Misc > Role Play
Role Play Thread
sans the skeleton:
if you need some help let me know, my dude
The name master:
Since I suck so much, OK.
The Hooded Trainer:
Personally my suggestion would be to participate in someone elses rp before trying to start your own. Itd give you a good chance to see how things are typically done, and itd be a good chance for you to practice your writing too.
The name master:
--- Quote from: The Hooded Trainer on October 04, 2016, 15:16 ---Personally my suggestion would be to participate in someone elses rp before trying to start your own. Itd give you a good chance to see how things are typically done, and itd be a good chance for you to practice your writing too.
--- End quote ---
I would, but I'm worried I'd post the wrong thing or something, then everyone would be nasty about it!
The Hooded Trainer:
Nah, i doubt thatd happen. Its kinda difficult to go wrong in rps, as long as you know the basic rules. Id suggest checking out the role play faq topic here, its probably a good place to start.
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