Pokémon Games > Games General
So, to those people out there who do nickname their Pokemon, what are your favourite nicknames you've used? Why did you pick them? Do they have a meaning?
Here are a few of mine:
Samurott - Tirradya (Teer-Ad-Ya) - Female
Tirranna means Water, and Adya means First. Samurott was my first Pokemon on White 2, and is a Water Type Pokemon. I think it sounds really nice ;)
Reuniclus - Echoplasm (Echo-Plasm) - Male
I thought that Reuniclus looks like a single being inside a bigger copy of itself. This reminded me of an echo because an echo is a copy of a sound repeated over and over. Plasm comes from cytoplasm.
Sawsbuck - Horae (Oh-Ray) - Female
Horae means Goddess of the Seasons. Sawsbuck changes with the seasons and I thought it was fitting.
Ferrothorn - Acacia (Ak-Ah-See-Ah) - Female
Acacia means thorny. I thought it was a simple, feminine name that describe Ferrothorn perfectly.
Scrafty - Kerina (Care-Ee-Na) - Female
Keri means dark, and Dina means warrior. I fused them together to make Kerina, meaning dark warrior, which describes Scrafty's Dark/Fighting type.
Mamoswine - Adarilei (Ad-Ah-Ril-Ay) - Female (Shiny Pokemon)
Ada is taken from Adana meaning Earth. Ril is taken from Amarilla, meaning Shiny, and is like Amarillo, which is yellow in Spanish (Shiny Mamoswine is yellow). Ei is taken from Eira which means snow.
My nicknames usually take a long time to decide on because I like to play around with different names and see how they sound together... Do you like simple nicknames or complex ones?
I don't nickname my Pokémon very often, but when I do, I usually just use the names of my friends, because I'm incredibly uncreative. I always feel kind of bad when I don't nickname them though, so maybe I'll start.
I don't really have any favourite nicknames due to my aforementioned inability to be creative. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
--- Quote from: TidesOfDel on August 26, 2013, 22:31 --- I usually just use the names of my friends, because I'm incredibly uncreative.
--- End quote ---
This is why Umbreon is now called Nathan for me. I think it suits him very well :yeswink:
Ray the Hydreigon.
Ollie the Omastar
Gunny the Typhlosion
Pepe the Scolipede
Bitsy the Zebstrika
Nero the Nidoking.
Volbeat - DeadButRising
(Please tell me someone gets the joke!)
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