Pokémon Games > Team Building
The Teambuilding Sticky - Read it!
Richard and Blaziken:
This is a welcome addition, and will be very helpful to all those new to Team Building, and even those of us who've been around for a while. Nice job! ^_-
Lion Demon:
--- Quote from: The Scizor Of XII Deaths. on December 04, 2008, 17:21 ---If you hang out here For quite A While thats the first think that comes in the head :-/ (Neutral natures are sucky.)
Actually Wait You can make serious
Energy ball
Light screen
Simple non breeding support A Great moveset.
--- End quote ---
Somebody putted (Neutral natures are sucky and that wasn't me v_v). Does it break the rule of “x is sucky,”
This really helps me of how I should set out my Team's I want rated in the future! Even though I've posted team's on here before I've never set it out properly so thanks for the help Kay.
--- Quote from: Nathan Graves on December 06, 2008, 00:08 ---Are we allowed to say "in-game teams are all about levels" following it up with "If you bring your level to x then you should be fine against y gym leader"?
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Yeah, I reckon so.
--- Quote from: The Scizor Of XII Deaths. on December 06, 2008, 08:31 ---Somebody putted (Neutral natures are sucky and that wasn't me v_v). Does it break the rule of “x is sucky,”
--- End quote ---
I'm sorry, I don't really understand your post ^^; if you're asking if your quoted post broke the rules, no I don't think so because you weren't saying it to the topic starter as such, rather you were just explaining that that was what usually came to mind.
Thanks for the support guys! Glad you find it helpful =]
I hope this will stop those people posting teams with Hasty Spiritombs and Quirky Blazikens.
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