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What Did You Watch As A Kid?

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--- Quote from: not chloe on August 01, 2017, 23:55 ---Raven

--- End quote ---

Omg raven was the best we told our New Yorker friend at uni about it and she thought we meant as in that's so raven and we're like nope you're in for a treat and she didn't appreciate it rip friendship

But seriously that show was the best, although looking back the obstacles were so easy lmao

 Awh, man. I watched tonnes of things over the years.

 When I was proper young it was things like Noddy, Postman Pat, Fireman Sam, Teletubbies (Poe was my fave), and Funnybones (I remember the books).

 Then it was stuff like Grizzly Tales For Gruesome Kids, Courage The Cowardly Dog, Cow and Chicken, Transylvania Pet Shop, Pinky and the Brain, Animaniacs, Freakazoid, Spider-Man, Batman, and Bear In The Big Blue House.

 Pretty much watched the same things throughout my later childhood with the exception of the more childish shows and the ones that stopped airing. I couldn't remember much else to add to the list either. Recently got into The Simpsons since I'm old enough to get a laugh out of most of the jokes even if they're a little out dated.

The name master:
I asked my dad.

I did watch Noddy.

I also watched Come Outside, Step Inside (all I remembered is the bookshelf and that they read stories) Big Cook Little Cook, The Story Makers (had to look up the blue cow to find the title)

My dad thinks that Step Inside is a remake of something he watched (he vaguely remembers a face in a house)

a majority of the stuff i watched was in gaelic lol

i also watched a lot of swedish/finnish stuff

i watched moomin the most

I watched a lot of the stuff mentioned already, I did also watch Bakugan when it was in its first run. After that it was confusing for me. Something else I watched was when I was younger, it was something called Haveakazoo and it was about a bakery and a bunch of little kids stuff. It was weird but really cool.


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