Pokémon Games > Battle Revolution, Colosseum and XD

these games are boring :P

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I like the games but after a while it gets so boring that its funnier to watch grass grow. I always try to make them funnier with new teams or only one type off pokemon but it is still super boring why is these games the worst in the history off pokemon? is there anyway to make em funnier?

I don't think they are boring.

and my opinion is the only one that matters.

You must be mad about the 3D, right? Understandable.
Hell, I remember back in the days of the N64...Those were the days eh...
Those were the days you could actually see the details of the polygons! Now all the graphics were fangled and mixed and cleaned to make it all seem real. Feh!


--- Quote from: Apprentice on February 25, 2011, 17:04 ---Those were the days you could actually see the details of the polygons! Now all the graphics were fangled and mixed and cleaned to make it all seem real. Feh!

--- End quote ---

You mean the days where the rendering was so bad on humans that it was hard to tell the difference between a forehead and a nose. Those were the days ^^

I still got my 64 i is actually fun to play. I also got my super nintendo witch is the best Nintendo game ever. XD


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