Pokémon Games > Games General

5 days till XY, 5 gens to play.

(1/5) > >>

Okay, title is slightly wrong... But Ill explain... After a conversation with Nate on Skype, we came up with the idea of playing a game from each generation over this week, up until Saturday, when gen VI is released!

So, we wanted to get as many pkmn members playing the games as we can over this week. The rules were using are simple:
-> 1 game a day. If you finish, you can't start the next.
-> If you don't finish, you can't carry on till the next day, you've just sort of 'got to where you got'
-> You don't need to do generators in order.

So, is anyone else joining us? Granted, we'll likely fail, but it gets our minds off of gen VI's close, but ages away, release!

This obviously starts on Monday xD

Richard and Blaziken:
I would have joined this if I hadn't already been doing it for the past 2 weeks... *looks over 3 successful Nuzlockes with 1 in progress*

Good luck to you guys though! ^^;

Thanks! And same to you, nuzlocking each game sounds hard!

Mr. Apple:

--- Quote from: Richard and Blaziken on October 06, 2013, 13:05 ---I would have joined this if I hadn't already been doing it for the past 2 weeks... *looks over 3 successful Nuzlockes with 1 in progress*

Good luck to you guys though! ^^;

--- End quote ---
had the same idea, just didnt follow through with it...
but yeah, good luck!

Hahex and Oshawott:
aah that's such a good idea! i'm definitely going to do that if i can find the time.
although I don't know if i can finish the game in a day, I can at least see how far I''ll get


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