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« on: July 06, 2016, 10:59 »
heck yeah my mans Pokémon GO finally came out last night (in Australia/New Zealand) which means if you want to, you can download and play it right now. I've been playing it for like 20 minutes in my room and I've caught Bulbasaur, Pidgey, Tentacool, and 3 Weedles (and in the time I spent writing this I caught another Pidgey). I don't think Pokémon usually occur on your position this easily, but I used an incense which draws Pokémon to my location for 30 minutes so it's been pretty easy for me. Capturing Pokémon is fairly easy, you just have to throw the ball at them, and it seems like there are a lot of PokéStops and Gyms all over the place. I don't know what either of them do since I haven't been outside to a PokéStop yet, and you need to be Level 5 to access a Gym, but that's cool. Right now, they only have Kanto Pokémon available, but I'm sure they want to expand the Pokémon you can catch in the future, considering there are 731 (?) Pokémon as of X/Y. I'm excited to go and take a shower then go outside and catch me some more Pokémon! My current haul:
« on: June 02, 2016, 14:10 »
A new trailer just went up, showing off the full region design, the new Pokédex, the professor and his assistant, what will probably be your rival, and the 2 box legendaries. Games are looking pretty cool, I especially like the Pokédex design. by which I mean I really like that there's a Rotom in your Pokédex.
« on: February 28, 2016, 14:15 »
Kind of a late post now, but in celebration of the 20th Anniversary, Twitch and The Pokémon Company are teaming up to stream 24 hours of Pokémon Anime content on Twitch.TV. There's somewhere around 10~12 hours left right now, I'm not 100% how much. So far they've shown movies 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, (5, 6 and 7 were skipped for some reason) and they're currently showing the Arceus movie, if anyone is interested. Since there's more time than movies left the expectation is they'll show some iconic anime episodes once they finish the movies. Pretty enjoyable experience watching the films next to Twitch chat.
« on: February 13, 2015, 21:50 »
Hey guys, so we were talking in IRC and we thought it might be cool if we had like a community games night, where we all decide on a game and play it together for a bit. It would hopefully be some sort of weekly or fortnightly event, where every week we have a bit of a discussion about what game we would all play and then we'd play it. The kinds of games we could play could be pretty much everything, but obviously it's best if it's something that is either owned by a lot of people, or free and easy to run/play etc. A few ideas that were thrown about in IRC consisted of stuff like; etc. Would anyone be interested in this? Also feel free to suggest games if you have anything you think might be fun! Discussions:
« on: February 11, 2015, 23:06 »
Hello friends.
In an effort to try and create more content for the site, I've come up with (read "stolen") an idea from elsewhere.
Essentially, every week, the community of PKMN.NET will submit a variety of random Pokémon, complete with EVs, IVs, moves and items in this (or future) topics.
These Pokémon will then be voted on, and the top 6 Pokémon will then be used by me on the Pokémon Showdown OU Ladder (or Ubers if we end up with Uber team members) for about an hour, maybe an hour and a half, in an attempt to get as many wins as possible.
Afterwards we could go over what went well, what didn't go so well, etc.
So basically, if you've ever wanted to see someone try to climb the ladder using the most random, unorthodox, useless Pokémon this side of Kanto, this could be the stream for you.
This entire event would be streamed weekly on my channel (or maybe an official PKMN.NET channel if that's something the admins are interested in?), in an attempt to engage the audience of Twitch and hopefully bring further viewership and new members to the site.
I'm not sure what day I'd like to host the stream on, so if anyone has any preferences feel free to post in this topic and let me know, and I'll try to get it ready for the first stream soon. Any ideas/critique/feedback/questions etc is welcome too.
(also apologies if this isn't the right forum for it but this is what we thought would be best on IRC) (shout out to IRC gang for helping me proof read the OP and stuff and shout out to Inferna for the name)
« on: June 09, 2014, 16:48 »
E3 starts in like 45 minutes (if you ignore the Microsoft Preshow, which starts in 15), so I thought I'd throw down a topic for discussion!
I'm gonna miss the first hour of Microsoft's Conference, but when I get back I'm gonna start updating this post with everything that gets announced, and then I'll try to go back and update everything I missed when I have a chance, for those of you who don't want to watch live.
get #hype
edit: nvm i can't be bothered to post everything they announce but damn there's some cool stuff why aren't you watching
« on: May 07, 2014, 15:17 »
i get home from college and see thisdoes this even go here? i'm not sure BIG HYPE FRIENDS HOENN CONFIRMED WE TRUMPETS NOW i'm stoked Hoenn was p cool even if it was my least favourite gen
« on: March 08, 2014, 14:08 »
Hey guys, I'm in a bit of a pickle, as I've got like 5 hours to EV train 6 Pokémon for a tournament I'm playing in tonight with some friends, and I've not started yet. I've heard that Hordes were really efficient for EV training, but I've not tried Horde EVing yet, so can anyone tell me what the most time efficient Hordes to EV on are, and where I can find them?
Also, with regards to EXP Share; if I kill a horde worth 5EVs in one stat, will EXP Share give each Pokémon in my party 5EVs in that stat, or does it try to divide them up fairly?
Thanks in advance for the help friends~
« on: October 13, 2013, 11:08 »
With X/Y coming out and the fantastic online options, I thought we could maybe do with a friend code megathread, so to speak. Throwdown your friend code so other PKMN.NETers can spam you with "Nice!" and other stuff.
I'll add any that get posted to this post as well, so we can have a nice list for anyone who wants them.
Friend Code / Name / Friend Safari Pokémon
3222-5664-4602 - Del // Grass - Oddish; Gogoat; Swadloon 1547-5283-8177 - Richard & Blaziken // Normal - Minccino; Aipom; Chansey 3566-1602-6874 - RubyRobin // Fighting - Pancham; Tyrogue; Meditite 0817-3787-1917 - JSM // Bug - Combee; Volbeat; ??? 4914-3828-9371 - Chloe_ // Fire - Pyroar; Magmar; Braixen 1220-7211-1708 - Sylar // Rock - Boldore; Pupitar; Barbacle 4055-4058-4803 - King Apple // Poison - Seviper; Swalot; ??? 3823-8902-7730 - Stmacl // Grass - Sawsbuck; Sunkern; ??? 3153-4626-4289 - Webby // Psychic - Abra; Wobbuffet; Xatu 1676-3937-3524 - Xagor // Rock - Barbaracle; Dwebble; Corsola 0576-4288-1770 - b1g // 2852-8056-2853 - Feraligatr Master // Flying - Woobat; Farfetch'd; Tropius 2836-0685-3452 - Turner // Electric - Pikachu; Emolga; ??? 5370-0697-9818 - Zubatman (David) // Dark - Sneasel; Vullaby; Sableye 1564-3227-4196 - Angelic Lapras King // Fighting - Machoke; Throh; ??? 3926-5526-0804 - Rocketmember002 // 1504-5677-0066 - Joeno // Psychic - Munna; Wobbuffet; Xatu 2621-2634-3990 - lugia95 // Ghost - Golurk; Shuppet; Phantump 1736-0527-0604 - Sappy // Ground - Dugtrio; Trapinch; Palpitoad 3969-4578-3405 - Cody999 // Rock - Nosepass; Barbaracle; Onix 2020-0646-3600 - Spriter SR|XL // Ground - Phanpy; Marowak; Diggersby 5198-3212-5531 - ShiraBliss // Steel - Ferroseed; Forretress; Bronzong 3711-7437-7166 - Zinatra // Ice - Beartic; Delibird; ??? 2707-2283-7894 - Kdintranet & Scizau // Ice - Snorunt; Beartic; ??? 1504-6947-9507 - pedanticScientist // Water - Krabby; Quagsire; ??? 0146-9232-7292 - Utack & Swampy // Fighting - Mankey; Pancham; Hariyama 1848-1658-9865 - Alpha Fenrir (Fell) // Flying - Pidgey; Tranquill; Fletchinder 0559-6755-8223 - Reluctant Wailord // Ghost - Shuppet; Pumpkaboo; Golurk 2020-0618-5179 - Innsmouth // Fairy - Spritzee; Kirlia; Floette 4768-7539-9294 - Lottles // Fire - Ponyta; Charmeleon; ??? 4339-2721-0266 - Nilin [Rex's 3DS] // Ice - Bergmite; Snorunt; Cloyster 0989-1720-5758 - Cobalt58 // 2234-8054-4355 - Clairefable // Ice - Delibird; Beartic; Piloswine 0344-9270-9498 - Specstile // 2638-0810-1005 - Shaymin // Flying - Woobat; Farfetch'd; Hawlucha 0189-8980-3790 - umbreon#100 // Rock - Pupitar; Dwebble; ??? 1392-4780-2443 - Legacy (Nate) // Grass - Ivysaur; Pansage; Quilladin 3153-4362-0855 - ZD|Wattmole // 4382-1992-1512 - Mew King // Ice - Snover; Bergmite; Dewgong 5429-8081-2545 - Bluffy // Fighting - Machoke; Sawk; ??? 3609-1927-4940 - MonsterMon64 // Flying - Hoothoot; Farfetch'd; Tropius 2251-4113-3701 - Normandy // Rock - Dwebble; Onix; Rhyhorn 4382-2308-6664 - Evilspike // Normal - Minccino; Teddiursa; Eevee 1375-8550-1401 - Inferna // Poison - Kakuna; Garbodor; Muk 1435-3667-4205 - SapphireTrainerDaz // 1134-7488-3088 - Fiery Rapidash (Cara) // 4012-4520-4187 - DragonOfTheDepths // Grass - Gogoat; Swadloon; Tangla 5215-0720-2301 - GoldenShroomish // Dragon - Shelgon; Fraxure; ??? 0559-7653-0078 - XionPixel // Psychic - Grumpig; Wobbuffet; ??? 4785-5800-7893 - Levitress (Levi) // Water - Gyrados; Azumarill; Octillery 2337-4427-9708 - Awkward Squirtle (Cam) // Grass - Sunkern; Maractus; Ivysaur 0705-3172-9293 - fizzwizz (Gunner) // Normal - Eevee; Loudred; Aipom 0103-9343-0785 - Poison2007 // Ground - Dugtrio; Wooper; Gastrodon 1435-4013-1487 - Lion Demon // Dark - Mightyena; Crawdawnt; Liepard 0602-6661-8443 - ShinyBlaziken2000 // Water - Panpour; Gyrados; Azumarill 4785-4984-9498 - Petzbreeder 3DS (Brally) // Ice - Delibird; Bergmite; Dewgong 0061-1448-7939 - Petzbreeder 3DSXL (BrallyXL) // Ice - Snover; Sneasel; Lapras 3067-7022-9555 - Petzbreeder 3DS 2 (Brally VC) // Ice(?) - Spheal; Sneasel; ??? 4425-1916-5385 - Aeduuard // 3153-5326-7600 - Scizorite // Dark - Vullaby; Cacturne; ??? 1220-7703-4182 - SenorSaucy // 5000-3394-7718 - BronySpriter // Grass - Maractus; Pansage; Sawsbuck 1263-7190-3781 - Moonfang1313 // Water(?) - ???; ???; ??? 0662-4252-5821 - aMartini607 (Austin) // Ground - Phanpy; Marowak; Gastrodon 1005–9223–6341 - TinyStarrable // Fire - Charmeleon; Growlithe; Braxien 1418-6798-1465 - delicious_scout // Ground - Sandshrew; Nincada; Diggersby 1160-9737-9152 - Captain Jigglypuff (Akuma) // Poison - Seviper; Ariados; Toxicroak 4570-8700-7129 - Zell (Squigeon) // 1461-6243-5395 - Dense Macabre // Steel - Klefki; ???; ??? 2895-7424-4591 - ShinyNinetales // Ground(?) - ???; ???; ??? 3351-4084-7638 - inskyninja // 4871-5085-3570 - Lucario. // 2020-0083-7006 - Catstorm // Bug - Paras; Beautifly; Venomoth 2621-3543-5368 - Hahex & Oshawott // Grass - Ivysaur; Tangla; ??? 3067-6449-6265 - Raphetty // Fighting - Meditite; Throh; Tyrouge 4382-2131-6400 - Dragoncat // Ground - Trapinch; Numel; Diggersby 1134-7578-7168 - Crymzon // Water - Krabby; Wartortle; Azumarill 4914-4614-7912 - .~.Nellie.~. (Nellie) // Flying - Spearow; Tropius; Tranquil 1246-8818-4577 - Gusparce // 2423-4185-6128 - Milla Maxwell // 1891-1729-2600 - Arbiter // Rock - Dwebble; Pupitar; Barbacle 0516-7288-3631 - InverseRatio // Bug - Heracross; Combee; Volbeat 0490-5829-1722 - The Wroth // Poison - Kakuna; Swalot; ??? 5069-4855-2440 - yukithewhitewolf (Matt) // 4141-2478-4361 - Neotenens (Cole) // Ghost - Phantump; Spiritomb; ??? 4527-9852-9846 - Kpyna // 0361-7548-3648 - winterbane // 3282-5166-7532 - LeafAngel2 // 0147-1792-4383 - JPika (Senpai ; 3) // 2294-7713-7037 - Jewfishprime // 4614-0547-6309 - MangaDragon 1 // 0301-9829-2277 - MangaDragon 2 //
« on: March 21, 2013, 12:22 »
Pretty self explanatory, but what new albums/EPs are you guys looking forward to?
Personally, I'm looking forward to;
The Story So Far - What You Don't See Senses Fail - Renancer Bring Me The Horizon - Sempiternal [even though it leaked ages ago]
I'm sure there are some more albums I'm not thinking of right now, but those are the main ones for me.
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