Pokémon Games > Sun and Moon
Another Sun/Moon Trailer
here! We get to see more pokemon such as an angry pinata
the same pinata, opened
here's the art for it
It seems to be Electric/Fairy?
and a new friend, s q u a r e b u g, definitely bug/electric
it evolves into something shaped less like a friend
nintendo what the hell is this
???????? normal dragon or maybe steel dragon i believe
but wait there's more
beautiful water/psychic fish
the mosquito you've been waiting for (are u kidding me this is rly cute) and it's bug fairy
O R B M O U S E. him round. electric normal i think
zygardes crazy new forme makes a show
and that's it for our new shiny pokemon. discuss which ones are the best and which ones the freaking fISH suck
Yes, because a battery with mandibles is shaped like a friend xD. Guess friends do come in different shapes.
The mosquito, angry pinata and orbmouse look awesome though.
i like the mosquito, dragon, and the scary bug
i don't like the fish but im hoping its the first form of something more awesome which is ok with me
Omg Drampa I am in love. It's ridiculous.
sans the skeleton:
i absolutely despise the squarebug's evolution but the angry pinata/tiki doll is cute. i love the mosquito too. also the dragon is normal/dragon confirmed and people think it may have a tie to dunsparence. idk if thatll be true though, im just not a fan. might give me reason to actually use dunsparence this time though?
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