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Issues I Have with King of the Hill

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Captain Jigglypuff:
Don't get me wrong, I'll watch the show and it IS well written plot wise (when it's NOT about football, beer, or Hank's strained relationship with his dad). I just find many things sickening about the show. Hank is a big arrogant self-centered jerk who has an unnatural obsession with propane, football, and beer. He called propane his "mistress" and he was "pimping propane." WHO does that?! He also never gave up the unwinable attempt to be respected by his dad, who is even WORSE, and keeps sucking up to him even when Cotton continues to abuse Hank. Hank also never supports Bobby and he is a hypocrite. The hypocrisy is the WORST thing about Hank Hill. He tells Bobby fat people "do not deserve respect and should be ridiculed" but yet Bill is "fat" and Hank demands Dale respect him. And Hank isn't exactly thin himself either. Hank is constantly talking about his high school football days WHICH happened THIRTY years ago when the show was on and calls breaking his ankle the worst day of his life. Really? The WORST day of your life was BREAKING your ankle? Not almost losing your wide during a skydiving accident?

Cotton is even worse. He abuses everyone except Bobby and his illegitimate son and he constantly demeaned women ALL THE TIME! His eldest avoided it due to him being in Japan. I was actually glad when Cotton was killed off.

And why is everyone so horrible to Bill? It's because of his so called "friends" he mostly wants to kill himself. Bobby and Luanne are about the ONLY people who have ever made Bill feel worthwhile.

And that's my issue with this show. Any thoughts?

I feel the same.Bill has problems.You should contact the studios of adult swim to alert them.And yes,everyone does get pwned by Cotton a lot.

Lord Raven:
I think the experience of this show is slightly enhanced when you watch it as if Hank Hill has Aspergers Syndrome and Peggy has Narcisstic Personality Disorder

In terms of plot at least.  It makes it cringe worthy if you're looking for a laugh.

Captain Jigglypuff:

--- Quote from: Lord Raven on August 16, 2013, 03:51 ---I think the experience of this show is slightly enhanced when you watch it as if Hank Hill has Aspergers Syndrome and Peggy has Narcisstic Personality Disorder

In terms of plot at least.  It makes it cringe worthy if you're looking for a laugh.

--- End quote ---

Hank having ASPERGER'S?! I find THAT offensive! I have Asperger's and have friends with it and we DON'T act like Hank!

Lord Raven:
Probably because your personality is different

He was shaped by a more negative/abusive experience than you were as well, so obvious you're not gonna act like him.  He's also a grown-ass man


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