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What is with the Name Rater's new ratings?
They are all from the same day and say the exact same thing.... They all say "It's not Charlotte..."
Example for Ledyba
Linkle because I was playing a randomizer caught it for the use of HM Flash and to never be used again because Ledyba is horrible to use.
Wed 05 Jun 2019 11:23:12 UTC by Ike Kasai Johto Name Rater says...
It's not Charlotte...
Rated: Fri 12 Jul 2019 20:32:11 UTC
Maybe the name rater is just bored.
The name master:
--- Quote from: McLovinMods on August 07, 2019, 02:29 ---They are all from the same day and say the exact same thing.... They all say "It's not Charlotte..."
Example for Ledyba
Linkle because I was playing a randomizer caught it for the use of HM Flash and to never be used again because Ledyba is horrible to use.
Wed 05 Jun 2019 11:23:12 UTC by Ike Kasai Johto Name Rater says...
It's not Charlotte...
Rated: Fri 12 Jul 2019 20:32:11 UTC
--- End quote ---
I hacked into his brain and broke it. >:D
lets all go out for some frosty chocolate milkshakes:
charlotte is name raters ex. its................................complicated. he probablky wont stop answering them like this for about 4 weeks so we might as well sit this one out
the bread dragon:
ive submitted my nicknames SEVEN years ago and this is the response i get. you know what name rater...I have had enougj. Cancelled
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