General Category > General Pokémon Discussion

Pokedex entries


1. Which is your favourite Pokedex entry? (say the name of the Pokémon and from which game it is or just copy-paste it)
2. Which do you thng are the most disturbing Pokedex entries?
3. Which is the worst Pokedex entry?
4. Mention other Pokedex entries that you thing are interesting...

I'm goning to post mine soon...

Est-ce que je veux vraiment savoir comment scanner le site et que la plupart des informations à ce sujet sont suffisantes à expliquer?


--- Quote from: LeoNorton on November 23, 2018, 03:19 ---Est-ce que je veux vraiment savoir comment scanner le site et que la plupart des informations à ce sujet sont suffisantes à expliquer?

--- End quote ---

stop speaking chinese. we speak english here.

All the problems I've encountered May end by seeking knowledge from this post.


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