Other Pokemon > Fake Whatever
Design a pokeball!
Thief Ball
Has the catch rate of a Great Ball. Even if it fails, it steals the wild Pokemon's held item, which is sent to the bag
Meowstic Royalty:
Revival Ball
Allows the user to take a chance to capture a fainted Pokemon. Costs a ridiculous amount of money to combat how useful it can be.
When this Pokeball makes contact, a jack-in-the-box pops out and deals damage to the wild Pokemon before pulling it into the ball. Like a Timer Ball, the catch rate increases with the passing of turns.
Cherish Ball
A special PokeBall for catching Mythical Pokemon.
Legend Ball
A special PokeBall for catching Legendary Pokemon.
Dark Ball
Turns your Pokemon into a shadow Pokemon when you capture it.
Unlevel Ball
Decreases the caught Pokemon to Level 1.
Light Ball
A somewhat different ball that works better during daytime or in bright places.
Random Ball
A somewhat different Ball that randomly chooses the effect of any other PokeBall and becomes that PokeBall if the catch is successful.
Speed Ball
A somewhat different PokeBall that guarantees capture on a roaming Pokemon.
Reverse Ball
A strange ball that works better when the target's HP is high.
Sparkle Ball
Copies the Pokemon's color scheme when it catches the Pokemon.
Hisuian Snow:
Distortion Ball
Found only once in the Distortion World (DPP, BDSP), and many times in Space-Time Warps (Legends: Arceus)
Works well on Pokemon found in the Distortion World and the Space-Time Warps (10x catch rate multiplier), but not as well on other pokemon (0.1x catch rate multiplier).
Design is similar to the Moon Ball in color, but with a purple/dark red on the bottom half.
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