011, 19:41
I very much usually always say 'That's nice' whenever there is any person of any kind that has just informed me of something "important" or very unusually unusual for no apparent reason or even sometimes they get past the point of annoying me and I get my Desert Eagle from my backpack while they still annoy me and slowly, in slow-motion, I blast a crater into their dome, also known as their skull, brain, head, forehead, or whatever you call it so they may stop with this annoying phase they're in and so that something else might happen that I forget, the end of the world never really happened so, I don't really think that 2012 will really happen, I'm writing random stuff now, go away, read the rest of my story, *chuckles*  I'm just kidding, now go play Pokémon while I shoot some other mindless dorks that don't care what I really mean by making this long post. Thanks for reading and goodbye!
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: Kdintranet & Scizau on May 29, 2011, 11:26
When somethings happening at that presise time, for instance I'm hungry, I say, "right now" then the thing, just a habit not, so it's not, "I'm hungry" it's, "right now I'm hungry".
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: Shaymin on May 29, 2011, 11:41
even if it is good or bad, i usually say "cool" or "awesome" or "fun" when i don't know what to say to someone :U
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: OranBerrySandvich on May 29, 2011, 11:49
Something odd happens:
"Now I've seen everything."
Oddly enough, in a Texan accent.
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: Delicious_Scout on April 11, 2014, 22:06
More than a catch-phrase, I tend to talk in a Catalan accent whenever things are getting less serious in case I am talking in Spanish (the equivalent would be to talk British English with a French accent, or at least I think so) and, when I am talking in Catalan, curse and talk quickly in perfect English, usually refering to the situation I am witnessing.
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: Wolstenholme on April 11, 2014, 22:09
'That's So Menshevik' is something I say when something happens that is not what I want or when someone brings up something I dislike.

It's sort of an equivalent to when people say that something is gay when really they just mean that they dislike it.
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: the bread dragon on April 11, 2014, 22:11
i say gosh darn a lot more than i should

yeah im that guy
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: SirBlaziken on April 11, 2014, 22:51

You know when people say not to be that guy? Too late. I am that guy.
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: Webby on April 11, 2014, 22:59
Including an action for #
(this was just an injoke with friends but I do occasionally find myself doing it in public oops)
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: SaRo|Rapidash on April 11, 2014, 23:30
I've got a few phrases that I use slightly too often, I guess:

"You suck" - I say this to like everyone. If I haven't told someone they suck I probably haven't spoken to them xD

"People are idiots" - its just true.... When you hear people ask why mothers don't need DNA tests (genuinely been asked that) you can't help but think that

And one I've recently developed from the amount of Y7-10 girls asking of I'm gay:
"It's hard not to be when the alternative are slags like you" (that's obviously not the reason, but their faces are brilliant xD)
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: SirBlaziken on April 11, 2014, 23:36
When someone does or says something completely stupid:

Truly smart people are an endangered species these days.

(This is especially true in America.)
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: The Shrub Dragon on April 12, 2014, 20:52
if i don't know what to say to someone i usually just say 'we appreciate you [name]'
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: Spriter on April 12, 2014, 21:08
And one I've recently developed from the amount of Y7-10 girls asking of I'm gay:
"It's hard not to be when the alternative are slags like you" (that's obviously not the reason, but their faces are brilliant xD)


(please don't say you say it to all of them. Unlikely that they're all like that, but you never know :P)

I do vary, but I've been going "mannnn..." randomly, like an american would.

Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: SaRo|Rapidash on April 12, 2014, 22:31

(please don't say you say it to all of them. Unlikely that they're all like that, but you never know :P)

I do vary, but I've been going "mannnn..." randomly, like an american would.

Depends if I can see their face through their makeup, but sad to say often their makeup is often thicker than their face, and their tan about as natural as an iPad >_>

And I say maaaan a lot too, but only since I satrtes talking to Richard xD (yes... I'm blaming this entirely on him =P)
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: Wolstenholme on April 12, 2014, 23:12
I said 'man' anyway haha
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: Pam-the-Lamb on April 13, 2014, 00:46
 I say "shiggly".

 Why was this thread revived?
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: Delicious_Scout on April 13, 2014, 10:30
Because some necromancer known as Martí durst to post about his catch-phrase.

I think I have one: Sofört! Whenever I am (or pretend to be) angry and I want something to be done quickly.
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: Zubatman on April 13, 2014, 15:08
I say Fua a lot.
".....It means to give the extra; Its what is projected towards the universe. When you release el Fua, you show the character, and the force and the power......" -An excerpt of Julio Cesar Segura's drunk, Spanish  sermon on this spiritual energy.

Its kind used like this: "Oh cheese nips (another one of my catchphrases, basically means dang), I'm tired and there's  still so much work to be done.....FUAAAA!"
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: Meowstic Royalty on April 15, 2014, 10:32
"Ah, go shove it up your ass." Seems to be the phrase I use most often.
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: Liam on April 15, 2014, 12:28
not really, no
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: Specstile on April 15, 2014, 14:16
'oh dear' all the time haha
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: Wolstenholme on April 15, 2014, 14:51
on that note, I say "oh goodness" p.much as a reaction to everything.
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: Kerou 犠牲 on April 16, 2014, 01:19
#YOLO used to be mine (even before it was the mainstream thing to say) but I stopped saying it. I don't really have one right now I guess.

EDIT: Whilst I think of it me and a few of my pals used to go "as they say in Estonia..." and then any Estonian word we knew before downing drinks. What an interesting time.
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: b1g on April 18, 2014, 05:42
not like, one specific thing, but i always have weeks or whatnot where i'll just continually say the same thing, ALL THE TIME
some examples would be "yes boys", "chur to the ___", "righteous", "that's chill", "pike", et cetera and so on, so forth.
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: the bread dragon on April 19, 2014, 11:55
i say "holy shirt" now because im a great typer
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: Petzbreeder on August 02, 2014, 17:35
What I lack in skill, I make up for in knowledge.

I say that in Runescape sometimes
Title: Re: Do you have a catch-phrase?
Post by: The name master on December 20, 2015, 19:42
How you doin'?

That's my catchphrase!