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Name Rater Too Backed Up

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I actually made my account on this site specifically to submit names to the name rater, I'm not a little kid I just have name ideas that I really want to share, he may decide to flame me, but there are some names that I have noticed he liked and I wanted to see if mine sucked or not. Anyway I've tried to submit before but every time it says he isn't accepting submissions. I guess there's not really anything anyone can say, I just wanted to express that I hope he starts accepting submissions again soon.

too be honset, we're probably not feeding the Name Rater enough, we've decided to give him a Pot Noodle per 100 names rated~

I put names on here as soon as I got on here, and the names still haven't been rated! grrr :mad:

The name rater has a life and other things to do other than rating nicknames! Be patient because he has LOADS of other nicks to do!


--- Quote from: Liam on September 17, 2011, 15:35 ---The name rater has a life and other things to do other than rating nicknames! Be patient because he has LOADS of other nicks to do!

--- End quote ---
Yes, I realize that Liam, but it can't possibly ake that long to make fun of someone. Of course I would!  :tongue2:


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