Pokémon Games > Other Games

Pokemon Shuffle

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I went ahead and caught umbreon but damnit, slowbro is a pain.

I'm loving it, except for the regeneration time. Got Kyogre and Mew, now I'm going for absol. She's a pain in the asterisk.

And no, just because I know I have exactly 12:31 until my next heart does NOT mean I'm addicted.

Captain Jigglypuff:

--- Quote from: ShinyBlaziken2000 on March 14, 2015, 22:17 ---I went ahead and caught umbreon but damnit, slowbro is a pain.

--- End quote ---

Took me about three days to get Slowbro. Also took me awhile to get both of the Nidoran, Treecko, Riolu, Meowth, Zorua, and I still haven't gotten Grovyle. But yet I catch Kyogre my VERY first attempt AND without using the Great Ball item. Go figure. I have caught ALL the Special and Daily Pokemon released so far.

You too? And I just got absol and slowbro, but now this espeon.....

Captain Jigglypuff:
I still can't get Grovyle. I'm using Snorunt, Torchi, Charmander and Charmeleon. Thing is Charmander is Lv 5 but yet it does little damage to Grovyle


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