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Messages - lets all go out for some frosty chocolate milkshakes

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Random Randomness / Re: Nostalgia Thread
« on: August 28, 2021, 16:53 »
congrats to hrh dr lord raven!!! what did you do your thesis about???? if its ok to ask

How did you disable your signature?

It's a bit random for a mod to do that!

secret benefits on the forum if you do a doctorate, you permenantly exchange your sig for forbidden powers

Random Randomness / Re: Nostalgia Thread
« on: May 02, 2021, 14:57 »
I regret that I was never a part of this community while it was in its prime. That said, though, I still have a level of nostalgia for this place despite never properly being a part of it.

latecomer fully iunto the regretablly laconic phase of my posting career speakin to say that u participate in ur own way imo even if its like. bein from a distance?????? as long as u enjoyed ur time near or around the place thats what matters!!!

Your Art / Re: A poem about Klara
« on: May 02, 2021, 14:54 »
sorry for the super late post, still havent played sword/shield/isle of armor etc so had to look up klara (sorry about that orz) but neat poem!!!!!!!! hope ur art group liked it as well

General Pokémon Discussion / Re: Peoples fave pokemon games?
« on: November 13, 2020, 15:04 »
if i HAD to choose mainline despite the really disappointing ULTRA CHANGES!!!! (except cool new lunala, ie my cool avatar) its USUM........if i can choose whatever i want its the............

.........tcg game on the gbc. i cant post emoji for some stupid reason but pretend i posted the expaserated one here.

"i wish i had played it yet so i could say its my fave but i will oneday b/c every1 goes on about them a lot, because it was when they made good spinoffs and not stupid gacha apps" commendations go to colleseum/xd/ranger

first off sorry for the huge post and a lot to read. i am still learnding so definitely not a doctor/expert/qualified physio etc etc etc and can only mix what i know and do and have and have encountered and so w that disclaimer out the way!

a) i dont know if you could use stretching advice from an MS society website, the uk one had too many people standing but the american (?) one has a couple of leaflets (apologies for link straight to PDFs) handout for active exercises (by yourself) and a handout for passive exercises (with a helper if you can get someone to help). ignore the "for people with MS" if you dont have MS obvs but its more about the actual stretches and instructions. this sort of gentle balance and mobilisation-ish type stuff aimed at reducing muscle spasms and pain and helping keep balance in neurological disturbance generally altho theres some active or passive leg/hip/back stuff in there. this is what i guess is Introduction stuff for if youre real new to stretches or if the yoga stuff takes your body by surprise/ramps up your symptoms some. 

b) this is a wild guess but you may need some form of upper leg exercises on the regimen somehow anyway (as gently as you can at first!) like in this video. the body is a bit crap at telling where pain generally is sometimes (referred pain) and it can sometimes come from stiff hip flexors etc instead of the back too. if you find it a bit hard to keep hold of the leg idk if you do the towel round the leg/foot it and hold both ends of the towel to pull it up thing? i'm sure you can get like silicone bands or something for that. anyway definitely things like hamstring stretches etc with using the hands for sure!!

c) absolutely also know your limits with the stretches! you'll get to a point with it where your body is like "ok thats my limit!" and if its too much, ease it off, occasionally with practice you'll feel that limit shift a bit and you can go a bit further into the stretch but never push it HARD like. i dont know if this makes sense and sounds dumb but as long as youre patient and let your muscles dictate how they want to loosen you can sometimes get it stretched proper out and feel ok after. like you'll ~feel~ the give in the muscles and then you can push further, you shouldnt force it. i dont know if this is worth its own point but i used to do myself so many mischiefs because i was a bit impatient and "no pain no gain" wioth it sometimes

d) as far as actual yoga poses (sorry i took so long to get here lol) as far as poses i tend to like for that area, i wish i had more of my hip/back faves to report!!! and apologies in advance if none of these work but i would say

- cobra!!!!: dont know if this one will be too tight but if your top strength is good then definitely this one just gos the legs can just do whatever
- childs pose????: might be a bit difficult to get the legs in place but im trying to think folded up downward dog principles (usually downard dog does the back but super difficult to hold! idk why. if you fold downward dog up onto the floor you kind of get childs pose which is a Recovery pose anyway) i tend to have my knees facing just a tad diagonally out so i feel a bit of a stretch in the inner thigh area but apologies if this one is too difficult
- twisted belly pose A??? (jathara Parivartanasana is the fancy name cos its hard to find the exact one): dont worry too much about having the knees and legs up in the air bit they say in the beginning, i never do! try to just gently settle into the final pose any way you can cos i find its more about reaaaaaaaaallly geeeeeeently opening the hips up with the twist.
- locust pose: dont worry about getting the lower half if you can't, my fat ass and meloncrushing thighs means i cant keep my legs together like they do in the picture anyway so they kind of splay outwards. its more about trying to use your trunk strenth to raise your body instead of your arms like in cobra pose.
im not sure of the super super finer details of the mobility so soz if ive overestimated but idk if theres any local mobility aware yoga groups or disability places with yoga/tai chi/pilates group stuff too?

e) also, if you can somehow find some small weights, DEFINITELY consider bent over rows (best video i could find for chair ones, obvs be careful to take the precautions not to fall out!) but mild weights i find is REALLY good for getting some of the stiffness out of the muscles sometimes. i suggest Bent Over Rows specifically cos theyre a good lower back targeting exercise and if you dont have any weights to hand then water bottles or any heavy objects do as starters. if you do both arms at once thats the bent over row and if you do one arm they sometimes call it a "lawnmower" (lawnmower cord pulling, you know).

those tough 50p shopping bags full with water bottles are good for when you graduate from 1 water bottle (i will only buy Proper Weights when i graduate from water bottles imo) but you can general trawl youtube for some good mild wheelchair weights exercises for the lower back cos depending on how the gentle stretch ---> yoga ---> ???? fares for you then resistance training of some kind will also help imo cos after the recovery phase idk about anyone else but it just oils the joints up real good!!!

f) obvs also not my business but this is just me doing my thing of best practice obligation and wildly estimates your local councils abilities i guess, do you have any adaptions and equipment people/District Nurse people who visit for anyhing you could also mention this to???? theyre also a good first port of call for literally this sort of thing and i only ask cos theres a possibility they can actually refer you to ppl like the physio or orthotics or PTs etc who there MAY be a posibillity can arrange some equipment to use. GPs are always too tired and stressed and just want to give you painkillers always so try to go via district nurses/health visitors etc instead if your gp is being a bit difficult.

if youve gone thru this already and its not avaliable then disregard but there is definitely a surprising range of people to be referred to for this sort of thing. i mean none of this happens very fast of course! itll take aa few months and itll be happening even slower cos of covid but its something to at least get the ball rolling on and possibly free equipment

anyway yeh!!!!!! hth!!!!!!!!! good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!

Random Randomness / Re: first world problems
« on: February 01, 2020, 21:44 »
People with autism (and me, though I'm not entirely sure if I'm on the spectrum) believe that inanimate objects have a personality and feelings. How would you feel if you woke up one day and were told that you no longer have a purpose in life?

laptop society has this thing where a little bit of the old laptop lives anew in the new laptop. if you dont have a laptop when the old one has to be decommisioned it just jumps into the tv or into a watch or a clock or whatever, anything mechanical* which aint currently awake yet will do and then its friends with the other stuff in the house. this is true cos i did science at uni

*if its the sabbath or youre amish it jumps into like the door or a piece of fruit hence the famous computer The Apple

Random Randomness / Re: first world problems
« on: December 12, 2019, 19:35 »
What I find annoying is that the front page hasn’t been updated since ORAS came out. Literally two Generations have occurred with the latest just starting and we still have a Gen VI game being called “the latest games.” Everything on this site is dead. Sometimes I don’t even know why I bother to see if anything new has happened because of how inactive everything is.

natalie portman just called me and said shes going to update the site just for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Random Randomness / Re: first world problems
« on: November 28, 2019, 16:23 »
People don't use the forum much these days.

I still do, but people don't usually reply.

i barely post (all i want to post about rn is shin megami tensei and bulbs/seeds and its like. ahhhh im a recluse) but i am glad for the small number of posters that still post here on the reg with life updates. its hard to sound earnest on the internet these days i guess but its like. really warming inside somehow to see it?????? its hard to express but i hope you get what i mean.

Random Randomness / Re: Everyday Accomplishments
« on: September 07, 2019, 21:07 »
finally took time off for once.............. im not as bad as i was in my last job where id occasionally work my holiday to get double pay but holy schmoley its so hard to practise.

its nice tho even if i fudged up going outside every single day and id like to do it again in the future. please write "TAKE TIME OFF" on the biusiness end of a hammer someone, and point at it regularly threateningly. so i will ifnally get the concept

anyway thnaks for reading my post,

PKMN.NET / Re: What is with the Name Rater's new ratings?
« on: August 13, 2019, 17:07 »
|  free at last thank you bread       |
|  now  i can go to PKMN fan club    |
|                                            |
 \  /----------------------------

PKMN.NET / Re: What is with the Name Rater's new ratings?
« on: August 11, 2019, 14:55 »
charlotte is name raters ex. its................................complicated. he probablky wont stop answering them like this for about 4 weeks so we might as well sit this one out

Random Randomness / Re: Everyday Accomplishments
« on: July 14, 2019, 20:14 »
*Checks Shaymin's age*

You're nowhere near 84 years old!

Why did you say that?

she used cheat codes to travel through time but it timelocks and delays stuff you actually want like it does in animal crossing

Random Randomness / Re: Everyday Accomplishments
« on: March 05, 2019, 19:26 »
The job I'd like has fitness requirements and I'd never be able to pass them with the way I am right now lol.

wait youjre not like. going to join mi5 or something like that are you? im trying to think of fitness requirement jobs and i cant think of any nd frankly its making me exhausted just thinking about it

Random Randomness / Re: first world problems
« on: January 07, 2019, 21:05 »
thanks for reading my blog post everyone ^____^

it was a cool blog post. i dont know if this is a good thing to say to this because i dont really Get Things lol but i liked reading it and its always good to see u!!!!! im thinking most of that post is hopefully good stuff moving away from bad stuff and if not i will like put flowers in my cauldron and spell it good, either way it will be a regenerative and positive Imbolc, so mote it be,

have you joined USDAW or your job's equivalent????....if ur wages are thick enough i guess but yeh ppl there will not let you know about it or yell about it a lot b/c it directly contravenes managements mission statement which is "boss people around and be power thrills the mall cop.".

im trying to do a lot less of my huuuuggeee aggressively unsolicited advice posts at people these days after they post stuff cos elsewhere on the internet ive picked up its an annoying thing, & im trying to keep it brief if i do, but in this case i have to ask cos i made a bunch of mistakes in my ~7 year retail career and i wanna be like "noooooooo" all bodyguard diving to save ppl, rather than me just sit here and turn into sasuke burnout of retail instead. so yeh apologies for being lefty pinko belly beth a bit

(sips gin loudly while holding the bottle so you know its gin im drinking and not water or vodka or some other prole drink) this guys just mad that he didnt really "get" neutral milk hotel's music (chuckles smugly) if he even knows who that is (sips gin louder than before)

milsap drinks strongbow shandies foreverially, permenant palete of a 14 year old and loving it, as he has his lynx africa deoderant that he eats for dinner,

life is stressful again
I’m coming to the end of my First Real Job next month and need to start looking for a new one but I can’t decide what I wanna do with my life. I’ve been in this nice lil happy bubble for the past year and now it’s going to pop.
part of me wants to go back and do a masters in something design related but another part just wants to get a job and keep climbing that ladder!!
The problem is my self esteem/confidence etc etc is awful just now so it’s putting me off even applying for anything in the first place (i have had emoji posting privelidges revoked for some reason so soz for taking it out of this post)
like on the plus side I’ve designed so much in the past year and def have enough to fill and revamp my portfolio, it’s just... fear I guess???

anyways I’d forgotten I was still even on this site and haven’t posted for like 2 years

hello im glad to see youre still about!!!!! i hope apart from the other stuff youre doing ok,

im still trying really hard not to do the Unwarranted Advice thing from above but i want to say you could possibly try speaking to MIND if you havent done already if headstuff is Proper gettin in the way of ur next step. there might be some Work charities like ones that help you get to work if you have X nerd problem or whatever locally???? idk if MIND would know or ur local council directory would have them. but in case that was a thing you might feel you need.

anyway yeh just do ur best and the good triple goddess will provide!!!! i believe in u

Random Randomness / Re: first world problems
« on: January 04, 2019, 18:50 »
Could imagine reddit drinking them even tho it's rank to try and display the prowess of their palette to other redditors ngl like the Rick and Morty memes about requiring a certain IQ to understand the subtle humour.

lmao the reddit drinking community

dude with seborrheic dermatitis beard hair: hey bros, finished my toenail schnapps. tasting notes......aged gouda, cold sore scabs, pizza hut oil spray,....
reddit community: oh how innovate (upvote upvote)
some girl with like a zelda username: hey guys is it too late to add some light malt and hops when 1º is done? forgot to add them and want bit more of a bigger FG. its a toucan coopers canadian golden but wanting to add 1kg of light malt and 20g of fuggles if poss
reddit community: UGH IF YOU DONT KNOW WHY ARE YOU BOTHERING TO BREW. (downvote downvote)   

Lowkey always figured that IPAs were like the pumpkin spice drink memes but for dudes aha never touched them tho they look too hipster to me.

 hey yeh!!!!!!!!!! you make a good point, they literally are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! people dunk on the pumpkin spice ppl (including me) but "corn and plum" IPAs are literally no different!!!! they just get away with it for the usual obvious reasons,
oof never tried lemonade! People get it with brandy a lot but it could be a neat lil combo there. The last time I used ginger ale as a mixer was the time when I finished an entire bottle of a Jim Beam copy and it just hurts to think about aha.

lmao what was worse the fact it was an entire bottle or that it was Jim Bean. or both

Yee the skittles vodka sounds really fun ngl with all the snazzy bottles but they've done a truckload of gins now to keep up with the craze like there's parmaviolets, turkish delight, marshmallow, and loads more now but the parmaviolets one is really good

man what even makes a gin??????? is it just a bunch of botanicals?????? internet says that juniper has to be an ingredient but i seen ppl just make any old flower and call it gin?

lol speaking of, i made this kind of lavender/vanilla/honey faux-gin thing for me mam for a present but it developed this dark green gunk at the bottom (possibly waxes or amino acids from the honey) and it was totally ungiftable looking as a resullt despite tastin nice, well i thought anyway.
also green gunk ghost notwithstanding it smelt like some sorta fruity eau de parfum and it was kind of like being an alcoholic in the harrods cologne aisle or something despite the nice taste so its just sat in my cupboard for a year lol. and i got so depressed about it i havent tried anything since,

My mum like to make something called bubble and squeak. I refuse to eat it.

The reason I refuse to eat it is because as soon as someone mentions it, I imagine a mouse that has been poisoned to death by being force fed washing powder!

yah thats the secret ingredient, hence the latin motto for bubble and squeak: "mickey persil foie gras"

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