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Re: 2016 Presidential Elections
« Reply #15 on: May 06, 2016, 17:20 »
necroposting but how did it end up hillary .vs. trump?????????

i mean other than the fervent media storm on both sides (kinda suspect the millions of cheeky nandos memelords to not get it and give trump even more publicity) and the GOPs inadequacy to stop a reality tv star from destroying them all, again. so i guess we can look forward to trump covertly floating mines into a peaceful nicaraguan port in a couple years time and for cameron n trump to bffsies against Communism

fake edit: seeing mention of jeb in liz's last post makes me remember i actually felt a little bad for the dude when he dropped out early. "sorry ma, i hope ur still proud." poor baby.

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Re: 2016 Presidential Elections
« Reply #16 on: May 06, 2016, 21:43 »
Kasich made a plan to let Cruz 1v1 Trump in Indiana and then Kasich would 1v1 Trump in Oregon. Trump beat Cruz and Cruz dropped, and Kasich chickened out. It's plans like this that make me wonder how he became our state's governor.

Edit: And once again I fail to spellcheck
« Last Edit: May 08, 2016, 13:59 by SirBlaziken »
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Re: 2016 Presidential Elections
« Reply #17 on: May 06, 2016, 21:45 »
trump is better than everyone else running for the republican party

..  except like rand paul and maybe marco rubio

hillary at the start vs hillary now is much different, i think ultimately hillary's foreign policy comes from a position of better standing than Bernie's due to her experiences as first lady among other things so that's ultimately what it came down to.  Hillary and Bernie don't really differ too much in a lot of things these days.

like Trump destroying the GOP may be a wonderful thing for this country, especially if Trump pulls a punk'd routine and decides to remind the world that he is in actuality a moderate and not a crazy ass reactionary like he keeps preaching, but I'd still rather go Hillary to prevent pandora's box from opening

Anyway, I'd like to end this post with this

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Re: 2016 Presidential Elections
« Reply #18 on: May 07, 2016, 20:05 »
i've become so ambivalent, i don't want hillary, i don't want trump. people assure you trump would be a disaster, but i'm not so sure hillary would be much better. she has foreign policy experience but it's nothing particularly good. i don't care about her foreign policy experience if she's on the wrong side of everything. i'm gonna be equally as disappointed no matter who becomes elected tbh. i feel like trump is a lot of hot air, he would still make efforts to repeal citizen's united which to me is the main objective of this elective for the US people because things are never going to change if we don't repeal that. i hate the fact he's awful to pretty much everyone who isn't a white male, so i'd never support him, let alone vote for him, but i'm honestly so ambivalent. with hillary black youths will continue to get jailed for smoking marijuana and then as a result of what prison does to you will go down a slippery slide to become another statistic. she's not going to improve the lives of immigrant workers or americans who are dangling on the poverty line because the whole problem is the 1% who funded her entire campaign keep amassing more money.

basically if nothing happens to citizen's united for another 8-12 years i can see poop SERIOUSLY hitting the fan and you know she's not gonna repeal a damn thing that might hurt the richest people in our country. but will probably continue to hurt people who make 100,000 - 200,000 and pretend they're "the rich" and drive the democratic party more towards total nonsense

also that trump quote isn't real but he has a history of having democratic ideas. he's an independent like bernie who doesn't adhere to either side, although he's definitely on a total different side of the political compass that i don't like

so yea i'm probably gonna spend election day snoozing and playing DOTA 2. i feel like not voting is wasting my vote just as much as if i voted for either of them. plus i save some time!

oh and @beth *dons tinfoil hat* i personally have a suspicion but i'm obviously not gonna call anything for certain, i think hillary is cheating and republicans really want an outsider because the republican party is SO WHACK, moreso than the democratic party. most republican candidates were the far religious right which is really a dying breed of republican, but there weren't many people to actually elect them. combine that with the south's hate of mexico for a variety of reasons, and you get trump and a big ol' wall

i think hillary is cheating because 1. she sent her husband Bill into polls to try to get people to come out and see him and vote for Hillary, basically using her husband as a way to secure more voters. He was going around the polling locations shaking hands and talking about his wife to people. for the record, if i wore a shirt that said "Bernie Sanders" on it to a polling location, i'd be kicked out, forced to change, and then have to wait in line again. plus things like caucuses can last 6+ hours for people to get their voice to actually matter... guess who has hours to kill in a day... old people who are plugged into CNN and other mainstream media outlets who actually are VERY closely associated with hillary, as in their parent company is hillary's 7th largest donor, so i don't think you can trust them to be honest... anyways, know who doesn't have 6+ hours to kill in a day because they have work and need to make money or else not make their rent and starve? people who are still working.

not only that but in locations like in New York, the exit polls DON'T match the results of the election which is an indication that voter fraud took place. not only that, but at one voting location citizens tested the voting machines, and there were like 71 votes casted for bernie, and 30 or so casted for clinton and it came out closer to being 50 votes to each candidate when they read the results. when they voiced the concerns to the board that the results didn't match the actual votes casted at all, the people who ran the elections were like, "uhhh you don't understand voting, you're just a citizen and this is our job soooo"

not only that but she's really buddy buddy with a lot of people in the DNC so she gets a lot of easy questions at debates and stuff and rarely gets put on the defense.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2016, 20:20 by Kpyna »

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Re: 2016 Presidential Elections
« Reply #19 on: May 08, 2016, 04:21 »
liz and me drinking whiskey sours to drown our sorrows about the state of the world (sorry for unfunny quoteclip) (sorry if you hate whiskey sours) (i got lime in whiskey once and it tasted like burnt hair so untainted single malt for me tbqh)

man i hear ya on that one, the subtle gerrymandering and media circus that got Cameron in on our end was shameful and transparent as the dickens but they voted him in cos first-past-the-post is broken and the biggest shame of our election system, sadly. i understan you lot over there use it too????

our equivalent to the democrats (the labour party i guess) has shifted to centre right in the last few elections after Blair and New Labour and we're vaguely excited, if incredibly jaded, that jeremy corbyn seems a bit Old Labour cos it seems like in this day and age being True Left is too scary???????? everyone seems to be focussing on the casually racist right-wing vote and its such a shame.

AV+ or STV would be better and you'd actually get a representative democratic vote which would probably usher bernie in and woulda given us a sizeable libdem majority in our penultimate election (with a few incredibly weak n ineffective BNP seats being the tradeoff) but then the rich n conservative would lose their support n money n control cos FPTP works really well for them. and they kind of will fight against that unfortuneately.

its why when the referendum for AV (still kinda crap compared to AV+ or STV) happened in the uk the tories immediately swamped the uk with the no2av campaign and everyone was like "oh i guess we vote no then." it was depressing and frustrating but at least there's Private Eye for the brits and The Onion for you lot. I dont know much your end re: political satire stuff but honestly its the only way i cope.

i do still reccommend you vote even if its for a 3rd party or you Deliberately Spoil your ballot or whatnot for protest reasons cos they are largely counting on people being Ambivalent/Too Depressed with it all to not vote. i mean i wont like, hate you if you dont. but its that whole thing about being able to go "dont blame me, *i* voted for kodos! //whipcrack//". i dont really know how voting works over there (you register as a democrat or republican voter or something? we just get a poll card we take down and we vote whoever) so idk.

with luck you'll get the odd laff like when someone leaked the BNP member list and a lot of Outted Racists had to do a lot of embarassed scrambling so maybe trump's running mate will be caught in a massive scandal or something. we can hope.


like im willing to hope that the 1% aren't so stupid that they'd let a situation where everyone is Proper Fed Up cos all it takes after that is blood on the streets and then you've got a bit of an uprising. the middle classes were p much invented to Distract and make a Barrier between the disgruntled working classes and the rich upper classes and i dont wonder how long thats going to last these days?

idk if you kept your eyes on whats going on in silicon valley/the tech industry lately but there is going to be a bit of a Collapse Financially i think. i could be wrong and it could go on for years but we all thought the housing bubble wouldn't collapse and house prices in SF are just getting ridiculous rn. i mean i hope there is cos it will take away Uber and boy i don't like Uber a whole lot primarily cos the inner workings exemplify everything wrong with the system (conning poor people into taking out huge loans they can't afford and then breakin their back over a barrell)

to bring my political rant to an end i know i dont live there but given how our nation voted for whopping cuts across the board and Rich People ive had an img saved in my Hoarded JPGs folder for just the sentiment i feel bout the upcoming us election:


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Re: 2016 Presidential Elections
« Reply #20 on: May 08, 2016, 06:16 »
our equivalent to the democrats (the labour party i guess) has shifted to centre right in the last few elections after Blair and New Labour and we're vaguely excited, if incredibly jaded, that jeremy corbyn seems a bit Old Labour cos it seems like in this day and age being True Left is too scary???????? everyone seems to be focussing on the casually racist right-wing vote and its such a shame.
To be fair, our democrats have always been center-right.
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Re: 2016 Presidential Elections
« Reply #21 on: May 08, 2016, 06:19 »
CRAP in my big political rant i missed ur post raven cos liz posted and "new post!" thing popped up and i lost the tab cos i am distractable as the dickens until i make some dr appts and close down some of these fourty-plus tabs. agggggg

like Trump destroying the GOP may be a wonderful thing for this country, especially if Trump pulls a punk'd routine and decides to remind the world that he is in actuality a moderate and not a crazy ass reactionary like he keeps preaching, but I'd still rather go Hillary to prevent pandora's box from opening

honestly im crossing my fingers that Congress is gonna be a bit harder for trump to topple than the gop. the one time in our life we actually can hope to count on the uselessness and bickering of a bunch of grown men/ladies to slow down a tyrant

To be fair, our democrats have always been center-right.

really? aw, thats a shame. i mean i expected as much, political skepticism, but labour started out from Trade Union stuff before selling out to centre-right stuff in the 2000s. i aint too up to scratch on my American History (want to find the time one day) but i take it the democrats were p much just Other Rich People With Money Who Weren't Republicans?????
« Last Edit: May 08, 2016, 06:37 by LOOK AROUND YOG. »

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Re: 2016 Presidential Elections
« Reply #22 on: May 08, 2016, 07:08 »
Congress is definitely harder for Trump to topple

they already don't like him; many have gone on to say that choosing between Trump and Cruz was like choosing between like Poison and Cyanide, and I'm not sure which was which

but they would likely be a lot less favorable towards Trump than Cruz unless Trump does a 180 (but it won't be a sudden 180)

but i take it the democrats were p much just Other Rich People With Money Who Weren't Republicans?????
Yes.  A common question addressed to Hillary Clinton has been along the lines of "How can you represent the 99% if you've never been apart of it?"

I personally think Martin O'Malley-senpai is the guy of the future, but thats only because I met him when I was 14 and my dad catered for a few Maryland Governor's Mansion events and met him there
« Last Edit: May 08, 2016, 07:11 by Lord Raven »
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Re: 2016 Presidential Elections
« Reply #23 on: May 08, 2016, 07:58 »
I live in the UK, so the USA presidential elections don't really affect me.

I also don't follow them much, it's just stuff showing up on my dashboard and I get snippets from that.

Basically, the candidates seem to be absolute ass. But I think Bernie Sanders would by far be the best bet, and maybe I'm saying that since I'm a socialist myself. Most policies don't exactly affect me (or rather they wouldn't if I lived in America), but they still seem to make the most sense.

More sense than building a giant wall to block out the Mexicans at least.

Seriously if Trump wins I'm losing my last scrap of hope for the human race.

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Re: 2016 Presidential Elections
« Reply #24 on: May 08, 2016, 10:08 »
Basically, the candidates seem to be absolute ass.
2004 elections were probably about as bad, but Hillary is probably a much better candidate than John Kerry was.  And we've had much much worse in our country alone.

Seriously if Trump wins I'm losing my last scrap of hope for the human race.
Really?  Because if a reactionary candidate like this ran in say 2004 then you'd probably see much more voter turnout for Trump.  The fact that every news organization is calling him out for his crap should be a sign that the human race isn't tolerating it either, and nobody really knows where Trump stands on anything in reality.  That truth will come election time.

If Cruz or Carson won the presidency, then I guarantee you they would be much worse than Trump.  Carson because he lacks every shred of the type of competence necessary for politics, and Cruz because he in actuality is competent.  A Trump presidency would put us back in foreign relations - which is bad - but that's just about it.  Putin seems to like him too, so it's not like he's universally reviled, and the way the US Government works he is going to get blocked by both parties, which is why I think he's unlikely to win the presidency (because I think a lot of Republicans would rather go for Hillary) and if he does, won't get anything meaningful down.  I mean, this dude basically does what Republicans have been doing for decades but he executed it far "better" than previous republican candidates have.  Unless you forgot about Mitt "I Wish I Were Mexican Because My Life Isn't Cozy Enough" Romney.

You also live in the UK where people are up in arms about Sadiq Khan being elected mayor of London despite being born in the UK.  I don't know why Trump is the straw that broke the camel's back.
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Re: 2016 Presidential Elections
« Reply #25 on: May 08, 2016, 11:16 »
i do still reccommend you vote even if its for a 3rd party or you Deliberately Spoil your ballot or whatnot for protest reasons cos they are largely counting on people being Ambivalent/Too Depressed with it all to not vote. i mean i wont like, hate you if you dont. but its that whole thing about being able to go "dont blame me, *i* voted for kodos! //whipcrack//". i dont really know how voting works over there (you register as a democrat or republican voter or something? we just get a poll card we take down and we vote whoever) so idk.

yeah, i might just write in bernie and hope for the best, but voting takes hours so i think it's largely gonna depend on how i feel in november. i did already vote, i voted in the NH primary for Bernie, which he won. and yeah you have to register as one party or the other in order to vote. i'm really kind of between either voting or just switching my alignment back from democrat to independent if bernie doesn't get the nom. cuz that takes 5 minutes not counting driving to the town hall.

the thing is, i don't remember 2004 that well, i just remember my dad asking who i wanted to be president to get my lil 7 year old opinion on politics. i said john kerry just because all i knew was Bush went meddling and killing not only a variety of brown people but also americans by sending them to war in the first place, which made me real confused and disappointed when he got elected... you know your country is messed up when you're 7 years old and already starting to hate the system. i know now that kerry is pretty much an idiot from what he's done in his short stint as secretary of state, but anyways i feel like it is just a massive amount of ignorance and money that gets people elected...

like i've actually never met a hillary supporter who supports her based on anything in her political career. all i've heard is "it'd be like the 90s all over again" (like we're gonna see how many young boys hillary can sexually assault now?), or "it's time for a woman president". it sounds stupid as hell and it seems like those aren't things people would actually say but before i got my mom on the bernie bus those were both things she was saying. the "it's time for a woman president" is the worst one though because it's honestly so lowkey sexist, it's time for a president who's not under investigation by the FBI jesus christ. i want my first woman president to be someone who actually has a record that's not absolutely filthy, because i feel like if hillary sucks enough people are just gonna start being like, "looks like president just isn't a job women can do" and we're gonna have to wait another 20 years for the misogyny to blow over and we miss out on good female candidates, ie Elizabeth Warren or Jill Stein. Although Elizabeth Warren and i are fighting because she didn't endorse Bernie before the massachusetts primary.

oh and just gonna tie this up by giving you all an article with a clip from when Hillary came to my school and a girl asked her about her husband's rape allegations and she laughed and couldn't give a straight answer.

JK i'm gonna minirant about how i'm sick of being referred to as a "bernie bro" and implied i have "internalized misogyny" and other crap when hillary is actually just not pro-civil rights, and bernie is way more of a feminist than she is.

EDIT: HOL' UP, just wanted to say by the way trump has some OK ideas on mexico. there's definitely ways i'd like to go about it, i'm really more interested in just helping the mexican people, but the united states really is getting screwed by mexico's inability to get it's collective crap together. not the mexican people at all, but the mexican government is so corrupt and they don't care about their people. most immigrant workers are just wiring money back home because their families can't afford to eat, and they pretty much just allow the cartel to be a thing.

the wall is really just a bargaining chip. in my opinion, the price is impossibly high to expect mexico to pay for it. what it will do though is if we put the squeeze on mexico by making life difficult for the elite, like making it difficult for THEM to come to america. i really don't think we even need a wall. mexico just really needs a wake up call that they can't keep on being just awful to the people that live there, and then make their people's only recourse to come mooch off of us so their kids don't get sick and die. if they just made their country a better place to live instead of turning the other cheek to the needs of their people, they wouldn't be literally risking their lives to come here.

really with all the things he should be angry about it's not right mexico is the thing he's most angry about (especially since his angle is such a selfish position) but he's not totally wrong with his basic general direction. i think his end goal is to bring the mexican economy to a crash which i mean, that's gonna suck for mexicans for a while but i think that's the only way to make progress into fixing the mexican government itself.

yeah there's other ways we could try to fix it, or we could just accept mexicans wanna be here and give them legal pathways to be here which is the cool thing to do. i feel like there's no good answer with mexico TBH

just a disclaimer, i hate hate hate hate trump on everything that isn't income inequality or punishing mexico. just like how i hate hillary on everything that's not planned parenthood and abortions. which sounds insignificant but those are actually two positions i'm always going to care a lot about. even though planned parenthood and i are fighting because they endorsed hillary and gave her a ton of money. i'm gonna steal all their condoms and make balloon animals out of them as payback when i get home.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2016, 12:19 by Kpyna »

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Re: 2016 Presidential Elections
« Reply #26 on: June 06, 2016, 08:37 »
i've become so ambivalent, i don't want hillary, i don't want trump. people assure you trump would be a disaster, but i'm not so sure hillary would be much better.

It must suck getting the choice of really only two people. Here we vote for a representative of a constituency (of which there are about 650 in the UK) and the party with the most representatives in the House of Commons gets power, with the party's leader being Prime Minister.

Gives you much more choice on your ballot paper, but really it's between Labour and the Conservatives every five years.
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